Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M. Tech., Ph.D.
Professional Experience:
- Teaching: 12 years
- Research: 3 years
- UG: Agricultural Engineering
- PG: Food Processing Technology
- Ph. D: Food Process Engineering
- ICAR – Net Qualified under Post Harvest Technolog
Publications (latest come first):
- Ajinkya Sanjay Deshmukh, John Diamond Raj and Genitha Immanuel (2023). Impact of pretreatment of Garden Cress Seed on Rheological properties for Bread Dough, International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 35 (22), 306 – 314.
- Gurjar, Hrushikesh; Raj, John Diamond (2022). Mango Kernel Oil as a Fat Replacer in Nankhatai Cookies. The Pharma Innovation Journal SP-11(3): 874-877.
- Hrushikesh R Gurjar, John Diamond Raj (2022) Extraction of Mango Kernel (Magnifera indica) Oil Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 41(3) 361 – 364.
- Ozukum, Merenungla; Raj, John Diamond; Piloo, N. et al (2021). Packaging Films on Quality and Shelf-life of Naga King Chilli (Capsicum chinense) under Different Storage Conditions. The Pharma Innovation Journal 10(8), 1177-1182.
- Maske Sachin, V; Raj, John Diamond; Paresh, Dubbewar; Avdhut, Puri. (2020) Studies and extraction of garden cress seed oil by different solvent, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9, 2, 1633-1637.
- Nasiru, Mustapha Muhammad; Raj, John Diamond; Yadav, Kailash Chandra (2019). Effect of Potassium Metabisulphite and Temperature on Hot Air Drying of Dasheri Mango Slices, Science Letters,7,(2) 91 – 98.
- Dhruw, Hema; Raj, John D. (2019). Effect of microwave heating on milling properties of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan),The Allahabad Farmer,75, (3) 1 – 4.
- Minj, Pankaj; Mahilang, Kipoo Kiran Singh; Raj, John Diamond; Sonboier, Khilendra. (2018). Studies on some Drying Characteristics of Amla, Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci, 7, 2, 2113-2118.
- Kumari, Sushma; Raj, John Diamond; Shukla, RN (2018). Study of quality & antioxidant properties of green tea doughnut, J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem, 7,, 3101-3106.
- Singh, Pawan Kumar; Raj, John Diamond (2018). ; ,Extraction Of Oil From Lemon Peels And Some Nutritional Characteristics Of Peels And Oil Of Lemon Peels, The Allahabad Farmer,74, 2 – 4.
- Raj, John Diamond; Birla, Sohan; Subbiah, Jeyamkondan; Shanmugasundaram, S; Dhanasekaran, S (2016). Modelling coupled rotation and microwave heating of an object in a domestic microwave oven, Int. J. Eng. Res. Appl, 6, 3, 15-18.
- Raj, JD, Subbiah, Shanmugasundaram, Dhanasekaran (2016). Dielectric and thermal properties of mashed potatoes measured as a function of temperature, Advances in Life Sciences, 5, (4) 356 – 362.
- Ukey, Asmita; Diamond, John Raj; Raheem, Abdul; Karande, Dilansing. (2014). Development of low cost weaning food by the incorporation of drumsticks leaves powder and its quality analysis, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology,2,3,1-11.
- Sheshma, Jyoti; Raj, John D. (2014). Effect of pre drying treatments on quality characteristics of dehydrated tomato powder, International journal of Research on Engineering and advanced Technology, 2, (3), 1-7.
- Shankar, Ravi; Raj, John D; ,Mathematical Modeling of Degree of Thermal Oxidation of Edible Oil as a Function of Induction Temperature for Various Fixed Induction Time, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,,,317,,
- Genitha I, Lakshmana Gowda, John Diamond Raj. (2014) Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Domestic Gas Oven. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 4(5), 35-38.
- Hiralal, Chudasama Anil; Raj, John Diamond. (2014). Development and evaluation of whey-based mango mint beverage, Journal of Progressive Agriculture, 5, 1, 79-84.
As Resource Person
- Gave an invited lecture on “HACCP Planning and Implementation” at a National Seminar on Entrepreneurship issues in Milk and Food Processing Industries in Jiwaji University, Gwalior on 11.11.2019.
