Designation: Professor & HOD
Education: PhD
Professional Experience
Teaching : 17 years 2 months
Research : 4 years
Industry : Nil
UG : Electrical and electronics engineering
PG : M.Tech. in Control system and instrumentation
Ph.D : Control Systems and Instrumentation
Industrial Experience
International Journals
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS (Cumulative SCI Impact factor: 7.743)
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2020),” Design and Analysis of Dust Particle charging and its collection in a Needle-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator “Wseas systems and control journal (Scopus Indexed Journal-Not a paid journal), August 2020(Paper Submitted)
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2019) ,”Genetic algorithm based adaptive offloading for improving IoT device communication efficiency ”, Springer:Wireless Networks, 2019(SCI Impact Factor:2.405)
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2016),”Data logging and analysis software for AC motor performance analysis” ,International Journal of science and Advance research in technology, Volume 2, Issue 2, October 2016,ISSN[ONLINE]:2395-1052
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2013) “Modeling of Neuro Fuzzy Controller for Negative output KY Boost Converter Output Voltage Ripple reduction”,ELEKTROTECHNIKA, Lithuania ISSN 1392-1215, VOL. 19, NO. 6, 2013, (SCI-Impact factor: 0.913).
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2013),”Neuro Fuzzy Controller for Positive Output KY Boost Converter to Reduce Output Voltage Ripple, The research journal ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA,Vol 19, No. 8, 2013.(SCI-Impact factor: 0.913).
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2012),”A performance comparison of Fuzzy and NeuroFuzzy control of KY boost converter for voltage ripple reduction” , European Journal of scientific research, Vol, 85 Issue 4, 2012.(SCI-Impact factor: 0.7).
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2013) ,”Implementation of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Reduce Output Voltage Ripple of KY Boost Converter” International review on modeling and simulations(IREMOS),VOL6/Number 5/2013.(SCI-Impact factor: 0.407)
Mahendran N et.al.(2012) ,”Matrix converter technology for clean power output in direct AC to AC converter system,Mejlesi journal of energy management,Vol 1,No2(2012).
Mahendran N et.al.(2011). “Reduction of Torque and Speed Pulsation in Direct torque control of Large Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller, European Journal of Scientific Research,Vol. 48, No. 4, (2011), pp.559-566, (SCI-Impact factor: 0.7).
Mahendran N et.al.(2010) “ Replacement of Two Step Power Conversion System Using Matrix Converter”, European Journal of scientific research, Vol., 48 Issue 2, 2010(SCI-Impact factor: 0.7).
Mahendran N et.al.(2010) ,“Fuzzy Controller for Matrix converter system to improve its quality of output”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.1, No.4, October 2010(ISSN 097900X (Online), 0976-2191(Print)).
Mahendran N et.al.(2010), “High Voltage Transformation Ratio using Matrix converter”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Systems research, Vol, 3, October 2010.
Mahendran N et.al.(2010), “Computer Applications in Power Electronics”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol. 10, No.7, November 2010.
International Conference
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2020),” Analysis of harmonic contamination in Electrical grid due to electric vehicle charging”3rd International conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2020),20-22 August 2020
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2015),”Implementation of GSM based modern compact smart energy meter for measuring household energy utilization with improved billing system”, Third International conference on recent trends in computer science and engineering, ICRTCSE, APRIL 2015.
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2015),”Simulation on GSM based compact smart energy for measuring household energy utilization,” International conference on technical revolution, NCTR-2015, JANUARY 2015.
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2012),”Design of Fuzzy logic controller for output voltage ripple (OVR) reduction of KY boost converter”, 2012 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering and Energy Management (ICETEEEM),Date 13- 15 Dec. 2012
Mahendran, N et.al(2009). “THD analysis of matrix converter fed load”, (IEEE PEDS 2009) Eight International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 2009.PEDS 2009, Taiwan.(On page(s): 828 – 832).
Mahendran, N et.al(2009). “ Modeling and Simulation of Sine Wave to Sine Wave converter for AC Drive-A technology review”, Proceedings of the International Conference on ICMEE 2009, World Scientific Publishing Co pte.Ltd.,24-26 July 2009,(On page(s):285- 290).
Mahendran, N et.al(2009),“Novel control method of a DC to DC converter with load and line disturbances”, Proceedings of International Conference on digital factory ICDF 2008, pp 1230-1252.
