Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr)
Education: M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D
Professional Experience
- Teaching :1.5 year and
- Research: 5 years
- UG : Foods and Nutrition
- PG : Foods and Nutrition
- M.Phil: Foods and Nutrition
- PhD: Clinical Nutrition and dietetics
Publication (latest come first)
International Journals
- Jobil J.Arackal, SakthivelanParameshwari, FohadMabood Husain, Suliman Yousef Alomar, Naushad Ahmad, FadwaAlbalawi and PravejAlam (December 2021). Scientifically Formulated Avocado Fruit Juice: Phytochemical Analysis, Assessment of Its Antioxidant Potential and Consumer Perception, Molecules, Vol.26, Page No: 7424-7432, ISSAN:14203049. (MDPI Indexed) Impact factor: 4.4
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (January 2021). A detailed evaluation of fatty acid profile and micronutrient analysis of chapattis incorporated with avocado fruit pulp. Materials Today Proceeding Journal, Vol. 45, ISSN: 2589-2594. (Elsevier Indexed)
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (December 2020). Identification of antioxidant activity and shelf-life assay of avocado fruit pulp incorporated chapattis. Materials Today Proceeding Journal, 45, ISSN: 2589-2594. (Elsevier Indexed)
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (April 2020). Fatty acid profiling of avocado pulp incorporated food products using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Xidian University, 14(4). (Scopus Indexed)
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (October 2019). Optimization of avocado fruit pulp incorporated chapati using response surface methodology. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(10), ISSN: 2277-8616. (Scopus Indexed)
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (August 2019). Optimization of Persea americana pulp incorporated cookies using sensory analysis: a response surface methodology. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(5), ISSN: 3209-3216. (Scopus Indexed)
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Geethanjali (December 2018). Dietary pattern and food frequency consumption of the selected breast cancer patients in Kerala. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, 7(5), ISSN: 2278-4853. (Impact Factor: 5.44)
- S. Parameshwari, Jobil J. Arackal (July 2018). A review of hyperlipidemia and its preventive measures in Indian adult population. International Journal of Life Science Research, 6(3), ISSN: 2348-3148.
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (July 2018). Fatty acid p r o f i l e o f freeze-dried avoc ado powder. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations, 6(3), ISSN: 2348-1218.
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Parameshwari (December 2017). Health Benefits and Uses of Avocado. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7(1), ISSN: 2277-7105. (Impact Factor: 8.52)
- Jobil J. Arackal, S. Geethanjali (December 2016). Anthropometrical Profile of the Selected Breast Cancer Patients in Kerala. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(3), ISSN: 2320-5407. (Impact Factor: 7.00)
Book Chapters
- S.Parameshwari ,Jobil J. Arackal, Sithara Suresh and Imtiyaz Ahmad Malik. Book title: Hand book of plum fruit: Production,Post-harvest science ,and processing technology, Book chapter title : Nutrition and Orchard Manuring Practices,(August 2022), page no:101-111,ISBN 9781032062426.
- Lakshmi Mohan, Elsa Cherian, Jobil J Arackal, T Jayasree Joshi. Book title: Impact of Plastic Waste on the Marine Biota Book chapter tittle: Biodegradation of the Macroplastic Waste Using Microbial Approach, (January 2022), Page No:119-142 ISBN 978-981-16-5402-2, (Springer)
- Jobil J. Arackal, Book tittle: Advanced in Nutrition, Book chapter tittle: Clinical Nutritional Assessment: A Perspective. (August 2021) Vol. 4, Page no:23-51, ISSBN: 978-93-91216-10-8 (Akinik publication)
International Conference
- Formulation and characterization of fruits strips based on Prunus subg. Prunus and Vitis vinifera at 5th International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST2021) and International Conference on Bio Prospecting (ICONBIO) at Arunai Engineering College, 29th January, 2021.
- Assay of cardiovascular protective characteristics of avocado juice at International Conference on Advanced Trends and Innovations in Life Science organized by Sacred Heart College, 27th September, 2019.
- Evaluation and identification of active compounds in methanolic ex tract of avocado cookies by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry at International Conference on Current Approaches in Nutraceuticals and Food Technology for Diabetes Management – ICNDM – 2019 organized by Periyar University, Salem, 24th – 25th January, 2019.
- The effect of avocado puree as fat replacer on the functional properties of cookies at International Conference on Advances in Nutrition and Food Safety at Jamal Mohamed College, 4th–5th January, 2019.
- Prevalence of anemia among women affected with breast cancer at International Symposium on Bioscience Research for Present and Future organized by Vivekananda College of Arts & Science for Women, Tiruchengod, 7th – 8th March, 2018.
