Designation: Associate Professor, Department of Food Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous)
Education: PhD
Professional Experience
- Teaching: 6 Years
- Research: 9 Years
- Industry: 8 months
Educational Qualifications
- B Sc.degree in Food Science and Quality Control
- M.Sc. degree in Food Science and Technology
- Ph. D. in Food Technology
- Post Graduate Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture
- ICAR-NET Qualified in Food Technology
Positions held
- Project Manager in ICAR-KVK, Alappuzha, CPCRI (Reg.), Kayamkulam
- Lecturer in Department of Food Science and Quality Control, NSS Hindu College, Changanassery
- Research Associate in ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Cochin
- Senior Research Fellow in ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI),Kasaragod
- Lab Assistant in Pomsy Food Products Pvt. Ltd, Kollam
Areas of Professional Interest
- Food Processing & Preservation, Food Safety & Quality, Food Chemistry, Food Analysis
- Parvathi Biji., Amala Theresa George., Ritty K Cherian., Anju KA; Food and Non -Food Applications of Banana Pseudo-stem’ Sasthra – The Ind. J. Sci. & Technol. (2022) – 3(2): 51-59.
Refereed Journals
- Formulation and nutritional evaluation of ice cream fortified with Rose Apple (Syzygiumjambos). International Journal of creative Research Thoughts. 2021; 9(3).ISSN: 2320-2882.
- Effect of Various Types of Drying on Fresh Marine Shrimps (Penaeus notialis). International Journal of Science and Research.2021;10(2) DOI: 10.21275/SR21222141319
- Characterization of Reaction Parameters in the Bioremediation of Congo red and Crystal Violet Dyes Using Mixed Cultures of E.Coli and Bacillus Subtilis. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM). 2021 3(3) pp: 654-662. ISSN: 2395-5252.
- Effect of Packaging in Biogenic Amine Production in Indian Squid (Loligoduvauceli) Stored in Iced Condition (2017). International Journal of Science and Research, 6(10): 225-229.
- Quality characteristics of yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacores) in the fish landing centre at Cochin, India. (2016). Fishery technology. 53. 313-319.
Popular Articles
- ‘Edible Cutlery: Eco friendly Utensils’ published in The Food Tech Times, Quarterly Newsletter, AFSTI Cochin Chapter, Oct-Dec 2021.
- Value added products from Pepper (Malayalam). (2019). Spices India; Spice Board 1(3); 17-21.
- Value added products from vegetables (Malayalam).(2018). Krishiyanganam; Vegetable and fruits promotion council, Kerala. 1(3); 31-32.
- Value added products from banana (Malayalam). (2019). Kerala Karshakan: Farm Information Bureau, Department of Agriculture Development and Farmer Welfare, Kerala. 64(6); 39-40.
- Value addition in banana (Malayalam).(2019). Krishiyanganam; Vegetable and fruits promotion council, Kerala. 1(6); 18-20
- Value addition in vegetables (Malayalam). (2019). Kerala Karshakan: Farm Information Bureau
- World Food Day: It’s our day- published in Newsletter -The Gitsian Foodology, Vol2(2) July-December 2021
- ‘Edible cutlery: A delicious approach to waste reduction’ published in Newsletter -The Gitsian Foodology, Vol2(1) Jan-June 2021
Training Manual
- ‘Value added products from Pineapple, Pappaya & Passion Fruit’ in Malayalam (2020).
- ‘Value added products from Banana’ in Malayalam (2019).
Short-term Training Programs Attended
- Completed online course on ‘Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition’ offered by Wageningen University & Research, EdX on 3rd July 2020
- Completed online course on ‘The meat we eat’ offered by Coursera on 28th March 2020
- Completed online course on ‘Speak English Professionally’ offered by Coursera on 9th May 2020
- Short course on “Practical Aspects of Seafood safety” organized by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, at Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin.
- Training on “Modern Analytical Techniques in Biochemistry by GC, GCMS, HPLC, LCMS-MS, AAS, ICP-OES and FTIR” at Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Cochin.
- Training on ‘HACCP Concepts’ from Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin.
