Designation : Assistant Professor
Official Address : Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala – 686532
Education (highest qualification) : B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D (Pursuing)
Mobile : 9539565445, 8075266802
Email : arjun.v@saintgits.org , arjunvenu.me@gmail.com
Professional Experience In Teaching : 5 Years
Experience In Research : 2 year
International Peer Reviewed Journals – 5, International/National Conferences – 12
International Peer Reviewed Journals – 5
- Arjun Venugopal, Basil George Thomas, Jacob T Varghese et al., “Nano Enhanced Phase Change Material for Thermal Comfort at Skull and Environment Interface in Riding Helmets: an Experimental Investigation”, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 50 (2022). DOI:10.1016/j.est.2022.104332. ISSN: 2352-152X, Impact Factor – 8.907.
- Jacob T Varghese, Sajan Thomas, Arjun Venugopal et al., “Airborne Acoustic Transmission and Terrain Topography at SAINTGITS Amphitheatre: An Analysis of Outdoor Auditory Perception and Comparison of Contour Plots”, Sound & Vibration, 56(3) (2022), 255-274. DOI:10.32604/sv.2022.016180.
- Arjun Venugopal, Parvathy Venugopal, Basil George Thomas, Chacko Preno Koshy, Jacob T Varghese, “Numerical Study on Aluminium 5056 Alloy Hexagonal Honeycomb Cells as a Possible Material for Energy Absorption during Vehicle Crash”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Springer, 2022 (Under Review). Impact Factor – 1.5.
- Venkitaraj KP, Arjun Venugopal , S.Suresh, “Experimental Study on Thermal Performance of Nano Enhanced Pentaerythritol in IC engine Exhaust Heat Recovery application”, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 137 (2018), 461-474. DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.03.062, ISSN: 1359-4311, Impact Factor – 6.465.
- Venkitaraj KP, Arjun Venugopal, S.Suresh et al., “Pentaerythritol with Alumina Nano Additives for Thermal Energy Storage Applications”, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.13 (2017), 359 – 377. DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2017.08.002, ISSN: 2352-152X, Impact Factor – 8.907.
International/National Conferences- 12
- Arjun Venugopal et al., “Numerical Study on Heat Transfer through Modified Rectangular Fins using ANSYS Fluent”, International ISHMT-ASTFE “Heat and Mass Transfer” Conference– IHMTC-21, IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (2021).
- Arjun Venugopal et al., “Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings: A Comprehensive Review”, An International Virtual Tribology Conference under the aegis of Tribology Society of India (TSI) – TRIBOINDIA 2021, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam, Kerala, India (2021).
- Arjun Venugopal et al., “Nano Enhanced PCM for Thermal Comfort in Riding Helmets”, National Conference on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering” – NCAME-20, Mar Baselios College of Engineering Peermade, Kerala, (2020).
- Arjun Venugopal et al., “Thermal Cycling Stability and Heat Storage Performance Analysis of Organic Neopentyl glycol PCM for Electronic Cooling”, National Conference on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering” – NCAME-20, Mar Baselios College of Engineering Peermade, Kerala, (2020).
- Arjun Venugopal et al., “PCM as a possible material for building cooling applications”, International Conference on “Sustainable Innovations in Civil & Mechanical Engineering”, ICSICM-19, Mangalam College of Engineering Kottayam, Kerala, (2019).
- Arjun Venugopal, Venkitaraj KP (2017), “Temperature-History Method For Measuring The Thermal Properties Of Pentaerythritol PCM Added With Al2O3 Nanoparticle”, National Conference on “Latest trends in Mechanical Engineering” – NCLTME-17, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, Kerala, pp.234- 240.
- Arjun Venugopal, Venkitaraj KP et al. (2017), “Analysis of Thermal Characteristics of Nanoenhanced N-Eicosane using T-History Method”, National Conference on “Latest trends in Mechanical Engineering” – NCLTME-17, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, Kerala, pp.188- 193.
- Arjun Venugopal, Venkitaraj KP, Sreeju C Nair (2017), “Thermal Cycling Characterization study of Nanoenhanced NeoPentylGlycol(NPG) Using DSC & TGA”, National Conference on “Latest trends in Mechanical Engineering” – NCLTME-17, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, Kerala, pp.241- 247.
- Arjun Venugopal, Venkitaraj KP et al. (2017), “Thermal Property Measurement of Pentaglycerine PCM added with TiO2 Nanoparticle using Temperature History Method ”, National Conference on “Latest trends in Mechanical Engineering” – NCLTME-17, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, Kerala, pp.248- 254.
- Arjun Venugopal, SujithKumar P (2017), “Parametric study on energy absorption capability of honeycomb cells”, National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Thermal and Mechanical Engineering -NCRITME’17, College of Engineering Adoor, Kerala, pp.128- 134.
