Designation: Associate Professor & HOD
Education: B. Tech, M. Tech, Ph.D
Professional Experience:
Teaching: 12 Years
- Assistant Professor [Sr] in Saintgits College of Engineering and Technology, Kottayam for 5 Years from July 2017 onwards.
- Assistant Professor in St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai for 3 Years from July 2014 to July 2017.
- Assistant Professor in Sreebuddha College of Engineering, Pattoor for 1 Year from June 2013 to June 2014.
- Lecturer in St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pala for 2.6 year from April 2006 to September 2008.
- Lecturer in Mangalam Engineering College, Ettumanoor for 5 months from September 2005 to March 2006.
Industrial Experience: 5 Years
- System Engineer in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Bangalore and Cochin for 5 Years from October 2008 to June 2013.
UG: B. Tech computer Science & Engineering
PG: M. Tech computational Engineering & Networking
Ph.D: Wireless Sensor Network Security
International Journals
- Published a paper entitled “Vehicle navigation in Wireless Sensor Network” in International Journal called IJIP, International journal of Information Processing, Vol. 7, Issue 2, in 2013.
- Published a paper entitled “Guarding Architecture for Unattended Deployment Applications of Ad Hoc Networks: GARUDA” in International Journal called IJST, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 33, September, 2016.
- Published a paper entitled “Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks using RSS and TOA” in International Journal called IJSRD, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 3, Issue 9, In 2015.
- Published a paper entitled “Wireless Sensor Network Security in Military Application using Unmanned Vehicle” in International Journal called IOSR, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, in 2014.
Conference Publications
- Presented a paper entitled “Secure PHR Sharing with Secure Data Transmission in Heart Monitoring Systems” in a International Conference, ACCIS-14, Published in ELSEVIER conference Proceedings.
- Presented a paper entitled “Secure MindmetricsAuthentication Mechanisms with log files” in a International Conference, RAEREST-16, Published in ELSEVIER conference Proceedings.
- Presented a paper entitled “ Comparison of Anomaly Detection Techniques in Networks” in a International Conference, ICSNS-15, Published in IEEE conference Proceedings.
- Presented a paper entitled “ Anonymization of Sensitive labels in Collaborative data Publishing” in a International Conference, etet-2014.
- Presented a paper entitled “ Survey of Spoofing Attack Detection in Wireless Networks” in a International Conference, ICCEECON-2k15.
- Published a paper entitled “A Journey through Cryptographic Algorithms” in a International Conference NCETET-2014, IJERT Conference Proceeding, Volume 3, Issue 2.
- 2nd Rank holder for M-Tech in Computational Engineering & Networking (CEN), AMRITA Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 2008.
- GATE Scorer in 2006, 2010 and 2015.
- Topper in TCS Training batch 2008 Trivandrum.
Research Interest
- Wireless Sensor Network.
- Network Security.
- Cryptography and Security.
Contact Details
Ph: +91-9745538339
Email: arun.madhu@saintgits.org