Designation : Asst. Professor
Education : M.Tech, Ph.D (pursuing)
Professional Experience
Teaching : 11 years
UG : Computer Science and Engineering
PG : Computer Science and Engineering
- Sara Koshy, Soumya, and L. Jani Anbarasi. “Breast Cancer Detection in Histology Images Using Convolutional Neural Network.” International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
- Francis, Niya, and Soumya Sara Koshy. “Personality Prediction Using Social Media Post.” International Journal of Modern Developments in Engineering and Science 1.7 (2022): 22-24.
- “Easy License Plate Detection and Recognition”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 3, pages 1674-1677, March 2018.
- “Shielding of Data Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage Systems using Advanced Encryption Standard”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 2 ,pages 316-320, February 2017.
- “A Survey on Data Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage Systems”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Volume 4, Issue 2,pages 327-331, February -2017.
- “A Survey on Mobile Relays in Wireless Sensor Networks “,Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) , ISSN: 2454-1362 pages 605-608, 2016.
- “Data Relaying Technology over Wireless Sensor Networks For Multi-Media Data Sharing “,Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) , Vol-2, Issue-5, ISSN: 2454-1362 ,pages 556-559, 2016.
- “A Comparative Study of a Novel Coarse to Fine Automatic Image Registration using MS-SIFT & SIFT”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , Volume 6, Issue 4, ISSN 2229-5518,pages 1717-1720, April-2015.
- “A survey on node replica detection in wireless sensor network”, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, Vol 2 Issue 10 ISSN 2278-733X pages 3576-3582, October 2013.
- “Zone Based Node Replica Detection in Wireless Sensor Network Using Trust”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), V4(7):2316-2320, July 2013
ISTE-Life Member