Designation: Assistant Professor -Senior. Grade
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 9 Years 9 Months
UG : Electronics & Communication Engineering
PG : VLSI & Embedded Systems
PhD: MEMS (Pursuing)
Publication (latest come first in IEEE format)
International Journals
- Ravindran, Ajith, D. Nirmal, K. P. Pinkymol, P. Prajoon, and J. Ajayan. “InGaAs based gratings for UV–VIS spectrometer in prospective mRNA vaccine research.” Optical and Quantum Electronics 54, no. 9 (2022): 1-15. (SCI Indexed Impact Factor: 2.794).
- Ravindran, A., Nirmal, D., Prajoon, P. and Rani, D.G.N., 2020. Optical Grating Techniques for MEMS-Based Spectrometer – A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(5), pp.5645-5655.(SCI Indexed- Impact Factor:3.07)
- Shilpa, K.S., Ravindran, A. and Saranya, P.M., Design Of Standard Cell Asic’s Using Self Gated Resonant Clocked Flip Flop, ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics, July 2017 Volume: 3 , Issue: 2
- Jose, J., Ravindran, A. and Nair, K.K., A Highly Sensitive Heterojunction Photodetector for UV Application., International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT, ISSN: 2278-0181 IJERTV5IS090580 Vol. 5 Issue 09, September-2016.
- Nair, K.K., Jose, J. and Ravindran, A., 2016. Analysis of temperature dependent parameters on solar cell efficiency using MATLAB. International journal of Engineering development and research, 4, pp.536-541.
- Varghese, A., Praveen, C.S., Mani, A.P. and Ravindran, A., In GaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET., IJCA – International Journal of Computer Applications – IJCA, pp. 207-212, 2015, ISBN: 973-93- 80888-56-6.
- Praveen, C.S., Ravindran, A., John, S.K. and Abe, S., Gate Engineering Of Double Gate In0. 53ga0. 47as Tunnel FET., ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics, October 2015, Volume: 01, Issue: 03
- Praveen C S , Ajith Ravindran , Shajimon K John , Arathy Varghese and Ancy P Mani, Impact of Doping in Gate All Around Nanowire TFET., International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2015
- Praveen, C.S., Ravindran, A. and Varghese, A., 2015. Analysis of GAA tunnel FET using Matlab, IJCA – International Journal of Computer Applications, 975, p.8887.
- Sudheer, A. and Ravindran, A., 2015. Design and implementation of embedded logic flip-flop for low power applications. Procedia Computer Science, 46, pp.1393-1400.
- Ravindran, A., 2014. Design & Implementation of Embedded Logic Flip-Flop in 180nm Technology. International Journal of Engineering Research, 3(6).
- Thomas, A., Jose, S.H., Prasad, A. and Ravindran, A., 2014. Speed control of a DC motor using fractional order proportional derivative (FOPD) control. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(1), pp.3460-3464.
- Ajith Ravindran, Soya Treesa Jose, Pradeep C., A 1.5V Area Efficient Asynchronous Adder using MODL and Double Pass Transistor Logic., International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 ISSN 2229-5518
Book Chapter
- Book Chapter titled “Double Gate High Electron Mobility Transistors “ in Handbook for III-V high electron mobility transistor technologies. Nirmal D, Ajayan J, editors, CRC Press; 2019 May 14. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429460043
International Conference
- Ravindran, Ajith, D. Nirmal, Binola. K. Jebalin. I. V, K. P. Pinkymol, P. Prajoon, and J. Ajayan. “Investigation on Impact of GaAs and GaN Blazed Grating for High Performance UV-VIS Spectrometer” in 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2022).
- Ravindran, A., Nesamani, F.P. and Nirmal, D., 2018, December. A study on the use of spectroscopic techniques to identify food adulteration. In 2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- James, R.M. and Ravindran, A., 2018, March. Review of Full Adder Performance Analysis Using Kogge Stone Adder And Magnetic Tunnel Junction. In 2018 4th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS) (pp. 84-90). IEEE.
