Designation: Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, Ph.D
Professional Experience
Teaching : 17 years
Research: 1 yr in DST project
UG : ECE – Distinction
PG : ECE – Applied Electronics
PhD: Network Security
International Journals
Total Publications: 25+ (Most of the Publications are Indexed by SCI and SCOPUS)
Journal Publications
- Santham Bharathy A & Saravanan K 2018,”The Human Ear Recognition Based On Phase-Based Matching Algorithm” Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, Impact factor 4.21, (SCI indexed). 2020 (Published with DOI 10.1007/s00521-018-3805-6. ISSN 0941-0643) Vol: 32, N0. 15 Page 10995-11006
- Sandeep Vishwanathan & K. Saravanan “Anomaly intrusion detections using SVM & C4.5 Classification with I-IPSO”. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy ( ESCI Scopus)- 2020
- D. David Neels Ponkumar, V. Sushmitha, K.Saravanan 2019 Design of Priority Based Reconfigurable Router in Network on Chip Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 49, No. 4(2019), 203 – 21 (SCI indexed Impact factor 0.356)
- Saravanan, K & Senthilkumar, A 2015, ‘Security Enhancement In Distributed Networks Using Link-Based Mapping Scheme for Network Intrusion Detection with Enhanced Bloom Filter’, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer, vol.84, no. 2, pp.821-839. Impact factor 0.953. (SCI indexed).
- Saravanan, K & Senthilkumar, A 2015, ‘An Efficient parallel prefix matching architecture using bloom filter for multi-bit tier IP Lookup algorithm in FPGA’, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications, vol.9, no.5-6, pp.803-807. Impact factor 0.394. (SCI indexed).
- S.Raj Barath, S, Saravanan K 2023, “Secure Energy Efficient Link Aware Routing” IETE Journal of Research, (SCI indexed) (Review)
- Saravanan, K & Senthilkumar, A 2015, ‘Insight survey on Bloom filters for networking and security applications’, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography,Taylor and Francis, vol.18, no.3, pp.247-263. (SCOPUS indexed)
- Saravanan, K& Senthilkumar, A 2013, ‘FPGA implementation of Secure Authentication in WiMAX Networks using Modified WiMAX Bloom filter: A Hardware Approach’, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Taylor and Francis, vol.16, no.6, pp.393-404. (SCOPUS indexed)
- Saravanan, K & Senthilkumar, A 2013, ‘Implementation of Improved hash and mapping modified low power parallel bloom filter design’, Journal of information security and privacy, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 11-21. (SCOPUS indexed)
- Suresh S, Sundarambal B, Saravanan, K& Karthikeyan B, 2022, ‘Design of abreast rectangular shaped dielectric Antenna for WLAN Applications, IEEE 2022 6th International Conference ICDS at Karunya university (SCOPUS indexed)
- Dhanusha, P. B., Lakshmi, A., & Saravanan, K. (2020). Smart driving system with automatic driveralert and braking mechanism. 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. Edición Especial, March 2020, 287-299. http://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2020.specialissue4.287-299 (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Saravanan, K & Senthilkumar, A 2013, ‘Theoretical Survey on secure hash functions’, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol.2, no. 10, pp.1150-1153. (ISO Certified)
- M, Karthika & Selvendran, S. & K., Saravanan. (2018). A New Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Highly Birefringence. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 118. 1-11. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Saravanan, K, Senthilkumar, A & Chacko, P 2014, ‘Modified Whirlpool Hash based Bloom Filter for Networking and Security Applications’, Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)2nd International IEEE conference, Coimbatore, pp. 1-6. (SCOPUS indexed)
- Saravanan, K& Senthilkumar, A 2014, ‘Investigation on Bloom Filter and Implementation of 3k Combined Parallel Tiger Bloom Filter Design’, Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS) International IEEE Conference, Coimbatore, pp. 1-7 (SCOPUS indexed)
- S. Subramanian, B. Sundarambal, A. A. A. Jone, K. Saravanan and B. Karthikeyan, “Design of Abreast Rectangular Shape Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications,” 2022 6th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 2022, pp. 71-73, doi: 10.1109/ICDCS54290.2022.9780752. (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Darshini B, S. Kumar S, J. Shree U, K. Saravanan and V. Bharath, “Design and Development of Smart Wheelchair System Using Hand Gesture Control,” 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, Coimbatore, India, 2022, pp. 312-315, doi: 10.1109/ICECA55336.2022.10009456. (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Madhu vandhana K, Saravanan K & David neels pon kumar, ‘A Hybrid Sun flower algorithm for cluster head selection in IoT’ in ICSSTA 2023 at Veltech university, Chennai (SCOPUS indexed).