- Training on ‘Coconut Convenience Foods and Coconut vinegar’ from demonstration centre, Coconut Development Board, Cochin
- Training on ‘CODEX General Principles of Food Hygiene & Application of HACCP Based Food Safety System’ from Food safety Solutions International, Cochin
- Training on High Pressure Processing for Food preservation organized under the NAIP sub project at CIFT, Cochin
- Project on ‘Changes in Physical, Nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of biscuits prepared by incorporation of pigeon pea byproduct flour and storage studies’at Paddy Processing Research Centre, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu In plant training in Milma, Kollam
- In plant training in Foster Marketing Company, Thrissur
- In plant training in Relish Sea Foods, Alappuzha
- In plant training in Pulimootil food products, Pathanamthitta
- OnlineCertificate course on ‘Advanced course on Intellectual Property Management’ from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- OnlineCertificate course on ‘Advanced course on Patents’ from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Online Certificate course on ‘General course on Intellectual Property’ from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- CII-APTDC online course on Intellectual Property Rights “IP CAP”
Invited Talks/Paper/Poster presented at seminar/conference:
- An invited Guest Speaker to handle a seminar on ‘Value addition in Agriculture’ for food business entrepreneurs in connection with the Manthrisabha Varshikam organized by Principal Agriculture Office, Alappuzha, on 12th May 2022
- Conducted an online session on ‘Poshan Assembly’ -Health and Nutrition on 2nd October 2021at HSS Vocational Higher Secondary School, Brahmamangalam, Kottayam
- Conducted an online session on ‘Food Fermentation’ for B.Voc Food Processing Students on 28th September 2021 at St.Theresas College Ernakulam
- Conducted an online session on ‘Poshan Abhiyan -Health and Nutrition on 27th September 2021at MMO Vocational Higher Secondary School, Kochi
- An invited Guest Speaker to handle a session on ‘Importance of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in Food Processing’ for food business entrepreneurs in connection with the training programme organized by ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Alappuzha on 1st February 2021
- An invited Guest Speaker to handle a session on ‘Food safety, Quality certification and standardization’ for Agricultural Officers in connection with the training programme organized by AGMARK Department, Alappuzha on18thJanuary 2021
- An invited Guest Speaker to handle a session on “Food For Thought” in connection with “World Food Day Celebrations-2020” on 16th October 2020 organized by Research Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, St Albert’s College (Autonomous)
- An invited Guest Speaker to handle a session on ‘Food safety Quality certification and standardization’ for food business entrepreneurs and farmers in connection with the training programme organized by ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Alappuzha on 28th February 2020
- Presented a technical paper on ‘Effect of storage temperature on the production of biogenic amine in Indian Squid’ in International e-conference on frontiers in industrial biotechnology organised by St.Joseph college of Engineering, Chennai on 27th July 2020
- Paper on ‘Putrescine as a Potential Index for Freshness of Indian Squid (Loligoduvauceli)’ in National seminar ‘Frontiers in food science’ on 3rd August 2018 at NSS Hindu College, Changanacherry.
- Paper on ‘Effect of storage condition on Biogenic amine production in Squid (Loligoduvauceli)’ in 26th Swadeshi Science Congress, National Seminar at Central Marine Fisheries Research In statute, Kochi
- Paper on ‘Assessment of freshness of squid (Loligoduvauceli)’ under chilled condition using a quality index scheme, in International Conference on Science and Technology for national development, At Kerala University of fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad, Kochi.
- Presentation on ‘IP Protection and Technology Transfer of Technologies developed by CIFT’ as part of the short course on ‘Practical Aspects of Seafood safety’ organized by ICAR-CIFT on 14th to 24th July 2014.
- Presentation on ‘Food for thought’ at ICAR-CIFT on 26th September 2013 in connection with student empowerment programme organized by Recreation club, ICAR-CIFT.
- Poster on ‘Traditional knowledge on Fishery Resources and Management among Fisher folk in Kerala’ presented in “FISH FOLK”, National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge &Management systems in Fisheries at CIFT, Jointly organized by ZTMC South zone and SOFT (I)
- Poster on ‘Traditional Methods for fish preservation in Kerala’ presented in “FISH FOLK”, National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge &Management systems in Fisheries at CIFT, Jointly organized by ZTMC South zone and SOFT (I)
- Poster on ‘Traditional knowledge on Fishery Resources and Management among Fisher folk in Kerala’ presented in “FISH FOLK”, National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge &Management systems in Fisheries at CIFT, Jointly organized by ZTMC Southzone and SOFT (I)
- Poster on ‘ Recent Trends in Biotechnology- National symposium Biogenics 05’ at SreeBudha College of Engineering, Alappuzha
- An expert talk on ‘Value addition in Pineapple’ in connection with Workshop on ‘Hands on Training in Preparation of Value-Added Food Products from Pineapple’ organized by Department of Food Technology in Association with Kerala Gramin Bank, Vakathanam on 16th &17th, February, 2022 at Food Processing Lab, Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttam,
- An expert talk on ‘Food for Health’ for school students in connection with National Science Day celebrations on 28th February 2024 organised by Department of Food Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering
Participations in Conferences:
- National workshop cum Training on ‘High Pressure processing for Food preservation’ organized under NAIP project Studies on High pressure processing (HPP) of high value perishable commodities, on 7th March, 2014 at CIFT, Cochin
- 7th International Food Convention (IFCON-2013) on NSURE-Healthy Foods, Organized by Association of Food scientists & Technologist (India) held at CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore from 18th to 21st December 2013.
