Designation : Assistant Professor
Education : M Tech, Pursuing PhD
Professional Experience
Teaching : 6 years 10 months
Research : 2 years
UG : B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Saintgits College of Engineering)
PG : M. Tech in VLSI and Embedded Systems (Saintgits College of Engineering)
D : Pursuing PhD in Embedded Systems
- Ajith Ravindran, Abraham George, Praveen C S, Nisha Kuruvilla, “Gate All Around Nanowire TFET with High ON/OFF Current Ratio”, Elsevier, Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 10637–10642. 2017
- Daughty Abraham, Abraham George, “Impact of novel Fin shaped Structures on various parameters”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol 4, Issue 10, October 2015, ISSN:2278-8875, October 2015.
- Deepa Gopinath, Abraham George, “Variation in Parameters on Electrical Characteristics of Fin FET with High-k dielectric”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol 4, Issue 10, October 2015. ISSN: 2278-8875, October 2015.
- Daughty Abraham, Abraham George, Deepa Gopinath,” Effect of Fin shape on GIDL and Subthreshold leakage currents”, International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering Journal (IJSTE), ISSN(online):2349-784X Vol.1, Issue 10, April 2015.
- Mirna Elsa Thomas, Gokul Chandran, Harisankar Das K P, Vishnuraj R, Abraham George, “ Conversion of 3D movie to 5D with Aroma Diffusion”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Volume 5, Special Issue 3, March 2016. (Published as part of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (NCREEE’16)).
- Abraham George, Binu K. Mathew, “Fixed Width Booth Multiplier using Error Compensation”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research vol4, issue8, August 2013. ISSN: 2229-5518, August 2013
- Abraham George, Binu K. Mathew “Fixed Width Booth Multiplier using Error Compensation”, International Conference for global innovations in technology and sciences, Saintgits College of Engineering, April 2013.
- Abraham George, Binu K. Mathew “Modified Booth Encoder for Radix- 8 Booth Multiplication”, NATCON 2012, Sree Budha College, Pattoor, October 2012
International Conference
- “AI based Audio recognition system for visually and audibly challenged”, International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020), Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, India, September 2020
Sl. No | Title (Name of the program) | Date | Venue |
1 | Industrial training | 19th June 2008 | BSNL Thiruvalla |
2 | One week workshop on ARM7TDMI | 11th December 2008 | Quest at Saintgits College of Engineering |
3 | Add on course on Modern electronic system design and issues | 1st December 2009 | Saintgits college of Engineering |
4 | Training program in Digital logic design | 21st December 2010 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
5 | Industrial training | 23rd January 2012 | 23rd January 2012 |
6 | Industrial training | 3rd April 2012 | Travancore Cochin Chemicals, Cochin |
7 | Industrial training | 4th May 2012 | Idea Cellular Limited, Kochi |
8 | Data Base Management Systems | 21st to 31st May 2013 | IIT Bombay at Saint gits college of Engineering |
9 | Analog Electronics | 4th June to 14th June 2013 | IIT Khargpur at Saintgits College of Engineering |
10 | AUTOCAD 2013 | 14th june 2013 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
11 | Three day workshop and conference on solid state circuits | 30th January to 1st February 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
12 | Advances in smart GRID INTEGRATIONS | 28th April to 2nd May 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
13 | INUP Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies | 26th to 28th May 2014 | IIT Bombay |
14 | INUP Hands on training workshop on fabrication & characterization of crystalline silicon solar cells | 17th to 22nd November 2014 | IIT Bombay |
15 | Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis | 24th to 26th November 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
16 | Introduction to Design of Algorithms | 27th to 30th April 2015 | IIT Khargpur at Saintgits College of Engineering |
17 | Short Term course on “Microelectronics: from Fundamentals to Devices” | 11th to 16th July 2016 | IIT Madras |
18 | Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and deep learning | 25th to 27th June 2018 | By leadingindia.ai at Saintgits |
19 | AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative) | 20th to 24th June 2020 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
Events Organized
Sl. No | Title (Name of the program) | Date | Venue |
1 | Add on Course on Electronic Circuit Design | 5th to 11th December 2013 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
