Education: MSc., M.Phil.
Professional Experience
Teaching : 5 Years
Workshop/Seminars/FDP Attended:
- National Seminar on Number Theory and Geometry (SNTG 2015) organized by Department of Mathematics, St.Berchmans College in association with IISER,Thiruvananthapuram
- National Seminar on Topics in Algebra held at St.Berchmans College, Changanassery.
- National Seminar on Recent Trends in Analysis, Topology and Its Applications held at Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha.
- Two-day National Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Related Topics organized by the PG department of Mathematics and Research Centre, Payyannur College.
- National conference on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics NCRTAM-2018 organized by department of Mathematics Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- National conference on Computational Topology and Differential Equations (NCCTDE-2018) organized by the Department of Mathematics Anna University regional campus and DRDO-BUCLS Bharathiar University Campus, Coimbatore.
- National Conference on Computational Biology organized by the department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology division DRDO-BU center for life sciences, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
- National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology (NIWC – 2018) organized by the Department of Mathematics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad and Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI).
- Two-day workshop on Python Programming organized by the Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy.
- Two day workshop on Real Analysis organized by Department of Mathematics, St.Thomas college (Autonomous), Thrissur.
- “Induction Training Programme for Teachers” jointly organized by ISTE Kerala section and ISTE Chapter- SJCET Palai at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai during Jan 3-7, 2023.
- International level WEBINAR ON “History of Mathematics”, Organized by Department of Mathematics in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell V.S Patel college of Arts & Science, Gujarat
- Two days webinar on “Number Theory and its Application to Cryptography”, Organized by Department of Mathematics, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru
- National workshop-faculty development programme on “Upcaling Pedagogy with Moodle”, Organized by Don Bosco College, Yelagiri hills, Tamilnadu in collaboration with BoscoSoft Technologies Pvt.Ltd
- National instructional workshop on “Cryptology” Organized by School of Computer and System Sciences, JNU, New Delhi
- Online webinar on “Role of Mathematics in Cyber Security” Organized by Career Development Centre, Perambra.
- A two-day International webinar on “Algebra, Analysis and Topology”, 13-14thAugust2020, Bankura University.
- The National webinar on “The Curious Case of Cyber Security”, jointly organized by the NAAC Cell and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of St. Aloysius CollegeEdathuaon22/08/2020.
- National webinar on “An Overview of Cryptography” Organized by the Department of Mathematics with Computer Applications, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai.
- Webinar on “A Brief Introduction to Number Theory and Its Application” Organized by the Department of Mathematics, Tinsukia College
- National webinar on “Application of Number Theory and Algebra in Computer Science” ,Korambayil Ahamed Haji Memorial Unity Women’s College, Majeri, Malappuram.
- National Webinar on “Rings and Ideals” organized by the Department of Mathematics Korambayil Ahamed Haji Memorial Unity Women’sCollege, Majeri,Malappuram
- International Online Workshop on “Initiation in to Linear Algebra” organised by the Postgraduate and Research Department of Mathematics, Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla from 28 September 2020 to 3 October 2020.
- One-week online Lecture Series “Maths for All” organized by the PG Department of Mathematics, Sree VidyadhiRaja NSS College, Vazhoor, TheerthapadapuramP.O, Kottayam District.
- AICTE ISTE Sponsored One Week Virtual Refresher Programme on “Applied Mathematics” PhaseIII organized by the Department of Mathematics, M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, Tamilnadu.-2021
- AICTE sponsored ATAL FDP on “Cyber Security Oversight for Information Protection” organized by the Department of Computer Applications, Cochin University of Science and Technology Kerala.
- the KTU sponsored online FDP on “Outcome Based Education with Assessment and Evaluation” from 26th July to 30th July 2021 organized by Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sahrudaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kodakara, Thrissur, Kerala
- Webinar on “Block Cipher Primitives: Design& Analysis” organized by C.R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (AIMSCS), UoH Campus, under DRDO sponsored project on 3rd September, 2021.
- Webinars -2022
QThursday webinar series on “How to use quantum to solve real world problems” organized by IIIT, Kottayam-Feb 2022 - INTERNSHIP-2021
Completed internship programme on “A STUDY ON PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY AND SIGNATURE SCHEMES FROM p-ADIC LATTICES” at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam, during the period from 27th June 2021 to 27th. December 2021.
Research Interest
- Certificate holder in the Vazhikannu Programme, A Road Safety and Traffic Awareness Project of Malayala Manorama for school students of Kerala state conducted during 2009-2010.
- Certificate holder of National Service Scheme (NSS), a volunteer’s leadership training state level workshop held at higher secondary school, Ernakulam.
- Awarded with B + Grade in the Career Oriented Add-on Programme approved by MG University in Health Education & Yoga conducted by Department of Physical Education, St. Dominics College, Kanjirappally.
- E-certificate for the successful completion of the online course on Measures of Central Tendency and Correlation, hosted by Department of Mathematics, SKACAS.
Contact Details
Mob: 6282946493, 9656640024
Email: sandeep.ps@saintgits.org