- ‘AgrIP2013’, National Workshop on Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Modern Era organized by ZTM-BPD unit South Zone and Kerala state council for Science, technology and Environment, Patent Information centre, Kerala, on 15-16th November 2013.
- IPEX-2013;Conference and Exposition on “Building and Managing an IP Ecosystem for Business Excellence” organized by Andhra Pradesh Technology Development and Promotion centre (APTDC) at Hyderabad on 26-27 July 2013.
- International symposium on ‘Greening Fisheries-Towards Green Technologies in Fisheries’ jointly organized by Society of Fisheries Technologist (India) and Central Institute of Fisheries Technology Cochin held on May 21-23, 2013.
- “PROTECH 2013”,National Seminar on ‘Application of Emerging technologies in Fish Processing’ at CIFT on 8th January 2013, Jointly organized by Society of fisheries Technologist (India) & ZTM-BPD South Zone and Industrial Fisheries Alumini Association, CUSAT
- “FISH FOLK”, National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge &Management systems in Fisheries at CIFT, Jointly organized by ZTMC South zone and SOFT (I) held on 30-31st October 2012.
- In One day National Seminar on ‘Indian Sea Food Trade-Concerns &Adaptive Strategies’ organized by Society of fisheries Technologist (India) and CIFT on 30th June 2011 at CIFT, Cochin.
- Meeting cum Workshop 2010-11 on ‘Zonal Technology Management and Business Planning and Development Perspective of ICAR’ held on 4th & 5th March 2011 at CIFT, Cochin.
- National Seminar on ‘Aquatic Biodiversity and its Conservation’ held on December 31, 2010 at CIFT, Cochin.
- Workshop on ‘Managing Intellectual Property Rights in Collaborative R&D and Marketing of Products’ held on 11th &12th 2010 at Bangalore, organized by NRDC in collaboration with DRDO, Govt.of India.
- Meeting cum Workshop on ‘Zonal Technology Management and Business Planning and Development’ held on 12&13 March 2010 at CIFT, Cochin.
- 8th Indian Convention of Food Scientists and Technologists (ICFOST) 2006 on ‘Heritage Foods: Opportunities and challenges’ held at ANGRAU, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad.
- In 5th and Concluding workshop of Food Plus on ‘Value Addition to Foods- Process Engineering and Product innovation’ and ICFOST 2005, held at Nihmans Convention Centre, Bangalore.
Book Chapters Published
- Amala Theresa George, Anju K.A, Sony George, Rosamma Rajan. Crafting a sustainable future: Exploring the delightful world of Edible cutlery; Frontiers in Food Science, 2023, Published by NSS Hindu College, Changanacherry, ISBN:978-81964931-6-5,
- Dr. Elsa Cherian, Dr. Lakshmi Mohan, Dr Jobil J Arackal, Dr.Anju KA, Er Sruthi Rajan, Er, Veerapandi Loganathan. Essential Oils – Anti-Microbial and Pharmacological Properties of Essential Oils. IOP science, 2023
- Nikitha Binu., Rebeca Mary Rojoy., Irin Elsa Moncy., Dona Merin PJ., Anju KA Functional Foods: A Gateway to Healthier Future; Frontiers in Food Science, 2023, Published by NSS Hindu College, Changanacherry, ISBN:978-81964931-6-5.
- Elsa Cherian, Lakshmi Mohan, KA Anju, Solid Biofuel Production, environmental impact and techno economic analysis. Biofuels and Bioenergy, 2022, Elsevier 771-786.
Patents Filed
- Development of Instant Tea Capsule, Application Number: 202241036241, Dated: 24.06.2022 at Indian Patent Office, Chennai
Funded Research brought
Selected to receive a grant of Rs. 1,30,000 for the academic year 2022-23 as part of the SERD-Research Seed Money Scheme by KTU.
Conferences, Seminars, FDP, Workshops and training programme coordinated (as main or co coordinator)
- Coordinator of National Science Day celebrations. It was organised at Saintgits College of Engineering Campus on 28th February 2023 in association with School of Food Science and Technology, MG University. Students and faculties from Department of Food Technology and School of Food Science and Technology, MG University participated in the programme.
- Co-Coordinator of two-day training program, sponsored by Kerala Gramin Bank, was conducted for Kudumbashree members on ‘Practical Training in Value-Added Food Items from Pineapple.’ This event took place on February 16th and 17th, 2022, at the Food Processing Laboratory located within Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttam.
- Co-Coordinator of five-day national-level online Faculty Development Program (FDP) was organized in collaboration with AFST(i) Cochin Chapter. The FDP focused on the recent trends and developments in Food Technology and took place from August 10th to August 14th, 2020.
- Life membership in Society of Fisheries Technologist (India)