Designation: Assistant Professor – Senior. Grade
Education: B. Tech, M. Tech, Ph.D. (Doing)
Professional Experience
Teaching: 14 years
UG : Electronics and Communication Engineering
PG : Applied Electronics
PhD: Image Processing
International Journals
- Dhanusha P B, Dr A Lakshmi, “A Review on Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Learning Network”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Vol. 13(9), 2021, 521-524, June 2021
- Aneena Biju, Naveen Raji Eapen, Sharon Mariam, Babu, Dhanusha P B, “Smart Wheelchair with medicine reminder and autopilot system”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), e-ISSN: 2395-0056, Volume: 08, Issue: 06, June 2021, 2767-2770.
- Dhanusha P B, Dr A Lakshmi, “Prediction of COVID-19 cases using chest X-ray images by deep learning algorithms”, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 14 Issue 2 – 2021
- Dhanusha P B, Dr A Lakshmi, Dr A Saravanan, “Smart Driving System with Automatic Driver Alert and Braking Mechanism”, Journal of 3C Technologia, ISSN 2254-4143 march 2020
- Jeny Elsa Joji, K. S. Sreekala, and P. B. Dhanusha,” Performance Analysis of CMOS and FinFET Based SRAM,” Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, Vol. 8 (3), pp.23- 27,2018.
- T.S. Geethumol, K.S. Sreekala and P.B. Dhanusha, “Power and Area Efficient 10T SRAM with improved read stability”, ICTACT Journal of Microelectronics, APRL 2017, VOLUME: 03, ISSUE: 01
- Amal Kurien Mathew, Amitha Saleem, Priya Susan Mathew, Stephnie Ann Kuruvilla, Dhanusha P B, “Design of Floating-point arithmetic unit using VHDL”, International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2016.
- Dhanusha P B, “Design of high-speed approximate multiplier with carrying speculation compressor”, International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering (IJSTE), Oct-15.
- Dhanusha P B, Teena Susan Alias, “Distributed Arithmetic Based fully serial VLSI Architecture for Discrete Cosine Transform”, Journal of Science, Technology and Management 0974-8334, ISSN:0974-8334 in IJAREEIE, Volume 4, Special Issue1, Jun-14.
- R Shyamraj, P Sivasubramanian, P B Dhanusha, “Investigation on mechanical properties of Pineapple fiber-reinforced polymer composite material”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Aug-13.
- Dhanusha P B, “FPGA implementation of new generation block cipher”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011.
International Conference
- Dhanusha P B, Dr. A Muthukumar, Dr. A Lakshmi, “A Novel approach for Early Intervention of Retinal Disorders using Machine Learning Techniques”, Proc. In 6th International conference on ICISC 2022, Coimbatore, January 2022.
- Elizabeth Liza Mathew, Jeeson K James, Dhanusha P B, “Project Soli”, in the international conference on Automation, Signal processing and Energy Systems ICASE 2020
- Elizabeth Liza Mathew, Jeeson K James, Dhanusha P B, “Automatic Chalk Dust Accumulator for Class Rooms”, in the international conference on Automation, Signal processing and Energy Systems ICASE 2020
- Dhanusha P B, Shyamraj R, Anu Raj, “Harnessing Wind Energy using Bladeless Windmill”, Proc. In International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET), 2019 IEEE Xplore Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/ICCSDET.2018.8821085
- Sherin Maria Peter, Marie Kottayil James, Dhanusha P B, Hanna Mathew, “Dual-mode CMOS ISFET sensor for DNA sequencing”, Proc. In International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), 2018 IEEE Xplore Digital Library DOI: 10.1109/ICICICT1.2017.8342579
- Dhanusha P B, Merlin Mathews, “Sols: VLSI Architecture of FMO/ Machester Encoding for DSRC Applications”, Proc. In National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (NCRTET 2017)
- Dhanusha P B, Marie Kottayil James, Hanna Mathew, “CMOS DNA Sequencing Arrays- A Gateway to Advanced DNA Computing”, Proc in the International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking(WiSPNET2017)
- Dhanusha P B, Marie Kottayil James, Hanna Mathew, “A review on Research & Advancements in LoC”, Proc. In EEE SSCS sponsored 4th conference on Solid-State Circuits 2016.
- Teena Susan Alias, Dhanusha P B, “Area efficient fully parallel distributed arithmetic architecture for 1D DCT” Proc. In the International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT) 2014 IEEE Xplore Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/ICCICCT.2014.6992973
- Dhanusha P B, Sita RAdhakrishnan, “Development of clean and secure data transmission through MPLS VPN in an enterprise network”, in the national conference on NCCCIE 2012.