- A review on nutritional and antioxidant properties of Trigonella fenonum-graceum at International Conference in Omics Technologies in Nutritional Research (OTNR-2018) organized by DKM College for Women, Tamil Nadu, 10th – 11th January, 2018.
- Avocado and cardiovascular health at International Conference on Innovative Food and Nutrition Technologies for Public Health Care (ICNPH-2018) organized by Periyar University, 4th – 5th January, 2018.
- Emerging scenario of health science at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Management organized by Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal and Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, 28th August, 2014.
National Conference
- Review on the determinants of the nutritional status of Indian women at National Seminar on Smart Cities Marching towards Women Empowerment: Issues and Strategies organized by Periyar University, Salem, 7th – 8th March, 2019.
- Role of avocado in complementary and transitional feeding of infants at National Conference on Translating the Science of Nutrition into Art of Healthy Living – TSNAHL-2019 organized by KSR College of Arts and Science, 30th – 31st January, 2019.
- Effect of environmental changes in food safety and security at National Seminar on FDLT- 2019 organized by Periyar University, Salem, 29th – 30th January, 2019.
- Dietary pattern and food frequency consumption of selected breast cancer patients in Kerala at National Conference on Challenges and Sustainable Approaches towards Food and Nutrition and Security – A Global Perspective organized by Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, 7th – 8th December, 2018.
- Development and nutrient evaluation of grape seed powder (GSP) incorporated cookies at National Conference on Emerging Trends in Exploring Phytochemical and Biomolecules for Disease Cure organized by Rev. Jacob Memorial Christian College, Ambilikkai, Dindigul, 6th February, 2018.
- Extraction techniques of avocado oil at XLI Indian Social Science Congress organized by Periyar University, Salem, 18th – 22nd December, 2017.
- Effect of social media in health and fitness of women at One Day National Conference on Women Issues in the Digital Era organized by Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, 31st October, 2017.
- Antioxidant properties of green tea and mint leaves for anticancer at National Seminar on Nutritional Management in Metabolic Syndrome at Sri. S. Ramaswamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur, 8th February, 2017.
- Food safety in natural disasters at Two Day National Symposium on Modern Biological Science organized by SNMV College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, 11th – 12th February, 2016.
- Phytochemicals and nutrient analysis of pumpkin seed flour incorporated flavored drink at National Conference on Botanicals and Phytochemicals: The Challenges and promise for Health Care and Drug Development at Rev. Jacob Memorial Christian College, Ambilikkai, Dindigul, 4th February, 2016.
- Current concepts and scenario of herbal nutraceutical at National Seminar on Herbal Drug Development organized by SengamalaThyaar Educational Trust Women’s College, Mannargudi, 22nd September, 2013.
- Potential health benefits of Kiwi fruit at State Level Seminar on Potential Uses of Natural Resources in Preventing Diseases at Sri. S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur, 25th September, 2016.
- Prevalence of anemia among women affected with breast cancer in International Symposium on Bioscience Research for Present and Future organized by Vivekananda College of Arts and Science for Women, Tiruchengode, held on 7th – 8th March, 2017. (Best Poster Award)
- Avocado composition and potential health benefits in State Level Seminar on Vegetarian and Non- vegetarian Diet- Panacea For Modern Lifestyle Diseases organized by V.V .Vanniaperumal College for Women, held on 24th February, 2017.
- Palmyra and Human health in 2nd Annual Symposium on Clinical Nutrition organized by Alpha Hospital & Research Centre, Madurai, held on 19th March, 2016.
International Seminar
- Recent Trends in Food Processing Technology at ArualAnandar College, Madurai, 19th January, 2019.
- Research Intelligence and Database at Periyar University, Salem, 14th December, 2018.
National/Regional Workshops
- Research Methodology at Periyar University, Salem, 4th December, 20 1 7.
- Research Methodology and Data Analysis in Social Sciences at Government College Chitter, Palakkad, 16th – 18th November, 2017.
- Food Adulteration: Identify Your Safe Food for Good Health at SengamalaThyaar Educational Trust Womens College, 27th September, 2017.
- Two Days Symposium on Food Safety And Health Promotion at P.S.G College of Arts and Science, 17th –18th September, 2012
Research Interest
- Food product development
- Clinical nutrition
- Nutrigenomics
Indian Patent publications
Application No:201941052746 Publication no: 09/2020
Application no: 202341078917 Publication No:51/2023
3. A System & Method for defect recognition in additive manufacturing using image processing based on IoT & AI
Application No: 202231034464 Publications No: 30/2022
Application no: 202111056641 Publication No: 51/2021
International patent
Design number: 6328990 Application no: 6328990
Contact Details
Ph: 8124514313
Email: Jobil.ja@saintgits.org
Google scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dx6AhagAAAAJ&hl=en
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jobil-j-arackal-3324851a4/