- Joseph, T.S. and Ravindran, A., 2014, July. Implementation of non-volatile 4× 4 4T1D DRAM cell in 0.18 μm technology. In 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT) (pp. 435-439). IEEE.
- Indian Patent with title “Non Destructive Technique for The Detection of Artificially Ripened Mango Using Machine Learning”. Application Number : 202141028306 A, Filed date : 26.06.2021, Publication Date : 09.07.2021
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Numerical Simulation and Analysis with COMSOL Multiphysics” from 13th June to 18th June, 2022 Organized by, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, Maharashtra.
- NPTEL-AICTE FDP on the course “Infra Red Spectroscopy for Pollution Monitoring” August, 2018 to September, 2018.
- Two-day Workshop on “Design, Development and launching of MOOC” conducted by leadingIndia.ai, a nation wide initiative by Bennett University, Greater Noida, India 7th December, 2018 to 8th December, 2018.
- Five days training programme for faculties and research scholars on “MathWorks training on Machine Learning with MATLAB, Control System Design with MATLAB and Simulink, and Embedded Coder” 7th January, 2019 to 11th January, 2019.
- Short Term course on “Microelectronics: from Fundamentals to Devices” by IIT Madras from 11th to 16th July 2016.
- National workshop on Advanced Nano scale device design using TCAD at Chenganur Engg. College from 28th December 2015 to 1st January 2016
- IETE sponsored FDP on Embedded Design Using ARM & ARDUINO by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 18th to 24th Nov 2015.
- FDP on CAD tools in VLSI & Communication by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 28th Nov 2014 to 5th Dec 2015
- INUP hands on training on Solar Cell Fabrication by IIT Bombay from 17th to 22nd Nov 2014.
- IETE Sponsored National Level Faculty Development Programme on CAD Tools in VLSI & Communication by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 28th November 2014 to 5th December 2014.
- INUP workshop on Nanofabrication technologies by IIT Bombay from 26th to 28th May 2014.
- Five day FDP on CMOS Design by NIT, Calicut from 19th June 2013 to 24th June 2013 .
As resource Person
- Hands on Training on Digital Design using Xilinx by CEK, Kidangoor
- Hands on Training on OrCad PCB Design by Saintgits IEEE SB
Events Organized
- Coordinator – Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Jacob Baker for IEEE members under IEEE Kerala Section., 2013
- IEEE SSCS SAINTGITS Student Branch Advisor, 2013 onwards
- Coordinator – Three day Workshop & Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS- 2014
- Coordinator – Second Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS, 2014
- Mentor – Synopsys Design Contest 2014
- Coordinator – Third Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS, 2015
- Coordinator – IEEE SSCS Sponsored Tailor Made Course in IC Design, 2017 onwards
- Programme committee member IEEE international conference on circuits, systems and digital enterprise technology(ICCSDET), 2018
- Coordinator – Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Using Intellisuite Software, 2018
- IEEE Day Ambassador for the IEEE Day Celebrations 2018 under IEEE Kerala Section, 2018
- Coordinator –Distinguished Lecture Programme by Dr. Yong Ping Xu, Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS), 2019
- Coordinator – Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Keith A Bowman, Qualcom Technoogies, USA, 2020
- IEEE Senior Member – 91160629
- IE(I) Associate Member – AM158597-8
Research Interest
- Physical Design and Verification
- ASIC Design and Verification
- Low Power Digital IC Design
- Optical MEMS
R & D Projects
- Extending 4T1D Non-Volatile Concept in 0.18um Technology, August 2014
- Design & Implementation of Embedded Logic Flip-flop in 180nm CMOS Technology, August 2014
- InGaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET for the Realization of Energy Efficient Complementary Logic, August 2015
- Analysis of gate all around tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD, August 2015
- Analysis of dopingless Hetrojunction tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD, August 2015
- Performance analysis of Photon Enhanced Thermionic Emission, August 2016
- A study for performance enhancement of hetero junction photo detectors, August 2016
- Reliability Enhancement of Low Power True Single-Phase Clocking Flip-Flop, March 2017
- Low Voltage Digital ECG Acquisition System, March 2019
- Handheld Device for the Detection of Artificially Ripened Fruits and Chemically Treated Vegetables, June 2020
- Investigation towards the use of Spectroscopic Techniques and Chemometrics in the Rapid Identification of Coconut Oil Adulteration, 2021
- Design and Simulation of Spectrometer Gratings for Biomedical Applications, 2022
- Elected as Chair – IEEE SSCS Kerala Chapter in 2022
- Received funding of Rs. 45000/- from CERD under Research Promotion Scheme for the project titled “ff”
- Selected as Evaluator for Toycathon 2022, by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell.
