Designation: Assistant Professor, Department of Food Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous)
Education: B.Tech (Agrl Engg), M.Tech (Agrl processing and Food Engg)
Professional Experience
- Teaching: 5 Years
- Research: 2 Years
Educational Qualifications
- B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering (Kerala Agricultural University)
- M.Tech in Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering (Kerala Agricultural University)
- Qualified ICAR-ASRB NET 2017 (Agricultural process engineering)
- Qualified ICAR-ASRB NET 2018 (Agricultural structure and process engineering)
Positions held
- Assistant Professor (contract) for five years at Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Malappuram, Kerala Agricultural University
- Assistant Manager for 2 years at RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri-Business Incubator, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara
Areas of Professional Interest
- Food Processing Engineering
- Food Preservation
- Non-thermal Processing
- Food Packaging
- Food Safety & Quality
- Design and Development of food Equipments/Machinery
- First Rank holder in Master’s Degree (Agricultural Engineering with Specialization in Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering), Kerala Agricultural University.
Research Papers Published
- S. Sariga, Jeena Joseph and Priya G. Nair. 2019. Optimization of lateral depth of subsurface drip fertigation for Amaranthus. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(7): 515-520
- Sariga, S., Prince, M.V., Sudheer, K.P., and Y. Dileep, Sean. 2016. Influence of wall material blend, flavour load, and inlet air temperature on microencapsulation of vanilla extract. Advances in Lifesciences. 5(6):2116-2120.
- Sariga S. and Prince M.V. 2016. Effect of flavour load and inlet air temperature on microencapsulation of vanilla extract with maltodextrin as wall material. International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences. 5(2):21-26.
- Y. Dileep, Sean.,Prince, M.V., and Sariga S. 2016. Development of ultraviolet radiation-assisted ohmic heating equipment. Advances in Lifesciences. 5(17):6545-6548.
- Y. Dileep, Sean., Prince, M.V., Sudheer, K.P., and Sariga, S. 2016. Storage studies of Ultraviolet radiation-assisted ohmic heating of pineapple juice. Agricultural India Today. 40(4): 29-35.
- Sariga, S. and Prince, M.V. 2015. Influence of flavour load and inlet air temperature on microencapsulation of vanilla extract by spray drying. Trends in Biosciences. 8(16): 4196-4201.
- Priya, G. Nair., Sariga, S., and Jeena Joseph. 2015. Optimization of fertigation level and depth of lateral under subsurface drip irrigation for amaranthus. Trends in Biosciences. 8(18): 4928-4932.
Abstracts Published
- Microencapsulation of vanilla extract using maize starch as wall material by spray drying (Sariga S, Prince MV, and Y Dileep Sean; National seminar on “Recent Trends in Food Technology, Processing, Preservation, and Byproduct Utilization)
- Flavour Load and Inlet Air Temperature of Spray Drier on Microencapsulation of Vanilla Extract (Sariga S and Prince MV; National seminar on All India seminar on innovative mechanization for small and marginal farmers under rained areas, organised by ‘The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI), Kerala State Center).
- Optimization of fertigation level and depth of lateral under subsurface drip irrigation for amaranthus (Priya.G.Nair, Jeena Joseph, and Sariga S; XXVII th National Convection of Agricultural Engineers on the theme “Green Revolution Through Agricultural engineering Technology” The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI), Kerala State Center)
Books Published
- A book titled “Agricultural Structures and Processing Engineering- previous year question papers of ARS/NET (memory-based)- Dileep Sean., Sariga S., and Vengaiah P C.
- Three book chapters in a book: Recent Developments in Post-Harvest Technology- K.P Sudheer and Santhi Mary Mathew.
- One book chapter in a book: Safety & Quality Management in Food Supply Chain-A Farm to Fork Approach- K.P Sudheer and Bindu Lakshmanan.
Technical/Popular Articles:
- Greeshma, K., Sudheer, K.P., Sariga, S. and Sreelakshmi, K.U. (Aug-Sept, 2021). Samrabhakathva swapnangalkku chiraku nalkam agribusiness incubatoriloode (Malayalam). Krishiyankanam, 4(4), 5-8.
