Designation: Asst. Professor
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 7 YEARS
International Journals
- Maheswary Sreenath and Binu K. Mathew. (2013). “Ultra Low Voltage, Low Power, Low Area, Process Variation Tolerant Schmitt Trigger Based Sram Design”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 (11).
International Conference
- Meander Slotted ACS fed Antenna with Stepped Ground Plane for UWB Applications, AICTE sponsored 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) technically sponsored by IEEE Kerala Section, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady dated 2nd to 4th September, 2021 (IEEE Xplore).
- A metamaterial loaded Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna For High Frequency Wireless Communication, SPAST Abstracts, Smart Green Connected Societies, Proceedings of First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society, USA 2021 dated 29th and 30th November, 2021, Volume 1, No. 01.
- Paper titled State of the art sensing techniques using Silicon Photonics was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology,December 21 &22, 2018.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Successfully completed the AICTE-ISTE induction/refresher program on INDUCTION TRAINING FOR YOUNG TEACHERS at GEC thrissur, from 19-24 february 2019.
- Attended AICTE QIP Short Term Training Programme on Biomedical Optics and Instrumentation from DECEMBER 3-7, 2018 at IIT Madras
- Participated in faculty orientation programme on microteaching organized by saintgits group of institutions,Kottayam from 24th to 27th and 30th july 2018.
- Participated in the ISTE Workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies conducted by IIT Bombay held during 25th June to 4thJuly 2012.
- In-Plant Training in Digital Switching, Digital Transmission & GSM at BSNL Exchange, Changanaserry, Kerala.
- Participated in the National Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing conducted by Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
- Attended AICTE ATAL FDP ON MACHINE LEARNING 24th August, 2020 to 28th August, 2020
- Attended AICTE ATAL FDP ON ROBOTICS 7th September, 2020 to 11th September, 2020
Events Organized
- Orientation for NSS programme Officers – KTU Sponsored 3 day FDP
- International online FDP on MIcrosystem Design and Control Engineering
Research Interest
- First rank for MTECH MG university examinations
- Completed NPTEL course on fundamentals of semiconductor devices with elite certification.
- Distinction in 10th, 12th ,B-Tech and M-Tech degree examinations.
- Best outgoing M.Tech student from 2011-13 batch, Saintgits College of Engineering.
Contact Details
Phone:9497172166, 8075273895
Email: maheswary.sreenath@saintgits.org