- Received funding of Rs. 4,16,000/- for the project titled “Handheld Device for the Detection of Artificially Ripened Fruits and Chemically Treated Vegetables” under APJ Abdul Kalam Youth Challenge Program from the Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment. (Funding No: 100/2017/KSCSTE dated 10/05/2017).
- Received IEEE SSCS chapter Subsidy of $1500 in the year 2019
- Received funding of Rs.50,000/- for the project titled “InGaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET for Realization of Energy Efficient Complementary Logic Circuit” from Institution of Engineers India.
- Received funding of Rs. 10,000/- for the project titled ” Analysis of gate all around tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD” from KSCSTE
- Received funding of Rs. 10,000/- for the project titled ” Analysis of dopingless heterojunction tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD” from KSCSTE
- Received IEEE SSCS Extra chapter Subsidy of $4389 in the year 2013
- Received IEEE SSCS Extra chapter Subsidy of $3250 in the year 2014
- Received IEEE SSCS Extra chapter Subsidy of $3500 in the year 2016
- Best Paper Award – National Conference on VLSI and Embedded Systems Technology and Advancements, VESTA2012.
Contact Details
Designation: Asst. Professor (Sr.)
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 9 Years 9 Months
UG : Electronics & Communication Engineering
PG : VLSI & Embedded Systems
PhD: MEMS (Pursuing)
Publication (latest come first in IEEE format)
International Journals
- Ravindran, Ajith, D. Nirmal, K. P. Pinkymol, P. Prajoon, and J. Ajayan. “InGaAs based gratings for UV–VIS spectrometer in prospective mRNA vaccine research.” Optical and Quantum Electronics 54, no. 9 (2022): 1-15. (SCI Indexed Impact Factor: 2.794).
- Ravindran, A., Nirmal, D., Prajoon, P. and Rani, D.G.N., 2020. Optical Grating Techniques for MEMS-Based Spectrometer – A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(5), pp.5645-5655.(SCI Indexed- Impact Factor:3.07)
- Shilpa, K.S., Ravindran, A. and Saranya, P.M., Design Of Standard Cell Asic’s Using Self Gated Resonant Clocked Flip Flop, ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics, July 2017 Volume: 3 , Issue: 2
- Jose, J., Ravindran, A. and Nair, K.K., A Highly Sensitive Heterojunction Photodetector for UV Application., International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT, ISSN: 2278-0181 IJERTV5IS090580 Vol. 5 Issue 09, September-2016.
- Nair, K.K., Jose, J. and Ravindran, A., 2016. Analysis of temperature dependent parameters on solar cell efficiency using MATLAB. International journal of Engineering development and research, 4, pp.536-541.
- Varghese, A., Praveen, C.S., Mani, A.P. and Ravindran, A., In GaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET., IJCA – International Journal of Computer Applications – IJCA, pp. 207-212, 2015, ISBN: 973-93- 80888-56-6.
- Praveen, C.S., Ravindran, A., John, S.K. and Abe, S., Gate Engineering Of Double Gate In0. 53ga0. 47as Tunnel FET., ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics, October 2015, Volume: 01, Issue: 03
- Praveen C S , Ajith Ravindran , Shajimon K John , Arathy Varghese and Ancy P Mani, Impact of Doping in Gate All Around Nanowire TFET., International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2015
- Praveen, C.S., Ravindran, A. and Varghese, A., 2015. Analysis of GAA tunnel FET using Matlab, IJCA – International Journal of Computer Applications, 975, p.8887.