Seminars/ conferences/ Workshops Organized
- Co-Organizer in National Food Conference on “Agriculture and Technology Innovation for Nutritional Security” on Feb 9 – 10, 2018 organized by Allahabad Chapter of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India).
- Organized an “International Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: Prospects and Challenges for Indian Agriculture” in association with Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand at Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences on 29th March, 2017.
- Co-Organizer in National Seminar on “Application of Sensory Science to Food Product Development and Quality Evaluation” on 5th and 6th April, 2013 at SHUATS, Allahabad.
Conferences/ Workshops/Seminars attended
- Attended an International Webinar on ‘Emerging Trends in Food Processing and Preservation organized by the Department of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on 12th January, 2023.
- Two Days Virtual Training Program on Statistical Methods in Food Processing organized by Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) during the period 10th – 11th October, 2022.
- Two Days Online National Workshop entitled “Online Teaching-Learning using LMS -MOODLE” organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD on17th-18th July 2020.
- Attended a one day workshop on ‘Data Analysis’ conducted at SHIATS, Allahabad on 1st September, 2016.
- Completed a Faculty Development Program on Entrepreneurship Development conducted by Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, U.P during the period 16.8.2016 to 29.8.2016.
- Attended a One day workshop on ‘Food Adulteration and its Testing’ organized by District Science Club – Allahabad under CST – UP, Govt of India on 27th March 2015.
- Completed a UGC sponsored Refresher Course in the subject ‘Food Technology’ conducted by the UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Allahabad during the period 29.3.2015 to 18.4.2015.
- Attended National Seminar on ‘Food Extrusion Technology’ organized by Society of Food Engineers, Department of Food Process Engineering on 24th April, 2013.
- Attended and presented a paper and poster 2011 on “Modeling of Susceptor Assisted Microwave Heating in Domestic Ovens” along with Jeyamkondan Subbiah, Krishnamoorthy Pitchai, Sohan Birla and David D Jones at the 2011 COMSOL Conference on Multiphysics in Boston, MA, USA during the period 13.10.2011 to 15.10.2011.
- Participated in the Institute of Food Technologists IFT 2011 Annual Meeting and Food Expo at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA between 11.6.2011 and 14.6.2011.
- Participated in the International Microwave Power Institute IMPI’s 45th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 45) between 8.6.2011 and 10.6.2011 at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Presented a poster in the International Conference on Food Technology – Edition II Greening Food Processing Sector for Sustainable Food Supply organized at IICPT, Thanjavur on 30th and 31st October, 2010.
- Presented poster on ‘Machine Vision in the Food Industry’ at the 9th National Level Symposium cum Workshop on Unbound Opportunities in Food Processing organized by TNAU, Coimbatore on October 13, 2010.
- Participated in the Workshop cum Training on ‘Career and Business Prospects in Food Processing organized by IICPT, Thanjavur on 19th and 20th December, 2009.
- Completed AICTE/ISTE Sponsored “Faculty/Executives Development Programme” on “Advances and Opportunities in Food Processing Technology” during Feb. 23 -27, 2009 organized by Food Processing Technology Department, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New V.V. Nagar, Anand, Gujarat.
- Attended a One Day Workshop on ‘Quality Control in Food Processing by Instrumentation’ jointly organized by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur and Scientific and Digital Systems, at IICPT, Thanjavur on 3.4.2009.
- Participated in the 6th International Food Convention – 2008 at CFTRI, Mysore during 15 – 19 December, 2008.
- Four Days Faculty Pedagogy Training organized by the Department of Food Processing, Karunya University from 10 June to 13 June 2008.
- Participated in the International Conference on Ready to Eat foods organized by ASSOCOM India between August 24 – 25, 2006.
- Completed a Short Term Certificate Course ‘Diagnosis of Viral Diseases of Plants’ conducted by Post Graduate School, IARI, New Delhi between 1.11.2004 and 31.12.2004.
- Life Member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, India (AFST(I))
Research Interest
- Microwaves
- Modelling
- Milling of grains
- Drying
Contact Details
Phone no. 9161551839
Email id. john.dr@saintgits.org