- Arjun Venugopal, Venkitaraj KP et al. (2017), “A Review on waste heat recovery & thermal energy storage in IC engines using PCM ” National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Thermal and Mechanical Engineering -NCRITME’17, College of Engineering Adoor, Kerala,pp.246- 249.
- Arjun Venugopal, SujithKumar P (2015), “Analytical study on energy absorption capability of honeycomb cells during vehicle crashing ”, National Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Engineering – NCET’15, Musliar College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, ISBN No: 9788192331393, pp:40-44.
Patents Granted – 3, Patents Published – 1
Patents Granted:
- Arjun Venugopal et al., (2021), “A SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC CONTACTLESS OPENING OF ENTRANCE AND A METHOD THEREOF”, Patent No: 2021101344, (International), Status: Granted by Australian IPR.
- Arjun Venugopal et al., (2021), “A SIMULATION BASED METHODOLOGY TO ANALYSE THE AIRBORNE ACOUSTIC TRANSMISSION IN A BUILT ENVIRONMENT”, Patent No: 2021105804, (International), Status: Granted by Australian IPR.
- Arjun Venugopal et al., (2021), “A NOVEL METHOD FOR ENHANCED COOLING IN AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM USING CRYOGENIC FLUID”, Patent No: 2021102260, (International), Status: Published by Australian IPR.
Patents Published:
- Arjun Venugopal et al., (2021), “CRYOGENIC INCORPORATED MODIFIED AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM”, Patent No: 202141017655, (Indian), Status: Published by Indian IPR.
- International ISHMT-ASTFE “Heat and Mass Transfer” Conference – IHMTC-21, IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (2021).
- An International Virtual Tribology Conference under the aegis of Tribology Society of India (TSI) – TRIBOINDIA 2021, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam, Kerala, India (2021).
- National Conference on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering” – NCAME-20, Mar Baselios College of Engineering Peermade, Kerala, 2020.
- AICTE Sponsored 8 Week Faculty Development Programme on “Convective Heat Transfer”, July- October 2019, Organized by IISc Bangalore.
- International Conference on “Sustainable Innovations in Civil & Mechanical Engineering”, ICSICM-19, Mangalam College of Engineering Kottayam, Kerala, 2019.
- APJAKTU Sponsored Faculty Development Program on Renewable Energy Conversion & Management at SAINTGITS College of Engineering on 23-27 April 2018.
- 47th ISTE National Annual Convention, Saintgits College of Engineering, January 27-29, 2018.
- National Conference on “Latest trends in Mechanical Engineering” – NCLTME-17, March 23-25, 2017, held at NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 2 Days Workshop on “ANSYS FLUENT”, February 18-19, 2017 held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Thermal and Mechanical Engineering -NCRITME’17, January 12-13, 2017”, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative Materials for Thermal Energy Storage”, December 19- 23, 2016, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Engineering Applications of Finite Element Methods”, December 5- 9, 2016, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Aerospace Engineering- Theory and Applications”, March 18- 23, 2016, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “State of the Art of Solar Energy Technologies”, February 22- 26, 2016, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 3 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies”, January 28- 30 , 2016, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, January 11- 15 , 2016, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Green Nanotechnology in Material Engineering & Energy Applications”, December 15- 19 , 2015, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology”, November 16- 20 , 2015, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- TEQIP II Sponsored 3 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Hazards Pozed by E-Waste” & Comprehensive Waste Management, October 26- 28 , 2015, held at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala.
- National Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Engineering – NCET’15, April 17th 2015”, held at Musliar College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
- Inter College Techno Cultural fest “AVISHKAR-2015” for Best Project Competition, March 12-13, 2015, held at Musliar College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
International Association of Engineers (IAENG). Membership Number: 209905
Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Life Member. Membership Number: LM-123082
R & D Projects: Research seed money of Rs. 37,924/- from TEQIP-II, a world bank funded project of MHRD
Research Interests: Heat Transfer, Phase Changing Materials, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Flow, Energy Storage
Teaching Interests:
Heat and Mass Transfer
Compressible Fluid Flow
Thermal Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Secured First Rank with Distinction in M.Tech Thermal Engineering from A P J ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (APJAKTU) for 2015- 2017 batch.
Qualified GATE 2016 in Mechanical Engineering
Reviewer of International Journal of Energy Research, (SCIE Journal) John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISSN: 0363-907X.
Successfully completed NPTEL online MOOC course on Convective Heat Transfer conducted by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Coordinated APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University sponsored 5 day Faculty Development Program at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
Industrial training done at Rajiv Gandhi Combined Cycle Power Plant, NTPC, Kayamkulam
Organizing committee member of “TRIBOINDIA 2021” An International Virtual Tribology Conference hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam, Kerala – 686532, India.
Scholar Details
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/arjun-venugopal-b2099a1a9/
Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Dt62VjEAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9113-2679
Research Gate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arjun-Venugopal