- Sudheer, A. and Ravindran, A., 2015. Design and implementation of embedded logic flip-flop for low power applications. Procedia Computer Science, 46, pp.1393-1400.
- Ravindran, A., 2014. Design & Implementation of Embedded Logic Flip-Flop in 180nm Technology. International Journal of Engineering Research, 3(6).
- Thomas, A., Jose, S.H., Prasad, A. and Ravindran, A., 2014. Speed control of a DC motor using fractional order proportional derivative (FOPD) control. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(1), pp.3460-3464.
- Ajith Ravindran, Soya Treesa Jose, Pradeep C., A 1.5V Area Efficient Asynchronous Adder using MODL and Double Pass Transistor Logic., International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 ISSN 2229-5518
Book Chapter
- Book Chapter titled “Double Gate High Electron Mobility Transistors “ in Handbook for III-V high electron mobility transistor technologies. Nirmal D, Ajayan J, editors, CRC Press; 2019 May 14. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429460043
International Conference
- Ravindran, Ajith, D. Nirmal, Binola. K. Jebalin. I. V, K. P. Pinkymol, P. Prajoon, and J. Ajayan. “Investigation on Impact of GaAs and GaN Blazed Grating for High Performance UV-VIS Spectrometer” in 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2022).
- Ravindran, A., Nesamani, F.P. and Nirmal, D., 2018, December. A study on the use of spectroscopic techniques to identify food adulteration. In 2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- James, R.M. and Ravindran, A., 2018, March. Review of Full Adder Performance Analysis Using Kogge Stone Adder And Magnetic Tunnel Junction. In 2018 4th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS) (pp. 84-90). IEEE.
- Joseph, T.S. and Ravindran, A., 2014, July. Implementation of non-volatile 4× 4 4T1D DRAM cell in 0.18 μm technology. In 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT) (pp. 435-439). IEEE.
- Indian Patent with title “Non Destructive Technique for The Detection of Artificially Ripened Mango Using Machine Learning”. Application Number : 202141028306 A, Filed date : 26.06.2021, Publication Date : 09.07.2021
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Numerical Simulation and Analysis with COMSOL Multiphysics” from 13th June to 18th June, 2022 Organized by, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, Maharashtra.
- NPTEL-AICTE FDP on the course “Infra Red Spectroscopy for Pollution Monitoring” August, 2018 to September, 2018.
- Two-day Workshop on “Design, Development and launching of MOOC” conducted by leadingIndia.ai, a nation wide initiative by Bennett University, Greater Noida, India 7th December, 2018 to 8th December, 2018.
- Five days training programme for faculties and research scholars on “MathWorks training on Machine Learning with MATLAB, Control System Design with MATLAB and Simulink, and Embedded Coder” 7th January, 2019 to 11th January, 2019.
- Short Term course on “Microelectronics: from Fundamentals to Devices” by IIT Madras from 11th to 16th July 2016.
- National workshop on Advanced Nano scale device design using TCAD at Chenganur Engg. College from 28th December 2015 to 1st January 2016
- IETE sponsored FDP on Embedded Design Using ARM & ARDUINO by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 18th to 24th Nov 2015.
- FDP on CAD tools in VLSI & Communication by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 28th Nov 2014 to 5th Dec 2015
- INUP hands on training on Solar Cell Fabrication by IIT Bombay from 17th to 22nd Nov 2014.
- IETE Sponsored National Level Faculty Development Programme on CAD Tools in VLSI & Communication by SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 28th November 2014 to 5th December 2014.
- INUP workshop on Nanofabrication technologies by IIT Bombay from 26th to 28th May 2014.
- Five day FDP on CMOS Design by NIT, Calicut from 19th June 2013 to 24th June 2013 .
