Designation: Assistant Professor – Senior Grade
- B.Tech in Electronics Engineering, from Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), Kochi, Kerala; at College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala
- M.Tech in VLSI & Embedded Systems, from M.G University, Kottayam, Kerala, at SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam
- Ph.D Doing under Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), Kochi, Kerala; at the Department of ECE, Cochin university College of Engineering Kuttanadu, Pulinkunnu.
Professional Experience
Teaching :
- Assistant Professor : SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam ; from
Jul 2010 Till date.
- Lecturer : SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam ; from Jan 2008 to June 2010.
- Lecturer : School of Technology and Applied Sciences,
M.G. University Dept. Pullarikkunnu , Kottayam ; from Sept 2004 to Jan 2008.
- Lecturer : Cochin University College of Enginnering kuttanadu,Pulincunnu,
Alappuzha ; from Sep 2001 to Aug 2004
UG : B.Tech in Electronics Engineering
PG : M.Tech in VLSI & Embedded Systems
PhD: VLSI circuit design
Publication (latest come first in IEEE format)
International Journals
- G. Jyothish Chandran. , Baby, Bijin Elsa, “Digital Health Infrastructure.” In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications, pp. 701-714. Springer 2022.
- Jyothish C.G., Alex B.K., Prasad J.T. and Cottackal, S., “Real Time 3D Capturing System for Quality Analysis”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) (pp. 193-197). IEEE 2021
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Saranya, P. M “Design Of High Performance Double Tail Comparator.” ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics 3.3 (2017): 437-440.
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Anila Susan George “Design and analysis of an efficient full adder using systematic cell design methodology” ICTACT journal on microelectronics, JANUARY 2017, VOLUME: 02, ISSUE: 04
- G. Jyothish Chandran , Amy Mariam George, “Design and Analysis of 8 Bit Parallel Prefix Comparators Using Constant Delay Logic” Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology, Volume 24, Elsevier – Procedia Technology, 2016
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Koshy, Lidiya Mariam. “Low leakage and high performance tag comparator implemented in 180 nm CMOS technology.” Elsevier – Procedia Computer Science 46 (2015): 1261-1267
- Jyothish G. Chandran, George, Amy M,. “Design and simulation of binary tree comparators using constant delay logic in 180 nm technology.” Int. J. Sci. Technology and Eng 2 (2015): 198-204.
- Jyothish Chandran, Koshy, Lidiya Mariam. “Sub-0.18 μm low leakage and high performance dynamic logic wide fan-in gates.” In 2014 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: Magnetics, Machines and Drives (AICERA/iCMMD), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2014.
- Jyothish G. Chandran, John, Shajimon K. “Implementation of an area efficient data converter with increased effective number of bits.” In 2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), pp. 662-667. IEEE, 2012.
International Conference
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Benjamin Koshy Alex et al.,”Real Time 3D Capturing System for Quality Analysis, AICTE sponsored 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS), Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady dated 2nd to 4th September, 2021
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Baby, Bijin Elsa, “Digital Health Infrastructure.” Springer ICMISC 2021 : International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications- Hyderabad, MARCH 2021.
- Jyothish Chandran, Koshy, Lidiya Mariam. “Sub-0.18 μm low leakage and high performance dynamic logic wide fan-in gates.” In 2014 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: Magnetics, Machines and Drives (AICERA/iCMMD) at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally, 2014
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Koshy, Lidiya Mariam. “Low leakage and high performance tag comparator implemented in 180 nm CMOS technology.” International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, ICICT (2015): At CUSAT. 2014
- G. Jyothish Chandran, Shajimon K John. “Implementation of an area efficient data converter with increased effective number of bits”, 12th International Conf. on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA) By MIR Lab, At CUSAT. 2012
- Published a patent titled “Real Time 3d Capturing System for Quality Analysis” in the Indian patent database on 27/08/2021 with application number 202141037372
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- FDP on ARM Processors 4th to 5th Jan 2008 SAINTGITS
- AICTE/ISTE Sponsored STTP on Trends in wireless Technologies and Telecommunication 16.06.08 to 22.06.08 N.S.S College of Engineering, Palakkad
- ISTE Sponsored STTP on ‘ Research Trends in Embedded Systems And Signal Processing. 28.10.09 to 3.11.09 SAINTGITS
- Industrial training 4th May 2012 Idea Cellular Limited, Kochi
- Industrial training 3rd April 2012 Travancore Cochin Chemicals, Cochin
- Inplant training 23rd January 2012 Keltron Karakulam
- ISTE workshop on Database Management Systems 21/5/13 to 31/5/13 Conducted by IIT Bombay through Remote centre SAINTGITS
- National level Faculty Development program on Embedded design using ARM & ARDUINO,18th November to 24th November 2015 SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- 2017 AICTE sponsored STTP On “Mosfets and Beyond” IIT, Chennai for 6 days
- 2017 STTP on “Power Electronics Interface for Solar PV Integration” IIT, Bombay for 3 days
- 2018 Completed NPTEL COURSE with ELITE CERTIFICATE IIT, Kharagpur 2 Months
- 2019 FDP on “VLSI Design at Deep Submicron Node” organised by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore for 7 Days
- 2020 ATAL FDP on IoT by IIT, Palakkad for 6 days
- 2020 MOOC – Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems COURSERA for 7days
- 2020 ATAL FDP on Robotics at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology for 5 days
As resource Person
- Resource person for IIIT Hyderabad IoT teaser program – Pre-requisite hands on training – 2022
- Resource person of Workshop on IoT application development using Node MCU for IoT Club – 2021
- Resource person for the ATAL FDP on “IoT for Wearable Devices” conducted during January 2021 at SAINTGITS College of Engineering.
