Collaboration with Bennett University
The research group ‘Bodhisattva’ is formed as part of Saintgits collaboration with Bennett University on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning skilling project under the leadinginda.ai initiative. This is a collaborative project sanctioned by Royal Academy of Engineering, UK under Newton Bhabha Fund and it is titled “Making Deep Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) skills mainstream in India to fulfil trilateral needs of entrepreneurship, Industry-academia partnership and application inspired Engineering Research”. The project involves skilling and research through 10 other collaborator institutions, 100 Lead zonal partners and 1000 basic partner institutions, 10000 teachers and 1000000 Students in India. It also intends to bring around 100 start-ups which will be closely associated with this project. The project is launched at Bennett University, Greater Noida. All the details are available at the website: www.leadingindia.ai
Skill Development
As part of the skill development on Deep Learning, different workshops, interactions with experts and add on courses related to machine and deep learning were conducted for faculty and students of Saintgits.
Faculty sharing knowledge
The research team at Saintgits College of Engineering ‘Bodhisatva’ took initiative to share their ideas and knowledge in deep learning.
On Jun. 13, 2018 Ms Veena A Kumar and Mr Nithin Prince gave a theory and practice session on basics of Phython and deep learning. This was done as a preparatory course for the workshop on AI and Deep Learning conducted on Jun. 25-27, 2018.
Workshop on AI and Deep Learning
As part of the nationwide “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning Skilling and Research”, project funded by Royal Academy of Engineering, UK under the Newton Bhabha Fund, a Three-day workshop was conducted at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, on Jun. 25-27, 2018.
Interaction with global intellectuals
Dr Upendranatha Sharma Chakravarthy had interaction with research team members and faculty.
Speaker Profile
Dr Upendranatha Sharma Chakravarthy
Professor Computer Science and Engineering Department
Founder: Information Technology Laboratory (IT Lab)
Distributed and Parallel Computing Cluster (DPCC)
The University of Texas at Arlington.
Workshop Design, Development and Launching of MOOC
Date: Dec. 7-8, 2018 Venue: SIM TC1. As part of the collaboration with Bennett University, Bodhisattva Research team of Saintgits College of Engineering organized a workshop on ‘Design, Development and Launching of MOOC’. The resource person for the workshop was Dr Parteek Kumar Bhatia, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala. The programme was arranged for the faculty members of Saintgits Group of Institutions.