Designation: Assistant Professor (Senior)
Professional Experience: Teaching – 16 years
Educational Qualification:
UG: B.Tech Computer Engineering
PG: M.Tech Computer and Information Technology
PhD: Pursuing
Institution of Engineers
Associate Member The Institution of Engineers,India-( AM 168498-4)
Research Interests:
Medical Image Processing
Artificial Neural Networks
Top 1% Topper of NPTEL Online Certification on “Machine Learning, ML” Feb-Apr 2019.
Gate Qualified (2011 – 91 percentile)
- “A Research Study on Brain Tumor Detection Techniques”, Proceedings, International Conference on Communication and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2022.
- “Performance Comparison of Brain Tumor Segmentation Algorithms”, Proceedings,Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology,Springer 2022
- ” Patient Specific Tumor Detection using Convolution Neural Network”,International Conference on artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,2022.
- ” Performance Comparison of Classifiers of MR Brain Tumor Images on Various Datasets”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems,2022.
- ”Texture and Deep Feature Extraction in Brain Tumor Segmentation using Hybrid ensemble Classifier”,Internationalm Conference on Computational Intelligence for Engineering and Management Applications(CIEMA),2022.
- “Compression of Color images using clustering techniques”- IJSER –International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, (2013), Volume 4, Issue https://www.ijser.org/onlineResearchPaperViewer.aspx?Compression-of-Color-Images-Using-Clustering-Techniques.pdf
- “Advanced encoder for scanned multifaceted manuscripts using clustering techniques” International Journal of CSE and IT research, (2013), Volume 3, Issue 2 June.
- “Image compression using clustering techniques” –International Journal of CSE and IT research,March(2013) .
- “Performance Analysis of Various Advanced Methods of Malaria parasite Detection”-ICOEI-International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics,(2019) , organized by SCAD College of Engineering and Technology,Tirunelveli.
Title: The Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) System for the Detection of Alzheimer Disease Using MRI Real Images.
File Number: 2021101725
Country Filed: Australia
Granted Date: 05/05/2021
Contact Details:
Mobile: +91 8281311371
Email: divya.mohan@saintgits.org