National Conference
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2017),” Comparison of different sub module integrated converters for high efficiency photo voltaic application”, National conference on smart and digital electronic systems,2017
Dr N Mahendran et.al.(2012) “Neuro-Fuzzy Control of 2nd Order KY Converter”, CSPE 2012, Chennai, 2012.
Mahendran, N et.al. “Analysis and Realization of PWM based on voltage space vector for inverter fed drive”, Second national conference on computational intelligence in power apparatus and system-CIPS 2008, Excel India publisher, pp 401-405.
Mahendran, N et.al.(2007) “Stability analysis of a four quadrant switched mode inverter using cuk converter”, Proceedings of cutting edge technology in power converters and industrial drives PCID-2007, pp 100-101.
Workshop/Seminars/Webinar Attended
- 5 day faculty training on ” Machine Learning with MATLAB, Control System Design with MATLAB and Simulink, and Embedded Coder” starts from 7.1.2019 (Monday) to 11.1.19 (Friday).
- FDP on “Electrical System Design” at MBC College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade, Kerala during 17-21, July 2018.
- One day workshop on “Android Development using MI2 App Inventor “ conducted by the Department of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation, SAINTGITS College of Engineering on 30th July 2018.
- International workshop on ‘Recent developments in large scale solar thermal systems for commercial applications and green buildings’, on 22nd June 2011, at Anna University, Chennai
- AICTE Sponsored FDP on Recent trends in Power Systems, from23rd May to 5th June, 2011, at Sona College of Technology, Salem.
- IEEE Madras section sponsored workshop on ‘Natural Computation in Engineering’, on 6th& 7th 2010 at Vellammal Engineering College,Chennai.
- IUCEE Sponsored FDP on ‘Sustainable Energy’, LBR College of Engineering, Arizona State University, USA, from 5th – 9th July, 2010.
- AICTE Sponsored FDP on ’Introduction to Intelligent Systems Engineering’ form 13th to 17thJuly, 2009, at NIT, Trichy
- DST sponsored Short term course on ‘Fuzzy logic and its Industrial Applications’, from 11th to 13th April 2008, at NIT, Rourkela.
- International workshop on ‘Controllability of dynamic systems’, on 15th February 200 at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul.
- Workshop on ‘Electrical Machines and Power Electronics in Renewable Energy systems’, from 28thto 1st, 2008 at NIT Trichy
- AICTE sponsored FDP on ‘Soft Computing techniques in Power Converter Design’, from 12th – 24th June, 2006, at Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Nagercoil
- Anna University FDP on ‘Non – linear control system’ from 4th – 16th, 2006, at College of Engineering, Guindy / CFD-Anna University Chennai
- DST and NAMPET Sponsored National Workshop on Power Electronics, from 30th – 1st Nov., 2006, IIT Kanpur
As resource Person
- Presented as webinar at AICTE-ATAL FDP in Electric Vehicle, conducted by Hindustan University, Chennai on 5.11.2020, Topic:”Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station in EDS”
- Resource person at AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Program; Series 2 – “Grid Integration Techniques for Electric Vehicles: Challenges, Opportunities, G2V & V2G Applications”, Conducted by SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, Title: “Impact of Propelling Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Indian Electric Distribution systems”
- Presented a webinar to Maha Guru Institute of Technology, Kerala on 22nd August, 2020, Topic: “Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging station in Electrical Distribution systems”
- Presented a webinar to Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam on 28th July, 2020, Topic: “DC Chopper for Large Input-Voltage Fluctuations in Solar PV Based Applications”
- Presented a webinar to SSM College of Engineering, Erode on 12th February, 2020, Topic: “Propelling electric Vehicle: Challenges and Opportunities”
- Presented a webinar on 10th June,2020 an online “FIVE DAYS FDP ON RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS “Conducted by The IGEN, Chennai, Topic: Introduction to Bio mass energy conversion
Events Organized
- National conference on smart and Digital electronic systems (NCSDE’17), 3RD APRIL, 2017, CK College of Engineering and Technology-convener
- National level technical festival
NEITHAL 17 on 4.10.2017 Sponsorship: Rs76, 000
NEITHAL 16 on 31.08.2016 Sponsorship: Rs40, 000
NEITHAL 15 on 28.02.2015 Sponsorship: Rs58, 600
- IEEE Sponsored Guest lecture on “Fuel Cell” Sponsorship: Rs.5000 on 29.07.2015
- IEEE Sponsored TISP (Teachers in Service Program) Sponsorship: Rs. 10,000 on 22.12.2015
- IEEE Sponsored Skill development program on research methodology Sponsorship: Rs.5000 on 17.10.2015
- Convener of the ‘Third National Conference on Intelligent Electrical Systems’ (NCIES’12), organized on 30th March, 2012 at Mahendra college of Engineering.
