Designation: Associate. Professor
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech, MBA, PhD, PDF*
Professional Experience
Teaching: 11years
Research: 3.5 Years
UG: Electronics and Communication
PG: Communication Systems
PhD: Microwave and Millimeter wave Engineering
PDF: AI enabled 5G
Publication (Last 3 years)
International Journals
- A Novel Microstrip Based Band Reject Filter for Biomedical Sensing Application. ECS Transactions – The Electrochemical Society (IOP science), Volume 107, Number 1, pp 9979.2022
- Compact ACS fed monopole antenna with CRR defect for Triple Band Application, International Journal of Electronics and communication, Elsevier, AEUE , SCI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2020.153487
- A Band pass Couple Line filter with DGS for ultra wide band Application, Science direct SCI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2020.04.060
- Comparative analysis of CPW fed antenna with different substrate materials of varying thickness, Scopus https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.05.201
- Knowledge Graph-based Recommendation Systems: The State-of-the-art and Some Future Directions, Scopus 10.30991/IJMLNCE.2019v03i03.004
- A Two Element CPW Fed MIMO Array for UWB Applications, Scopus 10.1109/ACCESS51619.2021.9563286
- A CPW Fed Meandered Metamaterial Loaded Antenna for Wireless Applications, Scopus , 10.1109/ACCESS51619.2021.9563313
- Performance of three dimensional image Processing method based on data layering normalisation using tensor flow, Journal of critical reviews, Scopus
- A Novel Triple Band Microstrip Antenna with Hook Shaped Radiating Strip and Truncated Ground Plane, Springer – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.
- Knowledge Graph based Entity Alignment approaches: Sate of the art and some future dimensions, – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, Scopus
- CPW Fed Monopole Antenna with Radiating Slots for LTE and RFID Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Scopus
- CPW Fed Fork Shaped antenna with frequency Reconfigurable characteristics for wireless application Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Scopus
- Dual band CPW fed antenna with Reduced SAR rate by Embedding Comb shaped EBG, Emerging Technologies for sustainability Taylor & Francis CRC Press Scopus
- CPW fed antenna with Bevelled Radiating strip and ground plane for Ultra Wide Band Application, Lecture Note on Data engineering and Communication Technologies LNDECT Springer, Scopus
- Metamaterial Inspired CPW Fed Multiband Antenna for IOT Applications, Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology (MAT Journals), volume 5, Issue 3
- CPW Fed Antenna with Ultra Wide Bandwidth for Wearable Application, Journal of Analog and Digital Communications, Vol-4 Issue 3
- CPW fed monopole antenna with trapezoidal ground plane for wide band application, IEEE Explore Scopus
- Review on Biological effect of electromagnetic radiation, IEEE Explore Scopus
- State of the art sensing technique using silicon photonics, IEEE Explore Scopus
- CPW fed U-shaped Loop monopole antenna for dual band application, International journal of engineering sciences& Research Technology, ISSN-2277 9655
International Conference
- Attended and participated more than 100+ conferences with in my area of interest
- Granted a International patent “GENOMIC PROCESSING EMBEDDED SYSTEM FOR DATASET GENERATION AND DEEP ANALYSIS”, International (Australian IPR)http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/ols/auspat/applicationDetails.do?applicationNo=2020101618
- Granted a International patent L named “LOW RADIATION WEARABLE PATCH ANTENNA FOR EMBEDDED SKIN PATCH APPLICATION” International (Australian)http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/ols/auspat/applicationDetails.do?applicationNo=2020102000
- Published a Indian patent named “Development of IOT Based Part Inspection System “by Indian IPR with application Number 202041016738,
- Published a patent titled “LOW COST LOW POWER SEMI AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER” with application number 202041038481,
Workshop/Seminars Attended ( Last 2 year)
- Impact of digital pedagogy on professional development of engineering Teachers,AICTE, ISTE, Sri Sai RAM Institute of Technolgy Chennai in July 2022
- One Week Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP -IV) on “Latest Advancements of Metamaterial in Wireless Applications” AICTE sponsored, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Medak, Telangana in april 2021