- Dhanusha P B, “New generation block cipher implementation using VHDL, NCACT 08, Alagappa Chettiyar College of Engg and Tech, karaikkudy, Mar-08
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Completed IUCEE course on ‘Online Teaching’ with distinction from July 2020 to September 2020.
- FDP on Image processing using MATLAB organized by IEEE & Pantech e-Learning from 14-6-2021 to29-6-2021.
- Workshop on medical image processing using MATLAB organized by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Kerala from 31-5-2021 to 4 -6-2021
- FDP on Python for machine learning organized by NSS Palakkad from 14-9-2020 to 18-9-2020
- FTP on Deep learning using Medical data organized by Finland Labs in Association with National Social Summit, IIT Roorkee from 16-11-2020 to 20-11-2020
- FDP on Microsystem design and control engineering, organized by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 19-9-2020 to 20-9-2020
- FDP on Emerging Research Trends in VLSI, MEMS and Signal Processing organized by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 10-8-2020 to 13-8-2020
- FDP on “Let’s play Machine Learning with Tensor Flow 2.x, organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education from 25-6-2020 to 1-7-2020
- FDP on Python Programming organized by IIT Bombay/MHRD/Sona College of Technology from 18/05/2020 to 22/5/2020
- FDP on Recent Trends in Wireless and IoT- enabled Networks organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education from 19-5-2020 to 23-5-2020
- FDP on Innovation and Entrepreneurship organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education on 27-04-2020
- AICTE Sponsored 2 Weeks FDP on “National Conference on Predictive Analysis” organized by, Saintgits College of Engineering from 9th to 19th October 2019
- 3 day Technical workshop on “RF Communication System Design with CAD Tools” organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu from 20th to 22nd November 2019
- “5 days short term training programme for faculties and research scholars on “Image Processing and Deep learning using MATLAB” organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 9th & 10th December 2019
- TEQIP-II sponsored 5-day FDP on Mathematical Foundations for Communication Engineering organized by Department of ECE, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam from 7th to 11th January 2019
- KSCSTE sponsored 2 day workshop on “Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills” organized by the Department of ECE in association with IETE Saintgits College of Engineering from 18th & 19th January 2018
- ISTE STTP under Train Ten Thousand Teachers(T10KT) project on “CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design” by IIT Kharagpur Saintgits College of Engineering from 30th January 2017 to 4th February 2017
As resource Person
- Resource person for the Hands-on workshop on MATLAB- Programming and Simulation, conducted by EEE Department of SAINTGITS College of Engineering in 2020.
Events Organized
- 3 days FDP on “Physical Design and Verification using Cadence” from 14th to 16th March 2022 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- Motivational talk on “Placements“ on 5th September 2020 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- A webinar on “Women’s health with special reference to PCOS” by Dr. Vaheeda Rahman A, Senior Medical Officer, Govt. Ayurveda Dispensary, Pathanamthitta as part of AyushGramam project, Pallom Block on 28th September 2020 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- A webinar on “Embedded Systems” by Mr. Abhilash Surendran, Senior Hardware Engineer, VVDN Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Kochi on 10th October 2020 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- A webinar on “Engineer Your Mind” by Er. Jithin P Cherian, an Alumni of ECE 2012 – 2016 batch, a motivational speaker, currently pursuing MA Youth work and Community Development in Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, England on 17th July 2021 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- A webinar on Cyber Laws and Online Safety by Mr. Syam Gopi, Associate Professor, CSE Department, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering Kanjirapally, an Elite Member- Cyberdome Kerala Police, Membership Chair- ACM Kottayam Professional Chapter, Project Manager Nextguard on31st July 2021 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- The Indian Society for Technical Education: Life Member (LM-73131)
Research Interest
- Medical Image Processing
- Deep Neural Networks
- Super Resolution
R & D Projects
- Obtained KSCSTE funding of Rs. 6000/- for the project titled “Smart Driving System with Automatic Driver Alert & Braking Mechanism” in the year 2017.
- Obtained KSCSTE funding of Rs. 10,000/- for the project titled “Automotive Particulate Emission Monitoring System for Sustainable Environment (APEMS)” in the year 2021.
Contact Details
Phone: 9995197945
Email: dhanusha.pb@saintgits.org
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhanusha-p-b-3bb7b8225/