- Convener of the ‘Second National Conference on Intelligent Electrical Systems’ (NCIES’10) organized on22nd February, 2010 at Mahendra(Maha) college of Engineering.
- Convener of the ‘First National Conference on Intelligent Electrical Systems’ (NCIES’09) organized on31ST MARCH, 2009 at Mahendra (Maha) college of Engineering.
- Convened a National Level Project Contest (PRKALPA ‘09), MARCH 30ST, 2009Mahendra (Maha) college of Engineering.
- Convened a Two days National level workshop on “Energy Auditing-A live Exposure”, on the 8th& 9th of July, 2011 at Mahendra college of Engineering.
- Course Coordinator of the Anna University sponsored Faculty Development Program on Linear Integrated circuits on June 2014 atMaha College of Engineering with sponsorship Rs.60,000 received from Anna University, chennai.
- Coordinator of an one day workshop on “ Advanced Measuring Instruments in Electronics Engineering” 18th July 2014 at CK College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore.
- Fellow in Institute of Engineers-India(IEI) and Charted Engineer(CEng)
- IE Charted Engineer
- I.S.T.E.(Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education, I.I.T. campus. New Delhi)
- I.E.E.E. (Member in Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA)(#90669262)
- Fellow in Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (FIETE)-New Delhi(F236849)
Research Interest
- Control systems: Stability analysis, State space techniques and mathematical modelling of Electrical systems
- Power electronics for renewable energy systems
- Applications of intelligent controller for power converters
R & D Projects
Funded Projects
Research Project 1:
CERD/KTU Design and Development of Solar Photo Voltaic System with Reduced Current Ripple KY Boost converter
Fund : 1.72L
Year : 2018-21
Role :Principal Investigator
Funding agency: APJKTU, Trivendram
Research Project 2:
Design of 1kw solar PV system for street lighting
Fund :0.8L
Year : 2015-17
Role :Principal Investigator
Sponsoring agency: Ensemble Nexgen, Erode, Tamil Nadu
Funded Laboratory
AICTE-MODROB/Modernization of Power electronic and Drives laboratory
Fund : 9.56L
Year : 2019-21
Role : Program Coordinator
Sponsoring Agency: AICTE
Patent Details
Title of the Innovation : Effective extraction of solar energy system design with LabVIEW
Publication date : 14.06.2019
Application No: : 201941020561 A
Agency : IPR India
Book Publication
Title of the Book : Analysis of Large Industrial Areas Lighting Schemes
Name of the Publisher : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany
ISBN : 978-620-0-32444-3
Year of publishing : 2019
- Approved Research Supervisor of Anna University, Chennai. New Supervisor Recognition Number: 2230112 (Electrical Engineering)
- Approved Research Supervisor of KTU, Kerala. New Supervisor Recognition Number: KTU-F35655 (Electrical Engineering)
- Participated and presentedpapers in8thIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS’09) at Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, TAIWAN on November 2-5, 2009.
- In 2008, Carried out the Installation and maintenance of Agilent make Electronics workstation at King College of Technology, Namakkal.
- Member of Governing council in CK College of Engineering and Technology, 2017
- Consecutively produced 100% results in PG Program during 2014-2018 and during that period those who have done ME (Applied Electronics) have been passed in the Anna University examinations without any backlog arrears
- Acted as IEEE students branch counselor at CK College of Engineering and Technology and received Best IEEE students branch award, 2015
- Coordinator of NI Labview Academy of CK College of Engineering and Technology and received best NI Academy award during NIDays2016(19.10.2016,at Bangalore)
- Reviewer of the following Conferences and International Journal
Conferences : Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modeling 2012 Conference
Energy, Environment, Devices, Systems, Communications, computer (INEE’12)Conference
Automatic Control, modeling and Simulation (ACMOS ’12) Conference, etc…
Journals : Journal of Power Electronics
- Coordinator of IIT BOMBAY REMOTE CENTRE in CK College of Engineering and Technology
- Question paper setter for the following universities
- Anna university-Chennai
- Anna university-Coimbatore
- Karpagam university-Coimbatore
- Annamalai university-Chidambaram
- Bannari Amman institute of technology
- APJKTU, Thiruvananthapuram
Contact Details
Ph. : +91 9894243719
Email : mahendran.n@saintgits.org