Designation: Assistant Professor
- B.Tech Food Technology
- M.Tech Food Process Engineering
- PhD Agricultural and Food Engineering (Pursuing)
- Teaching : 6 years
- Research : 1 year
- Food Process Engineering
- Cleared National Eligibility test (NET) in Agriculture Structures and Process Engineering in 2018 and 2021 conducted by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, India
- Cleared National Eligibility test (NET) in Agricultural Process Engineering in 2017 conducted by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, India
- GATE 2020 Qualified
- University First Rank holder( CUSAT) for B.Tech Food Technology in 2013
- Merit Award For Academic Excellence- Alumni Association TKM Institute of technology, Kollam Kerala, India
- Received Letter of Appreciation from Deputy Director, Dairy Development Department, Government of Kerala for acting as a resource person for the successful conduct of Extension Training Programme –‘Ksheeranandham 2019’
held during the period 23rd to 31st October 2019. - Received Letter of Appreciation from Chairman, Indian Dairy Association (South Zone) for successfully organizing the 46th Dairy Industry Conference on ‘Dairying: Sufficiency to Efficiency’ from 8th 10th February 2018 at Adlux
International Convention Centre, Angamali, Kochi. - Won First prize for the Paper Presentation in the National Conference on ‘Emerging Avenues in Food Technology for Better Health and Safety’ organized by Department of Food Technology, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam on 8th
and 9th March 2013 - Won First prize for the Poster Presentation for the national conference- EMINENCE ’13 organized by Department of Food Technology, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam on 8th and 9th March 2013
- Project entitled ‘Development of Herbal Peda Incorporating Dry Ginger And Black Pepper Powder’ won Third prize for poster presentation during International E – Conference on Novel Nutrition Approach & Emerging Opportunities to Sustain in Pandemic Scenario organized by Mount Carmel
College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, India on 15th – 18th June 2020 - Project entitled ‘Optimization of process parameters of Herbal Peda’ won First prize for poster presentation under the theme Food Innovation during National Virtual Symposium –Essenpresso ’20 on organized by department of food
technology, School of Agriculture and Processing Sciences, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamilnadu held on 14th August 202
Book chapters
- Arya S. Krishnan, Jayasree Joshi T, and Anjaly M. Shanker (2023), Microgreens as Functional Food: A Crop of Modern Agriculture, The Functional Foods, Nutrient and Health Benefits, Apple Academic Press, ISBN: 9781774915363.
- Joshi,T.J., Harsha, V., VC, A. K., & Ashok, A. (2023). Identification and characterization techniques for engineered nanomaterials in food. Nanotechnology Applications for Food Safety and Quality Monitoring, 71-92.
- Cherian, E., Arackal, J.J., Jayasree Joshi, T. and Anitha Krishnan, V.C. (2022). Biodegradable Pots—For Sustainable Environment. In Biodegradable Materials and Their Applications (eds Inamuddin and T. Altalhi). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119905301.ch23
- Mohan, L., Cherian, E., & Joshi, T. J. (2022). Emerging issues and challenges for plastic bioremediation. In Microbes and Microbial Biotechnology for Green Remediation (pp. 589-600). Elsevier.
- Anandu Chandra Khanashyam, M. Anjaly Shanker, PriyamvadaThorakkattu, T. Jayasree Joshi, Ravi Pandiselvem, and Anjineyulu Kothakota (2022),
Applications of Ultrasound Technology for Inactivation of Food Enzymes, Enzyme Inactivation in Food Processing: Technologies, Materials, and Applications, Apple Academic Press Inc, ISBN: 9781774911600 - Mohan L., Cherian E., Arackal J.J., Jayasree Joshi T. (2022) Biodegradation of the Macroplastic Waste Using Microbial Approach. In: Shahnawaz M., Sangale M.K., Daochen Z., Ade A.B. (eds) Impact of Plastic Waste on the Marine Biota.
Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5403-9_7 - Elsa Cherian, G. Kalavathy, T. Jayasree Joshi, M. Grace Lydia Phoebe, And Baskar Gurunathan (2021), Importance of nanocatalyst and its role in biofuel production, Biofuels And Bioenergy Opportunities and Challenges, Elsevier 171-
182 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85269-2.00022-8
Review articles - Joshi, T. J., Singh, S. M., & Rao, P. S. (2023). Novel thermal and non-thermal millet processing technologies: advances and research trends. European Food Research and Technology, 1-12.
