Designation: Professor
Education: M. Tech, Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering)
Professional Experience:
Teaching: 13 Years
Post PhD research experience: 7 years
Postdoctoral research experience: 1.3 years
UG: B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering
PG: M. Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Ph.D: Computer Science and Engineering
- Pratap,Anju and Maria Joshy, Aiswarya and Mathew, Manumol and John, Elizebeth and Treesa James, Jasmine, IoT based design for a smart plastic waste collection system. In Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2019), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, February 26 – 28, 2019. Available at Elsevier SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3356267, pp.1226-1229.
- Pratap, Anju and Sebastian, Rony and Joseph, Namitha and Eapen, Reenu K and Thomas, Shane, Soil Fertility Analysis and Fertilizer Recommendation System (September 2, 2019). International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies, Jaipur,Rajasthan, Springer. Available at Elsevier SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3446609 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3446609
- Thomas ES and Pratap A, 2019, Machine Learning approaches to Nurses Decision Support System, IJRTE,7(6S),928-931
- Joseph Jose, Hima Jayachandran, Anna Saji George, Jiya.S and Anju Pratap, 2019,HARITHAM: A PLANT DISEASE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Sciences (IJISCS), Volume 8 No.2.
- Elizabeth Sony Thomas & Anju Pratap, A review on decision support methods for hospital based nurse practitioners, ICITST 2018, Sarabhai Institute of Technology, November 2018.
- Anju Pratap & Michiaki Hamada, SCAST- A cost effective diagnostic framework based on cancer associated significant transcript screening, Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Keio University, Yohohama, Japan, January 15-17, 2018.
- Anju Pratap, Kanimozhiselvi, CS, Vijayakumar Pramod, KV, Parallel Neural Fuzzy-Based Joint Classifier Model for Grading Autistic Disorder, Soft Computing Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,356, , pp. 13-26, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18296-4_2.
- Anju Pratap & Kanimozhiselvi CS 2012, ‘Application of Naïve Bayes dichotomizer supported with expected risk and discriminant functions in clinical decisions-A Case Study’, Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computing , IEEE, pp. 1-4. DOI:10.1109/ICoAC.2012.6416811.
- Anju Pratap 2012, ‘Kanners syndrome diagnosis using connectionist expert system’, Conference on Computing Paradigms and Bio-Informatics.
- Thomas ES and Pratap A, Machine Learning approaches to Nurses Decision Support System, IJRTE,7(6S),928-931, 2019.
- Joseph Jose, Hima Jayachandran, Anna Saji George, Jiya.S and Anju Pratap, ,HARITHAM: A PLANT DISEASE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, International Journal of Information Systems and Computer Sciences (IJISCS), Volume 8 No.2, 2019.
- Kanimozhiselvi, CS & Anju Pratap 2016, ‘Possibilistic LVQ neural network- An application to childhood autism grading’, Neural Network World, vol. 26, no.3,pp. 253-269. DOI:10.14311/NNW.2016.26.014.
- Anju Pratap & Kanimozhiselvi, CS 2014, ‘Predictive assessment of autism using unsupervised machine learning models’, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.113-121, DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2014.062174.
- Anju Pratap, Kanimozhiselvi CS, Pramod KV & Vijayakumar, R 2014, ‘Soft computing models for the predictive grading of childhood autism-A Comparative study’, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 3 , pp.64-67.
- Anju Pratap, Kanimozhiselvi, CS, Pramod, KV & Vijayakumar, R 2014, ‘Functional Fuzzy based Autism Assessment Support System’, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol.6, no.5, pp.2105-2114.
- Anju Pratap 2012, ‘Agent Based Multi Expert Synthesis System for the diagnosis of Communicative and Cognitive Disorders in Children’, Computer and Communication, Narosa Publishing House, ISBN: 978- 81-8487-178-4, pp .161-166.
Research Interest:
- Machine Learning
- Medical Informatics
- Indian Societ for Technical Education (ISTE)
- International Association for ENGineers(IAENG)
- Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
- Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS)
Contact Details:
Ph: +91-9400427355