As resource Person
- Hands on Training on Digital Design using Xilinx by CEK, Kidangoor
- Hands on Training on OrCad PCB Design by Saintgits IEEE SB
Events Organized
- Coordinator – Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Jacob Baker for IEEE members under IEEE Kerala Section., 2013
- IEEE SSCS SAINTGITS Student Branch Advisor, 2013 onwards
- Coordinator – Three day Workshop & Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS- 2014
- Coordinator – Second Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS, 2014
- Mentor – Synopsys Design Contest 2014
- Coordinator – Third Conference on Solid State Circuits funded by IEEE SSCS, 2015
- Coordinator – IEEE SSCS Sponsored Tailor Made Course in IC Design, 2017 onwards
- Programme committee member IEEE international conference on circuits, systems and digital enterprise technology(ICCSDET), 2018
- Coordinator – Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Using Intellisuite Software, 2018
- IEEE Day Ambassador for the IEEE Day Celebrations 2018 under IEEE Kerala Section, 2018
- Coordinator –Distinguished Lecture Programme by Dr. Yong Ping Xu, Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS), 2019
- Coordinator – Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Keith A Bowman, Qualcom Technoogies, USA, 2020
- IEEE Senior Member – 91160629
- IE(I) Associate Member – AM158597-8
Research Interest
- Physical Design and Verification
- ASIC Design and Verification
- Low Power Digital IC Design
- Optical MEMS
R & D Projects
- Extending 4T1D Non-Volatile Concept in 0.18um Technology, August 2014
- Design & Implementation of Embedded Logic Flip-flop in 180nm CMOS Technology, August 2014
- InGaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET for the Realization of Energy Efficient Complementary Logic, August 2015
- Analysis of gate all around tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD, August 2015
- Analysis of dopingless Hetrojunction tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD, August 2015
- Performance analysis of Photon Enhanced Thermionic Emission, August 2016
- A study for performance enhancement of hetero junction photo detectors, August 2016
- Reliability Enhancement of Low Power True Single-Phase Clocking Flip-Flop, March 2017
- Low Voltage Digital ECG Acquisition System, March 2019
- Handheld Device for the Detection of Artificially Ripened Fruits and Chemically Treated Vegetables, June 2020
- Investigation towards the use of Spectroscopic Techniques and Chemometrics in the Rapid Identification of Coconut Oil Adulteration, 2021
- Design and Simulation of Spectrometer Gratings for Biomedical Applications, 2022
- Elected as Chair – IEEE SSCS Kerala Chapter in 2022
- Received funding of Rs. 45000/- from CERD under Research Promotion Scheme for the project titled “ff”
- Selected as Evaluator for Toycathon 2022, by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell.
- Received funding of Rs. 4,16,000/- for the project titled “Handheld Device for the Detection of Artificially Ripened Fruits and Chemically Treated Vegetables” under APJ Abdul Kalam Youth Challenge Program from the Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment. (Funding No: 100/2017/KSCSTE dated 10/05/2017).
- Received IEEE SSCS chapter Subsidy of $1500 in the year 2019
- Received funding of Rs.50,000/- for the project titled “InGaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET for Realization of Energy Efficient Complementary Logic Circuit” from Institution of Engineers India.
- Received funding of Rs. 10,000/- for the project titled ” Analysis of gate all around tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD” from KSCSTE
- Received funding of Rs. 10,000/- for the project titled ” Analysis of dopingless heterojunction tunnel field effect transistor using TCAD” from KSCSTE
- Received IEEE SSCS Extra chapter Subsidy of $4389 in the year 2013
- Received IEEE SSCS Extra chapter Subsidy of $3250 in the year 2014
- Received IEEE SSCS Extra chapter Subsidy of $3500 in the year 2016
- Best Paper Award – National Conference on VLSI and Embedded Systems Technology and Advancements, VESTA2012.
Contact Details
Phone: +91- 8606432966
Email: ajith.ravindran@saintgits.org