- Sony George, Anish Thomas, Malladi V. Pavan Kumar, Abdul Samad Kamdod, Akanksha Rajput, Jayasree Joshi T & S. Abdullah (2022), Impact of processing parameters on the quality attributes of spray-dried powders: a review. European
Food Research and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-022-04170-0 - Jazim Salim, Anita Mary Sunil,Shyma C S, Vithu P, Jayasree Joshi. T, Asha Ashok and Rejeesh R (2021), Application of electrospinning techniques in Food Industry-A review, Indian Food Industry Magazine, AFSTI, Volume 3, No 5 pp.51-
62 - Kiran Thampan, Ganga U, Bronsky Thomas, Jayasree Joshi. T and Asha Ashok (2020), Application of electrospinning techniques in Food Industry-A review, Indian Food Industry Magazine, AFSTI, Volume 2, pp.55-68
- Jijina K V, Fathima Shahna A S, Sneha D, Sneha V, Jayasree Joshi. T and Asha Ashok (2019), Solar Refrigeration – A Futuristic Idea for Cooling, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 4,Issue 9, pp. 667-670
- Jayasree Joshi T and Manonmani T(2017), Approaches to understand heat and mass transfer phenomenon in Food grain storage systems, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 08, pp.61-64, August, 2017
Conference proceedings
- Jayasree Joshi T, Sivaranjani S, Rahul Kumar Rout and P.S Rao, Millet Processing and Value addition: An alternative way to meet Climate -Smart Agriculture for transforming food security to nutritional security, Global Conference on Climate smart agriculture, Vignan University,125-131,
ISBN:9789395944489. - Ananthakrishnan K A, Anita Mary Sunil, Jayasree Joshi T, Anu Renjan and Hridya Raveendran (2020), Effect of Dry Ginger and Black Pepper Powder on Compositional and Sensory Attributes of Herbal Peda , Proceedings of National
Conference on Biotechnology Research Innovations and Opportunities- BRIO ’20 ISBN 978-93-5407-876-7, pp 14-20. - Godwin Jacob, Soji R, Elsa Cherian, and Jayasree Joshi T, (2020), Microbial Fuel Cell – A Way for Bioelectricity and Clean Environment, , Proceedings of AICTE sponsored International E-Conference on Frontiers in Industrial Biotechnology (ICFIBT) organized by St. Josephs College of Engineering, Chennai.
- Arya R.Chandran, Dr. K.A Suresh and Jayasree Joshi T (2018), ICT in Agriculture -A Case Study’, Proceedings of 46th Dairy Industry Conference on ‘Dairying: Sufficiency to Efficiency’ organized by Indian Dairy Association from
8th 10th February 2018, pp-212. - Joshi T.J, Abirami C.V.K, Anandakumar S, Alagusundaram L, Alice S.R.P.J (2016),Abiotic and biotic changes in wheat (Triticum aestivum) bulks stored under Indian traditional practice of cover and plinth structure.pp: 486-494, In:
Navarro S, Jayas D S, Alagusundaram K, (Eds.) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Stored Products(CAF 2016). - Shermaraj V, Arya Krishnan S and Jayasree Joshi T, Dehydration of Aloe Vera, Proceedings of National Student Conference on Food Technology (SCOFTECH 2014); ‘Technologies and Technologists for Indian Food Industry conducted by Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur, pp:181-182.
Practical Manual
- Jayasree Joshi T and Asha Ashok (2019), Practical Manual on Food Engineering, Published by Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India.
- Asha Ashok and Jayasree Joshi T (2019), Practical Manual on Fluid Mechanics, Published by Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India.
- Jayasree Joshi T and Asha Ashok (2018), Practical Manual on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Published by Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India.
- Asha Ashok and Jayasree Joshi T (2017), Practical Manual on Dairy Engineering, Published by Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India
Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
- Acted as Paper Presentation Evaluator during ‘EMINENCE ’18, National conference on “Emerging Food processing Technologies Towards Safe Food’’ held on 9 th and 10 th February 2018 organised by TKM Institute of Technology,
Kollam. - Presented an E-poster on ‘ICT in Agriculture -A Case Study’ in the 46 th Dairy Industry Conference on ‘Dairying: Sufficiency to Efficiency’ organized by Indian Dairy Association from 8 th 10 th February 2018 at Adlux International Convention Centre, Angamali, Kochi.
- Participated in State level Workshop on ‘Towards Self Sufficiency in Milk Production’ organized by Dairy Development Department, Government of Kerala on 01 st June 2017 at Tagore Centenary Hall, Thiruvananthapuram
- Participated and Presented a poster on ‘Dehydration of Aloe Vera’ in the First National Student Conference on Food Technology (SCOFTECH 2014); ‘Technologies and Technologists for Indian Food Industry conducted by Indian
Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur on 7 th and 8 th February 2014 - Participated and Presented a paper on ‘Food Waste Utilization’ in the National Level Symposium on ‘Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition’ organized by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on 20-21 st September 2013
- Presented a paper on ‘Physico-Mechanical and Hygroscopic Properties of Modified Cassava Starch- Nano clay composite Biodegradable Films’ in the national conference on ‘Emerging Avenues in Food Technology for Better Health and Safety’ organized by Department of Food Technology, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam on 8 th and 9 th March 2013.
