Funded Projects

Funded Projects(Faculty) 

Sl. No.Name of the facultyTitle of the ProjectOrder DateFunded ByFunding AmountTotal Project AmountStatusDepartment
1Dr. Mahendran NDesign and development of solar photo voltaic system with reduced current ripple KY boost converterDecember 1, 2018Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD), KTU1,72,500250000/-In progressEEE
2Elizabeth Rajan, Aparna ThampiHarmonic reduction in Solar Photo Voltaic System using packed U cell Multilevel Inverter.November 22,2019Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD), KTU1,15,000/-2,50,000/-CompletedEEE
3Arun Sebastian, Polly ThomasA benchmark experiment for eddy current measurement on metallic surfaces during high power applicationsJuly 11,2017Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD), KTU1,20,000/-2,00,000/-CompletedEEE
4Jineeth Joseph, Ancy Sara VargheseDevelopment of an online monitoring scheme for partial discharge detection in transformer windings.November 22, 2019Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD), KTU1,20,000/-3,80,000CompletedEEE
5Polly ThomasDesign and prototype development of an advanced system for feeder fault and service wire backflow protectionSeptember 18,2017Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environmnt (KSCSTE)6,40,000/-10,74000/-CompletedEEE
Lo-Ra & Wi-Fi Based Synchronous Energy Metering, Internal Fault revelation and theft Detection with Artificial IntelligenceNovember 16,2020Energy Management Centre (EMC)36,182/-CompletedEEE
6Dr. Mahendran NMODROB – Modernization of Power electronic and Drives laboratory to analyze the performance of power converters in various electric drivesNovember 15, 2019AICTE9,56,000/- CompletedEEE

Funded Projects(Students) 

Sl. NoBatchProject NameProject GroupMembersProject GuideFundin g AgencyAmou nt
12019-23Automatic Rubber Latex Coagulation SystemAbin Shaji, Adhin M, B Surya Kumar, Maheswari V NairEr. Daru Anna ThomasCERDRs 30725
22018-22Hybrid outdoor lighting system using gravitational force1.Abrar Ahmed Mallah 2.Jerlin P Varghese 3.Joenty Jose 4.Mathew PhilipDr N Mahendran Er.Arun SebastianCERDRs 5250
32017-21Automatic solar grass cutterAnand SAnsu Mariam KuruvillaBenson Mathew SamMohammed            Fais MikdadSreelal N.KSCSTERs. 10,000
42016-20Development of embedded system for speaker identification and recognition using AI method.Akash Kalluvilayil VenugopalanSharon K VarugheseSheba Merin Jacob1.Abraham George (Principal Investigato r)2. Er. Jineeth Joseph(Co-Investi gator)APJKTU-C ERDRs. 10,600
52015-19Prototype Development of a solar powered Rubber Sheet DryerFathima KhanGrace Neenu ThomasKava VSweety Asha JoseEr. Merin AntonyKSCSTERs. 10,000/
62014-18Design and Prototype Development of a Smart Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for accounting electric power theft, loses and power outageAlthaf Muhammed                 E MGifty Mariyam George 3.Jithu Jose 4.Sharvin NageebEr. Polly ThomasOne MP One IdeaRs.2,50 000/-