- RESOURCE PERSON and TRAINER in Workshop on “EDA Tools – Or Cad” for technical staff from various colleges, in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation branches during 2017.
- Resource person for the training program on Making LED bulbs, given to the members of Kudumbasree unit under Kurichy Gramma panchayath, on 10.10.2019.
- Training on Digital payment systems- 2017, for faculty at SAINTGITS as well as for public, at various locations during demonetization of currency notes
- Training given under Malayala manorama “Nalla paadam” scheme to school students, to train the the NSS and NCC students, to make the “Dual powered rechargeable LED emergency light” which can be assembled at a low cost around Rupees 100 conducted under Flood relief activities – 2018
- Work shop on “Xilinix based digital design” November 2013 at College of Engineering Kidangoor
Events Organized
- Coordinator – Hands on training on Arduino programming for S4 ECE students during March 2017 at Embedded Systems Lab of ECE department.
- Coordinator – Training on Digital payment systems- 2017 for faculty at SAINTGITS as well as for public, at various locations during demonetization of currency notes.
- College level coordinator from SAINTGITS for the Professional student summit at CUSAT during Feb 2020
- Coordinator – Hands on training on Arduino programming for B.Tech ECE students during March 2017
- Conducted a Work shop on “Xilinix based digital design” 7th to 8th November 2013 College of Engineering Kidangoor
- Coordinator – HORIZON 2008, National level Technical Symposium 7th to 8th August 2008 SAINTGITS
- ISTE Life Member (LM 57231)
Research Interest
- CMOS VLSI Circuits
- Embedded System design
- IoT
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine learning
R & D Projects
- AI Based Measurement and Prediction of Water Quality and Quantity in lakes and its adjacent areas
- IoT based Air quality checking Nodes, in association with IIIT Hyderabad
- Automated contact less hand sanitizer machine
- IoT controlled water level indicator
- Digital Health Infrastructure
- Real Time 3D Capturing System for Quality Analysis
- Energy conservation by limiting elecrical energy wastage using effective detection of stationary and moving humans
- Solar powered Hearing aid
- External zone based speed control of Motor Vehicles
- Electronic controlled wheel chair
- Performance Comparison of Multipliers by implementing in 180nm Technology
- 0.18µm Low Leakage and High Performance Dynamic Logic Wide Fan-in Gates
- Implementation of data converter with increased SNR and reduced number of transistors.
- 10 Bit Delta Sigma D/A Converter with Increased Signal to Noise Ratio Using Compact Adder circuits
- Developed and installed LED Display boards with modified functionalities for Indian Postal Department -Changanacherry Sub division
- Developed Automated hand sanitizer dispenser for SAINTGITS college of engineering under IEDC project funding.
- Sanitizer dispenser machine designed and manufactured by Megasolutions, our startup, is being installed in few organizations and institutions like NTPC Limited Kayamkulam, Canara bank – Paruthumpara, College of Engineering – Munnar, RIT Government College of Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Georgian School – Puthuppally and other few higher secondary schools in Kottayam
- Published a patent titled “Real Time 3d Capturing System for Quality Analysis” in the Indian patent database on 27/08/2021 with application number 202141037372
- Product “Automated Hand Sanitizer Dispenser” was selected as the Top 20 Innovations in the virtual exhibition “INNOVATIONS UNLOCKED” by Kerala Start-up Mission.
- Mentor of the team 2016-20 ECE, in Reboot Kerala Hackathon, who were the TITLE WINNERS of Reboot Kerala Hackathon 2020 , Theme: Health Care and Social Justice , organized by ASAP March 2020.
- CERD – Funded Project got sanctioned- “Energy conservation by limiting elecrical energy wastage using effective detection of stationary and moving humans”, 2016-17
Contact Details