- Online FDP on “Deep Learning for Signal Processing – Basics to Implementation” KTU sponsored, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kodakara, Thrissur in April 2021
- RF devices for 5G communication & measuring instruments, Entuple & K Ramkrishanan college of Technology in october 2020
- International FDP on Microsystem Design and Control Engineering, Department of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with ISTE, Spetember 2020
- Electromagnetics to 5G, BIET, Jhansi, & SPIU September 2020
- AICTE ATAL FDP ON ROBOTICS, ATAL, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady,September 2020
- One week International workshop on machine Learning and computer vision application research challenges, NIT SILCHAR, TEQIP III,Aug 2020
- AICTE ATAL FDP ON MACHINE LEARNING, College of Engineering Kidangoor, AICTE ATAL,Aug 2020
- AICTE sponsored 6 days STTP on Trends and Technologies in antenna design and its Research scopes, Toc-H Institute of Science and Technology,AICTE,Aug 2020
- FDP on Emerging Research Trends in VLSI, MEMS and Signal Processing, Dept. of ECE in association with IETE, Saintgits College of Engineering.2020
- FDP on Deep Learning using python, Apptronix Technologies & Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,2020
As resource Person
- FDP on Trends and Challenges in the design and Implementation of Planar antennas, Department of ECM, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, An autonomous Institution, HYD
- First International Conference on Advancements in Research and development, RSP conference Hub, International research journal on Advanced science hub
Events Organized
- Sanctioned Rs 300000/- from AICTE/ISTE for Conducting FDP on Antennas and RF Devices on March 2018 and successfully completed during June 2018-completed
- Sanctioned Rs 50000/- for conducting international FDP International FDP on Microsystem Design and Control Engineering, Department of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with ISTE, Spetember 2020
- Sanctioned Rs 100000/- from AICTE/ATAL for Conducting FDP on IoT for Wearable devices and RF Devices on March October 2020-completed
PhD Guidance (APJ KTU)
I m a Recognised supervisor from APJKTU .Looking for passionate researchers in the area of AI, Wireless communication and RF
- No of Scholars:2
- No of Vacant Slots :4
- IE(I)
- InSc
Research Interest
- Microwave and Millimeter wave Devices
- Artificial Intelligence
- Microwave Imaging
R & D Projects
- Co-Investigator for the project Titled on” Design and Development of fractal Antennas for wireless application by DST Sanctioned Rs 500000/- and completed
- Design Development and characterisation of CPW fed Antennas and filters for UWB application sanctioned Rs 110000/- from Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD) KTU –completed
- Sanctioned Rs 300000/- from AICTE/ISTE for Conducting FDP on Antennas and RF Devices on March 2018 and successfully completed during June 2018-completed
- Sanctioned Rs 100000/- from AICTE/ATAL for Conducting FDP on IoT for Wearable devices and RF Devices on March October 2020-completed
- Sanctioned a fund of Rs 32500/- a student project named Minimization of Radiation Effects of Mobile Antennas by EBG Structures from KTU CERD-completed
- Sanctioned a fund of Rs 32000/- a student project named “Machine learning based finger printing for accurate positioning of Things in GPS denied Environments using Lora -WAN Long range wide area Network”-completed
- University Gold medallist during PG
- Received best paper award for several conference in India and abroad
- Completed several MOOC courses form NPTEL,Edx,Coursera by Elite certificate
- Received JRF / SRF fellowship for 5 years for perusing PhD from UGC @2012
- Research Excellence Award-2017 from IEAE
- Best Young Faculty Award from Novel Research Academy @ 2021
- International Engineering Educator certification from IUCEE @ 2019
- Completed EPIC –Engineering Program which id conducted by Purdue university USA@2018
- Got a Best researcher award in the area of Microwave and Millimeterwave engineering from Science father@2021
- Received chief ministers post-doctoral fellowship from Kerala higher education commission for 2 years @2022
Contact Details
Phone: +91 9446823134
Website: www.saingits.org
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ansal-k-a-m-tech-ph-d-7004b352