Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr.)
Education: MSc., MPhil., Ph.D
Professional Experience
- Teaching: 5 years
- Research: 7 years
- UG : Biochemistry
- PG : Biotechnology
- MPhil : Immunology
- PhD: Cancer Biology
Duties And Responsibilities:
- Online Course Coordinator, Saintgits Group of Institutions
- Co-Convener, Research and Development Committee
- Convener, Photography Club
- Member, Institutional Ranking and Certification Committee
International Journals
- L. Mohan, D. Raghav, S. M. Ashraf, J. Sebastian, and K. Rathinasamy, “Indirubin, a bis-indole alkaloid binds to tubulin and exhibits antimitotic activity against HeLa cells in synergism with vinblastine,” Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, vol. 105, pp. 506-517, 2018.
- D. Raghav, S.M. Ashraf, L. Mohan, K. Rathinasamy, Berberine Induces Toxicity in HeLa Cells through Perturbation of Microtubule Polymerization by Binding to Tubulin at a Unique Site, Biochemistry 56 (2017) 2594-2611.
- Umesh Krishnan, R., John, A. R., Anoop, P., Kuriyakose, A., Krishnan, A., Mohan, L., & Aravind, A. (2023). Characterization and formulation of an environment-friendly lubricant from Pongamia (Millettia Pinnata) oil using biodegradable additives. Materials Today: Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.08.249
- L.Mohan, Plant-Based Drugs as an Adjuvant to Cancer Chemotherapy, Alternative Medicine, 2020, IntechOpen
- L Mohan, E Cherian, TJ Joshi, Emerging issues and challenges for plastic bioremediation, Microbes and Microbial Biotechnology for Green Remediation, 2022, Elsevier 589-600
- L Mohan, E Cherian, JJ Arackal, T Jayasree Joshi, Biodegradation of the Macroplastic Waste Using Microbial Approach, Impact of Plastic Waste on the Marine Biota, 2022, Springer, Singapore 119-141
- E Cherian, L Mohan, KA Anju, Solid biofuel production, environmental impact, and technoeconomic analysis, Biofuels and Bioenergy, 2022, Elsevier 771-786
- V Loganathan, and L.Mohan. “Dietary Antioxidants and Bioactive Compounds in Food Processing.” Recent Developments in Antioxidants from Natural Sources. IntechOpen, 2023.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Faculty Development Programme on “Research: From Scratch to Success” from 7 – 11 January, 2019 at TKMCE, Kollam
- NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Cell Culture Technologies” from February 25th to April 29th ,2019.
- NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Technical English for Engineers” from July to September ,2019.
- “International Lecture on Cell Cycle and Cell Death” on the 10th and 11th of October,2019 organized by EMBO at MACFAST, Thiruvalla
- International Seminar on “Natural Product Chemistry” on 9th January 2020 at the School of Biosciences, MACFAST, Thiruvalla
- Faculty Development Program on “Creating and Managing Online Classes” from 17th to 26th June 2020 organized by the School of Biosciences and IQAC, MACFAST, Thiruvalla in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council
- Faculty Development Programme on ‘Recent Trends and Developments in Food Technology’ from 10th-14th August, 2020 organized by Department of Food Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering in Association with AFSTI, Cochin chapter.
As resource Person
- Delivered a lecture on “Dietary Phytochemicals in Cancer Chemoprevention” on 25th September,2020 for The Institution of Engineers (India) Saintgits Student’s Chapter Webinar Series
- Delivered a lecture on “The Future of Food -Challenges and Opportunities of the Industrial Revolution” as part of the One-day International Workshop on “Research
- and innovation in industrial revolution – the key impact on industrialization” on 15th September, 2021 at Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore.
Events Organized
National Science Day Celebrations, 2019 sponsored by KSCSTE and supported by DST, Govt. of India
- Indian Society for Technical Education – Life Member
- Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA)– Life Member
- Kerala Academy of Sciences – Life Member
Research Interest
- Phytochemistry
- Microbiology
- Bioremediation
- Cancer Therapy
R & D Projects
- ‘Isolation and characterization of plastic degrading microbes’ Project granted for Rs. 1,15,000 under the CERD – Research Seed Money Scheme by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala vide Order No: KTU/RESEARCH 2/3894/2018 (Principal Investigator)
- ‘Transesterification of Rubber Seed (Hevea Brasiliensis) Oil to Biodiesel using a Novel Nanocatalyst, Derivation of Blended Diesel and its Performance Evaluation for Automobile Engines’ Project granted for Rs 4,45,800 under the “Supporting R&D and Innovation SRI 2020-21” scheme by ANERT, Kerala vide Order No: ANERT-RD/24/2022- T8 dated 10.01.2023 (Co-investigator)
- Developing A Metal Canister Bin For Efficient Bioremediation Of Plastic Using Plastic Degrading Microbes Isolated From Soil. Awarded Rs 1,50,000 under the KSUM Idea Fest 2022, conducted by Kerala Start Up Mission and IEDC, Govt of Kerala (Mentor)
- CSIR- UGC NET in Life Sciences (Ranked 18/981), December 2010
- GATE 2011 in Biotechnology with 97.95 percentile
- Best Paper Presentation Award in the ‘International Webinar on Phytochemistry-2020’, Organized by the Kerala Academy Of Sciences on September 28-29, 2020
- SPOC for NPTEL-SWAYAM Local Chapter at Saintgits College of Engineering
- Selected as a Diversity Scholar for participating in the Association of British Science Writers Science Journalism Summer School in July 2021.
Contact Details
Ph +91 8138911743
Email lakshmi.mohan@saintgits.org
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/lakshmi-mohan-5a241990/