Er. Talit Sara George

Designation : Assistant Professor

Education:  B.Tech, M.E

Professional Experience

Teaching  : 8 years 7 months

Non Teaching:  10 Months

UG  : B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering

PG  : M.E Computer Science and Engineering

International Journals

  1. Shopping Spree: A Location Based Shopping Application, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) Exploring Innovation | ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online) Volume 8, Issue 6, August 2019
  2. Mining of Frequent Itemset in Hadoop, Kavitha Mohan, Talit Sara George, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2017 ISSN No: 2321-9653
  • Link-Correlation-Aware Opportunistic Routing with EEC for Effective Packet Recovery, Linu Susan Lal, Talit Sara George, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 05, Issue 07 ISSN (Online): 2278-0181, July 2016
  • IET, 23 January 2014 Electronic ISBN:978-1-84919-797-7
  • On Time Rendering with Failover of Tasks in Multicloud Clustering, Talit Sara George, V.P. Sreekantha Kumar, Networking and Communication Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology. Volume 4 Issue 8 2012.

International Conference

  1. Presented paper entitled “On demand provisioning of Tasks using clustering in Multicloud” in ICCCE2012 International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering at Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai.
  2. Presented paper on “Multicloud computing for on-demand resource provisioning using clustering”, in IET Chennai 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Systems (SEISCON 2012) at Vivekanadha College of Technology for Women  ,Chennai.  

National Conference

  1. Presented paper entitled “Dynamic Provisioning of Tasks using Clustering in Multicloud”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing Technology.
  2. Presented paper entitled “Multicloud Computing for on demand Resource Provisioning using Clustering”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computation and Information Technology.


Workshop/Seminars Attended

  1. Completed the course Create a Project Charter with Google Docs authorized by Coursera Project Network and offered through Coursera, Feb 2, 2023.
  2. Participated in Microsoft India & SAP India led Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence” organized in collaboration with ASAP Kerala under TechSaksham Program from “22nd February 2022 – 25th February 2022”.
  3. Completed 1 week AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on“Advances in Cyber Security” held during 19.012022 to 25.01.2022.
  4. Completed ICT Academy of Kerala’s instructor-led Virtual FDP on “Modern Web Application Development with MEAN stack” during January 2022 
  5. Completed online certification course on Cryptography and Network security conducted by ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur on March, 2019
  6. Completed online, non-credit course on IoT Wireless and Cloud Emerging Technologies authorized by Yonsei University, South Korea and offered through Coursera on January, 2019
  7. Completed online, non-credit course on Big Data Emerging Technologies authorized by Yonsei University, South Korea and offered through Coursera on January, 2019
  8. Completed the course Problem solving through Programming in C (12 week course) conducted by IIT Kharagpur and offered through NPTEL Online Certification on April,2019
  9. Participated in a Quality improvement programme on Instructional System Design for Outcome based Education from 2nd to July 7th 2018.
  10. Participated in ISTE workshop on Computer Programming, May 20th to June 21st 2014 conducted by IIT Bombay
  11. Participated in ISTE workshop on Computer Networking, May 28th to July 5th, 2014 conducted by IIT Bombay
  12. Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and IT Security”, 10 & 11 th January 2012.
  13. National Workshop & Seminar on “Network Simulator NS2”, 4th & 5th March 2011.

Contact Details

Ph       : 9446651797

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