Papers presented/ published in other Conferences / Symposiums
- A paper titled ‘NIDS using OPB design’ was presented in National level conference conducted by Subramaniya College of Engineering, Palani March 2013.
- A Paper Titled ‘Structural Design for FPGA based intrusion detection system’ was published in International Conference on adaptive technologies for sustainable growth (ICATS 2011) by Paavai Engineering College Namakkal, Tamilnadu INDIA.
- A Paper titled “priority based CDMA on NOC”was presented in International Conference conducted by Noorul Islam university
- A Paper Titled ‘Advanced Load balancing of web servers using neural networking’ was presented in a National Conference conducted by Karunya University, sponsored by DST.
- A paper titled “Intelligent Anti theft mechanism for vehicles” was published in National-Conference conducted by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineeringand Technology, 2010.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Attended 7 days TEQIP sponsored FDP in MATLAB at GCT Coimbatore in Oct 2012.
- One week Faculty Development Program in Image processing at GCT Coimbatore sponsored by Anna University 2011.
- Participated in a workshop conducted by Kongu Engineering College titled “Signal Processing using MATLAB” 2010
- Underwent Training in a workshop titled ‘Research issues in Digital image Processing’ conducted by MCET, Pollachi 2009.
- Attended an International-workshop on the topic ‘Recent developments in ‘Microwave & optical communication’ conducted by SRM University 2009.
- Attended a Workshop in Qualnet and Computer Networks conducted by ECE department of Karunya University 2008
- Attended a Workshop in Embedded building blocks conducted by ECE department of Karunya University 2009
- Underwent CompletePedagogical Training for Teaching Faculties conducted by Karunya University 2008.
- Underwent training in Computer Hardware Dry Assembly & Networking conducted by SIT Ltd and KarunyaUniversity.
- Participated in a workshop for Research Methodologies at Avinasilingam University Coimbatore 2011.
- Attended a workshop on Reconfigurable Technologiesat PSG Tech Coimbatore 2011
- Participated in a workshop conducted by Kongu engineering college in VLSI signal processing 2011
- Attended one day workshop on Advanced Digital system at Angel College of Engineering, Tirupur.
- Attended CSIR sponsored 2 days Workshop on Recent Trends in VLSI Techniques, P.A Engineering College 28 & 29 Dec 2012
- Attended Pedagogical Faculty development Program in Nehru institute of technology “Inspiring Students” OCT 2012.
- Attended Global Leadership Summit as Delegate Representing Christian Polytechnic College as the Principal on 12-09-2015
- Three days workshop in VLSI alliance tool at Vellalar engineering college erode Dec 2016
- Attended 2 days IEEE sponsored national level workshop on Semiconductor device modeling on September 22 & 23, 2017
- Attended Faculty Training Programme on MICRO TEACHING at SAINTGITS COLLEGE of ENGINEERING, Kottayam, Kerala from July 24 to 30, 2018.
- Attended FDP on Academic publishing for quality research on February 22nd 2019 in Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, Kerala (Resource By Wiley Pvt Ltd)
- Six days short Term Training Programme Sponsored by AICTE Conducted by MIT campus, Department of Instrumentation in Data Science Applied to measurement and Control from 31.01.2022 to 05.02.2022
- Participation in Three Day FDP on “Collective Technologies on AI & IoT with Security” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with IEEE Madras Section from 03-03-2022 to 05-03-2022 at CARE College of Engineering, Trichy.
