Designation: Asst. Professor
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 15 years
UG : Electronics and Communication
PG : VLSI Design
PhD: Pursuing
International Journals
- Ashwin P V, Dr. Ansal K A, Ashly John “Pol-Sar image classification using machine and deep learning-A review” Design Engineering, Vol 2021: Issue 05/ISSN:0011-9342/Pages:1205-1211(Scopus)
- Anakha P Kumar1, Christy Zachariah2, Govind Mohandas3, Er. Ashwin P V4 “CEREBRO: BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION AND GRADING,”,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056Volume: 08 Issue: 07 | July 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
National Journals
International Conference
- Ashwin P V,” Modeling of On Chip Inductance”, VLES 09, Viswajyothy Vazhakulam
- Ashwin P V,” Active Pixel Architecture in Standard CMOS Technology”, NCET RFSP 2010 , FISAT Kochi
- Ashwin P V,” D3L ALU”, ICICT 2014 , CUSAT Kochi
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Attended an Robotics Workshop G E Barton Hills (Nov 30- Dec 5 2015).
- Attended an Analog Workshop Ekalavya NMEICT SAINTGITS College of Engineering (June 4- June 14- 2013).
- AICTE sponsored STTP On “Mosfets and Beyond” IIT, Chennai for 6 days (Nov 30- Dec 5 2015).
As resource Person
Events Organized
- AICTE funded SPICE program 2022
- Nakshthra 2016 Cordinator
- NSS Camp at Attapady 2014
- ISTE Life Member
Research Interest
- CMOS VLSI Circuits
- Embedded System design
- IoT
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine learning
R & D Projects
- Portable Counter
- Tumor Dedtector
- Automatic Meter Reader
- Finger print Accident Care System
- Land reclamation using Imaging
- Awarded fund worth 1 lakh from AICTE under SPICE Scheme
Contact Details
Phone: 9447318858
Email: ashwin.pv@saintgits.org