Major achievements of EEE department (2021-22)
- Ms. Linu Mariam Abraham of 2019-23 batch scored SGPA of 10 for 3 consecutive semesters (S2, S3 & S4).
- Start Up: Rojin Alex Rajan of 2016-20 batch, Vaishnav Nair S, Sanju Joseph Abraham., Siddharth S. of 2017-21 batch along with Er. Polly Thomas started a Start Up named NORBERT HEWITT Pvt Ltd at Saintgits College of Engineering
- E-Baja: Team from EEE department under the guidance of Er. Polly Thomas and Er. Sreelal N. represented at SAE E-BAJA competition held on June 01-05, 2022 at Pithampur, Madhya pradesh and has become the first team from Kerala among Electric ATVs to clear the technical inspection and participate in track events.
- MoU with Tata Power DDL
- Dr. N. Mahendran published 4 patents with Indian patents
- Dr. Binu K. Mathew
- Project Funding Sanctioned
- Student funding: One B.Tech project under the guidance of Dr. N Mahendran and Er. Arun Sebastian selected for CERD student funding for the project titled “Hybrid Outdoor Lighting System Using Gravitational Force”. Amount:Rs.5250/-
- Faculty funding: Er. Amalu Philip(PI) and Dr. Mahendran N. (Co-PI) received project funding from CERD under the RSM scheme forthe project titled “Development of high speed localized protection scheme for DC ring microgrid” and the amount sanctioned was Rs.1,15,000.
- Er. Abraham George nominated as the Vice Chair of IEEE RFID Council Kerala Section for the year 2022
- Er. Polly Thomas selected as the Panel member of Industry Consultancy Research project of KTU and project titled ICEngine to EV conversion Project.
- Er. Arun Sebastian selected as member of All India Students Committee of The Institution of Engineers (India) representing South India region.
- Department has developed an android application “The Electrical Engineer”, an E-Magazine in the form of an Android app which intends to publish articles on Electrical Engineering. The main objective of this is to give awareness to the public about latest developments in latest trends and developments in Electrical Engineering. This will also help the students to gain knowledge about current technological developments which helps students to learn contents inside and outside the syllabus.

Clean Innovation Challenge by CEIBIC (Clean Energy Innovation and Business Incubation Centre) Award – Propulse Mobility
Propulse Mobility (Norbert Hewitt Private Limited) ( which is a commercial EV mobility startup incubated under SCIE, SAINTGITS co-founded by Vaishnav Nair S (2017-21 Batch EEE), Sanju Joseph Abraham (2017-21 Batch EEE), Sidharth Sivanraj (2017-21 Batch EEE) and Polly Thomas (Asst. Prof. EEE Dept, SAINTGITS) have been selected for the inaugural cohort of CleanTech Innovation Challenge by CEIBIC (Clean Energy Innovation and Business Incubation Centre – supported by Social Alpha and Govt of Kerala. They will receive a grant support of 25 lakhs, product development and pilot and market support from KSEBL, ANERT, EMC, K-DISC and Electrical Inspectorate of Kerala as well as mentoring from top executives of Tata Power, Social Alpha and Clean Energy International Incubation Centre (CEIIC). They have been selected for their idea Propulse Mobility Ecosystem which is a novel born Electric Vehicle ecosystem that helps enterprises optimize their EV operations and GHG emissions to execute EV driven logistics at scale through an AI and IoT driven technology platform.

Student Achievements
- Launched first Electric Vehicle (All-Terrain Vehicle-ATV) “E-WOUK RACING 1.0” oN10th January 2020 under the leadership of Er. Polly Thomas and Er. Sreelal N
- Akash Kalluvilayil Venugopal, Sharon K Varghese, and Sheba Merin Jacob of 2016-20 batch got an amount of Rs.10,000/- as funding from CERD-KTU, for the project titled “Development of embedded system for speaker identification and recognition using AI method”
- Final year students of EEE (2016-2020 Batch) got placed in Infosys, Experion Technologies, Quest Global, UST Global, Byjus learning app, Soleco, G10 x and Amazon
- Ms. Margaret Sara Thomas of S6EEE won first prize in Big Idea competition organized by SCIE for the proposal “CPDM (Cocktail Party Defence Mechanism”
- Mr. Jerin Antony of S6EEE won the Best Library User Award for the academic year 2019-20
- Twenty students from third year and fourth year B.Tech participated in SAE E-BAJA 2020 competition with their self designed electric ATV held at Pithampur, Indore, India during January 22-28, 2020
- Twenty students from B.Tech participated in INFE LEAUGE 2020 ATVC competition with their self designed electric ATV held at Gujarat, India during February 15-19, 2020.
- Team E-WOUK RACING 1.0 became the first electric ATV team from Kerala to qualify for the final endurance test in any ATV motor sports in India
- Ms. Sharon Paul of S6 EEE won first prize in the Smart Girl competition held as part of IEEE Day celebration at SAINTGITS
- Third year B.Tech students got selected for summer internship at NIT Andhra
- Pradesh (4 students) and MG Motors Nurture Program with stipend (2 students)

Faculty Achievements
- Department got AICTE funding under MODROB rural scheme for a grant-in-aid of Rs. 16,22067 for modernization of labs
- Dr. Pinkymol K P, Associate Professor, was selected as IEEE/IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala ExCom Member during the year 2020
- Er. Ancy Sara Varghese presented a paper in the 9 th IEEE International Conference on Power & Energy Systems (ICPES2019) at Murdoch University, Perth, Australia.
- Dr. Pinkymol K. P (IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala ExCom Member) presented a paper in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE).
- Three research projects of faculty members received funding from CERD amounting to Rs. 4,15,000/-
- Er. Jineeth Joseph got FDP funding from KTU for one week FDP on “Modern Research Strategies in Condition Monitoring of Power Equipment”
- Dr. Pinkymol K P and Er. Polly Thomas got sanction for an STTP from AICTE (Rs. 3,63,333/-) under AQIS for “Electric Vehicle Technology- Research Interests and Current Developments”