- Sariga S., Sudheer, K.P., Greeshma K., Sreelakshmi K Unni. 2021. Maracheeni vilanashtam Ozhivakkam Moolyavardhanaviloode (in Malayalam), Kalpadhenu, July-September, 46-48
- Sudheer, K.P., Sariga S, Abhishek S, Sreelakshmi K Unni, Vithu Prabha and Greeshma K 2021. ‘Nalikeram: Samskaranavum Samrambhakatva Sadhyathakalum’ (In Malayalam) Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/05, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Sariga S, Abhishek S, Sreelakshmi K Unni, Vithu Prabha and Greeshma K 2021. ‘Coconut Processing & Entrepreneurial Opportunities’ Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/06, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Sariga S, Abhishek S, Sreelakshmi K Unni, Sankalpa K. B. and Greeshma K. 2021 ‘Pineapple Processing: Total Value Addition and Opportunities for emerging Entrepreneurs’ Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/10, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Sariga S, Abhishek S, Sreelakshmi K Unni, Ann Annie Shaju. 2021 Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Rice Processing’ Technical bulletin No. PMFME- ODOP/2021/12, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Sariga S, Abhishek S, Anjaly M G. 2021. ‘Kizhangu vila samskaranavum moolyavardhanavum (In Malayalam)’. Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/13, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Sariga S, Abhishek S, Anjaly M G. 2021. ‘Tuber Crop Processing- Value Addition and Entrepreneurial Opportunities’. Technical bulletin No. PMFME- ODOP/2021/14, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Abhishek S, Sariga S, Sreelakshmi K. Unni, Saranya S and Anjali M.G. 2021. Nendrakkaya Uthpanna Vyvidhyavum Sankethika Vidyakalum’ Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/03, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Abhishek S, Sariga S, Sreelakshmi K. Unni, Saranya S and Sankalpa K. B 2021. Banana- Processing & Product Diversity for Budding Entrepreneurs’ Technical Bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/04, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Abhishek S, Sariga S, Sreelakshmi K Unni and Anjali M.G. 2021. Chakka Samskaranavum Samrambhakatha Sadhyadhakalum’ (In Malayalam). Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/07, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Abhishek S, Sariga S, Sreelakshmi K. Unni, Saranya S and Greeshma K 2021. ‘Jackfruit Processing: Total Value Addition and Opportunities for Emerging Entrepreneurs’. Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/08, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Abhishek S, Sariga S, Anjali M G, Sreelakshmi K Unni and Greeshma K. 2021. ‘Pineapple Moolya Vardhanavum Samrambhakathva sadhyathakalum’ Technical Bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/09, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Sudheer, K.P., Sreelakshmi K Unni, Saranya S, Sariga S, Abhishek S and Ann Anna Shaju 2021. Ari samskaranavum samrambhakatha sadyathakalum (In Malayalam), Technical bulletin No. PMFME-ODOP/2021/11, Published by PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University.
Participation/Trainings Undergone
- Participated in 8 days model training course on Advanced Fish Drying and Chilling Technology sponsored by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI, Organised by ICAR-CIFT
- Participated All India Seminar on Innovative Mechanization for Small and Marginal Farmers under Rained Areas conducted by Institution of Engineers (India), Kerala State Centre
- Participated in the XXVII th National Convection of Agricultural Engineers on the theme “Green Revolution Through Agricultural Engineering Technology” organised by The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI), Kerala State Center.
- Participated in the one-day training programme on “Food Processing Entrepreneurship Development” organized by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Tamil Nadu
- Participated in 22 days training programme conducted by ICAR-CIFT on Fish processing.
- Participated in one month training programme conducted by Southern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Centre, Ananthpur, A.P. on Tractor & Farm Machinery Testing and Maintenance, Irrigation systems.
- Participated in 10 a days training programme conducted Indian Institute of Spice Research (IISR) Kozhikode, Kerala on spice, adulteration, value-added products
- Life Membership of AFST (i)
- Life membership of ISAE (Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers).
- Life membership of Associate member of IE(I)
- Member of All India Agricultural Students Association (AIASA)
- Life Membership of International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
- Life membership of “Trends in Biosciences” International Journal
Contact Details:
Phone No: 9496987073
Email: sariga.s@saintgits.org, sarigasurendran91@gmail.com