- Participated in International Seminar on New trends in wireless sensor networks and machine learning by ECE department of SSN college of Engineering Chennai on 02-02-2022
As resource Person
- Resource person for IEEE sponsored technical seminar on Micro & Nano electronics and Its recent trends at Kalasalingam University on 26-07-2017
- Resource person on 18.07.19 and 26.07.19 for first year induction program under the titles ‘Separation of Human & Machine work’ and ‘The Moral Domain’ respectively at SAINT GITS College of engineering and technology, Kottayam, Kerala
- Chief guest and resource person for SPACE ECE department inauguration function in Dr.Sivandhiaditanar College of engineering and technology, Tiruchendur on 11-08-2017,
- Resource person for a seminar on MEMS & its applications in Dr.Sivandhiaditanar College of engineering and technology, Tiruchendur on 11-08-2017
- Delivered a Seminar on “Research focus on MEMS and VLSI signal processing” on 27/09/2013 at EASA College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India.
- Delivered chief guest address and seminar on “Recent mobile communication and its impact on Education” on 21/01/2015 at Rev. Jacob memorial college, Ambilikai, Tamilnadu, India.
- Invited as a resource person for CAREER GUIDANCE & motivational talks in schools and college congregations in many occasions ( Marian School Kottayam April 17th 2023, St.Pius School Kuttikanam 22/6/2022 and Government schools students Oddanchatram (2014 -2016)
- Delegate for conference conducted by Recruitment council of India at SRM College during31st August 2015 and September 1, 2015 at Chennai
- Expert member of developmental strategies & Presented Industrial linkage Challenges along with AICTE Former Chairman & other delegates from industries on 5/5/2022 at Kerala
- Resource Person for IIIC PSR Engineering College & presented a lecture on the topic Prototype modeling on 08/06/2022
- One of the Delegate along with former AICTE Chairman Prof SS Mantha & Other dignitaries from ministry of education for Institutional Development Strategy of Mar Baselious Christian College of Eng & Tech. Kerala
- Chief guest & Resource person in CAPES engineering college for a national level Technical Symposium GUTSAV 2023 on 12/04/2023
Events Organized
- KTU sposored FDP in Saintgits College of Engineering Kottayam on SOC in June 24 to 28, 2019
- IEEE sponsored technical seminar on Micro & Nano electronics and Its recent trends at Kalasalingam University on 26-07-2017
- IEEE SPONSORED Workshop in Semiconductor Devices, Kalasalingam University September 22 & 23, 2017
Research Interest
- Networking , IoT, Cybersecurity
- Communication , MEMS
R & D Projects
- Fund proposal of Rs. 29.3 Lakhs for DST SEED STI HUB PROJECT titled “The Livelihood Enhancement of People Engaged in Firecracker Factories & Agro Farmlands by IoT Enabled Life Standard Improvement Framework” with id TPN /83490 Submitted on 11/08/2022, Shortlisted on 21/01/2023 for presentation. Presented to DST expert team 03/02/2023 with TPN/ FILE NO. 83490 DST/SEED/SCSP/STI/2022/1040 & Serial number S3-22.
- PK Das award for Academic results in Anna University results
- Approved Research Supervisor of Kerala Technical University, India
- Approved Research Supervisor of Anna University Chennai, India
- Approved Research Supervisor of Kalasalingam University Srivillipudur, India
- PhD Doctoral Committee member and External Subject Expert for Karunya University
- PhD Evaluator of VTU State Government University, Karnataka
- Received Dr.PK Das Award of Academic Excellence for 100% results
- Registered Member in Indian association of engineers No.108863 (IAENG)
- Registered Life time Member in Indian Society for Technical Education ISTEvReviewer of JNCA Elsvier.
- Reviewer of Baghdad Science Journal, Iraq
- Reviewer in journal of information security and privacy – IGI – Scopus indexed journal
- Reviewer of IETE journal of research – SCI indexed
- Editor in SCI indexed Bentham science publications special issue journal
Contact Details
Ph 9486890154
Email saravanan.k@saintgits.org
Linkedin Saravanan kondappan