2 | IEEE SSCS Three day Workshop & Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS | 30th January to 1st February 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
3 | IEEE DLP by Dr. Jacob Baker for IEEE members | 11th April 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
4 | IEEE SSCSC Second Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS | 29th and 30th August 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
5 | IEEE PES SAC State level quiz competition for the +2 students | 17th October 2014 | Don Bosco HSS Puthuppally |
6 | Add on Course on Electronic Circuit Design | 8th to 10th December 2014 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
7 | Technology Day Celebrations inaugurated by Dr. Sabu Thomas, Director IIUCN, M.G. University | 12th May 2015 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
8 | IEEE SSCS Third Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS | 13th and 14th August 2015 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
9 | IEEE Day Celebration 2015 | 6th October 2015 | |
10 | Add on Course on Electronic Circuit Design | 18th to 22nd January 2016 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
11 | “Do U kNow Ard Ui No”- IEEE SB Workshop on Arduino and programming contest | 9th April 2016 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
12 | IEEE SB Workshop on “ Introduction to Robotics” at St. Mary’s School | 21st June 2016 | St. Mary’s School, Puthuppally |
13 | IEEE Kochi Hub Monthly Meeting. | 31st July 2016 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
14 | IEEE Kochi Hub WIE Congress 2016 | 1st and 2nd October 2016 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
15 | IEEE SB Workshop on Android development | 10th November 2016 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
16 | IEEE Section Distinguished Lecture Programme (SDLP) by Prof. V K Damodaran | 17th August 2017 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
17 | IEEE SB Challenge competition 2017 – “The Whale Hunt” | 10th October to 24th November 2017 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
18 | IEEE DLP by Dr. Yong Ping Xu, Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS) on the topic, “MEMS Inertial Sensors” “MEMS Inertial Sensors” | 20th November 2017 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
19 | IEEE SB – “Best Out of Waste” | 6th April 2018 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
20 | IEEE SB Flood Relief and Rehabilitation Activity | 21st to 23rd August 2018 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
21 | IEEE Day Celebrations 2018 | 2nd October 2018 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
22 | IEEE SB DLP by Dr. Richard Kouzes | 24th April 2019 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
23 | 2-day Proficiency Programme on “Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering” | 30th and 31st August 2019 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
24 | IEEE SSCS Workshop and Hackathon on “ Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things)” | 9th and 10th September 2019 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
25 | IEEE DLP by Dr. Sivaji Chakravorthi | 16th September 2019 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
26 | IEEE Day Celebrations 2019 | 2nd October 2019 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
27 | IEEE SB DLP by Dr. Lizy K John, Fellow IEEE, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Texas. | 10th January 2020 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
28 | IEEE SB DLP by Dr. Keith A Bowman, Principle Engineer and Manager in the Processor Research team at Qualcomm Technologies Inc. in Raleigh, NC, USA | 6th March 2020 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
29 | IEEE SSCS Online panel discussion by Dr. Jan Van Der Spiegel, Professor, Dr. Keith Bowman, Mr. Harish Mysore and Prof. Sabarinath G Pillai. | 18th June 2020 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
30 | IEEE SB Webinar by Mr. Abdul Nassar P., Senior Officer at National oil company Qatar Petroleum for IEEE members | 26th June 2020 | Saintgits College of Engineering |
- IEEE Senior Member
- IEEE SSCS Member
- ISTE Life Member
R & D Projects
- School Zone Safety System, March 2013
- Intelligent Water Controlling System (IWCS), March 2014
- Anti Scam Voting Machine, March 2015
- 5 Dimension, March 2016
- Poratable Interactive White Board, March 2017
- Water Weed and Waste Removing Robo, March 2018
- Development of embedded system for speaker identification and recognition using AI method.(CERD Funded,2020)
Research Interest
Device Modelling, VLSI, Nanoelectronics, Embedded Systems, AI
- Received Special Certificate of recognition from IEEE Kochi Subsection for supporting the IEEE activities as IEEE SB counselor on 7th January 2017