- Participated and presented a poster on ‘Development of hydroxypropylated cassava starch-nano kaoline clay composite biodegradable films’ in the Third International Conference on Food Technology on ‘Food Processing
Technologies-Challenges and Solution for sustainable Food Security’ organised by Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur on 4 th and 5 th January 2013 - Participated in the Panel Discussion on Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 organized by Department of Food Technology, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam in association with Office of the Commissioner of Food Safety,
Government of Kerala and State Nutrition Division, Directorate of Health Bureau, Government of Kerala on 21 st February 2012 at Thiruvananthapuram - Participated in National seminar on ‘ Harvesting Innovations in Food Technology’ organized by Department of Food Technology, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam on 19 th February 2011 at Hotel Presidency, Cochin
- Attended seminar on Potential and Diverse Applications of Cold Plasma for inactivation and mitigation of Corona Virus Organised by AFSTI on 30 th April
2020 - Attended a lecture on “Setting your Vision, Mission, PEOs, POs and PSOs” under the webinar series ‘Guidance for Preparing Standard Operating Procedures in Higher Education’ organized by Department of Food Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits Chapter on August 8, 2020
- Successfully completed Two day National Level Virtual Technical Workshop on “Optimization of process parameters using Minitab software” on 14th and 15th of September, 2020
Faculty Development Programs
- Three day FDP on ‘Business Anchors’ organized by Department of Business Administration, St. Martins’s Engineering College Secunderabad from
28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. - Five day FDP on Renewable Energy Systems organized by Institution of Green Engineers in association with Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai from
8 to 12 June 2020 - Two Weeks FDP on ‘Creating and Managing Online Class’ organized by School of Biosciences and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, MACFAST in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council from 17 th to 26 th June 2020
- One week Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Food Processing Technologies” organized by Department of Food Technology, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education from 22-28 th June 2020
- Five day National level Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Recent Trends and Developments in 14th August 2020, organized by Department of Food Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering in Association with AFSTI,
Cochin chapter - FDP on Beginner’s Guide to Research conducted by Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam on 3rd & 4th December 2020
- FDP on Data Analysis using Statistical Tools in MS Excel conducted by Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam from 7th to 10th December, 2020
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Postharvest and Processing (Food Technology)” from 2020-11-2 to 2020-11-6 at National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management.
- Six Days Online Short Term Training Programme on “Changing Paradigms on Food Security and Food Sufficiency” from 14.12.2020 to 19.12.2020 organized by College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduveli, Chennai – 600 052 funded by All India Council for Technical Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi
- Successfully completed training programme on ‘Food Safety Management Systems and Risk Assessment’ Organized by College of Dairy Science and Technology, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Thiruvananthapuram on 01.01.2020
- Successfully completed inplant training at KKR Group of Companies (NIRAPARA), Kalady from 15 th December 2014 to 30 th December 2014
- Successfully completed Industrial training in the Quality Control Section of Milma-Kollam Dairy during the period 21 st to 25 th November 2011
- Successfully completed training programme on Instrumental Methods of Analysis conducted by Cashew Exports Promotion Council, Kollam from 10 th to 14 th October 2011
- Completed Online Training on “Major food borne pathogens in fish and fish products: Challenges in India” organized by FSSAI on 1/6/2020
- Completed Online Training on “AMR in food safety – an India perspective” organized by FSSAI on 2/6/2020
- Completed Online Training on “Aquaculture shrimp pathogen detection – Streamlined workflow with shrimp singleplex and multiplex assays ” on 3/6/2020 MOOC’s
- Twelve week NPTEL online course on Dairy and Food Process and Products Technology offered by IIT Kharagpur
- Successfully completed Massive Open Online Course on ‘Designing E- Learning Content’ offered by ICAR-NAARM (National Academy of
Agricultural Research Management) from July 1- 31, 2020 - Online non-credit course on ‘The Science of Gastronomy’ authorized by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology offered through Coursera
- Online non-credit course on ‘Global Post harvest loss Prevention, Fundamentals, Technologies and Actors’ authorized by University of Illinos offered through Coursera
- Online non-credit course on ‘Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There’ authorized by University of Michigan offered through Coursera
- Online non-credit course on ‘Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for wine tasting’ authorized by University of California offered through Coursera
- Online non-credit course on ‘Managing Project Risks and Changes’ authorized by University of California, Irvine offered through Coursera
- Online non-credit course on ‘Dairy Production and Management’ authorized by The Pennsylvania state University offered through Coursera
- Online non-credit course on ‘Transformation of the Global Food System’authorized by University of Copenhagen offered through Coursera
- Food Process Modeling
- Grain Storage Engineering
- Post-Harvest Engineering
- Process Equipment Design
- Food Packaging
- Life Member of AFSTI (Membership No. AFST/LM/3-2020/COHN/3470 )
- Life Member of Indian society of agricultural engineering (ISAE) (Membership No. LM-12386)
- Member of Indian Dairy Association