Designation: Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, Ph.D
Professional Experience
Teaching : 26 years
Non Teaching: 1 years
UG : Chemical Engineering
PG : Polymer Technology
PhD: Polymer Technology
International :
- “Use of amine terminated liquid natural rubber as reactive plasticizer in Natural rubber based filled compounds”, Inter. J. Poly. Materials, 32 (1-4), 235-246, 1994, IF: 0.435, Publisher: ISSN: 00914037
- “Natural rubber latex based adhesives for Wood to wood bonding” J. Adhesion Sci. & Technology, Vol. 11, p225-232, No. 2, 1997. ISSN: 0169-4243, 2013/2014 Impact Factor: 1.091 2012.
- “Rubber- to- steel bonding studies using a rubber compound strip adhesion system”, Adhesion Sci. & Technology, 12(1), 59-69, 1998. ISSN: 0169-4243 (Print), 1568-5616 (Online)
- “Rubber solution adhesives for wood –to-wood bonding”,Appl. Poly. Sci, Vol. 68, No.7, P1185, 1998. Journal of Applied Polymer Science ,impact factors: 1.64, ISSN: 0021-8995.
- “Novel thermoplastics elastomer solutions based leather bonding”, J. American Leather Chemist Association. Vol.98, No.5, 1998. ISSN: 0002-9726., Impact Factor, 0.714.
- “Use of copoly (styrene /butadiene/ vinyl pyridine) latex based adhesives for bonding wood”, Plastics Rubber, Composites, Processing and Application, Vol 28, No. 2, 1999, impact factor: 0.68, ISSN: 1743-2898.
- “A study on Grafting of natural rubber and nitrile rubber on thermoplastics low density polyethylene using maleic anhydride and acrylic Acid”, International Journal of Polymer materials, 55:413-424, 2006. ISSN: 00914037, 1563535X
- “Studies of Toughening of thermoplastic Polypropylene by Natural & Nitrile rubber addition”, International Journal of Plastics Technology, Dec,2006. ISSN: 0972-656X.
- “Biodegradation of PP and PVC by novel degradation, Techniques”, International Journal of Plastics Technology, 2007. ISSN: 0972-656X.
- N-66/g-ABS blends by chemically grafting long chain compounds on butadiene region of ABS using novel method of UV Irradiation technique”, Int. J. of Polym. Mat.; Vol. 60(4), 255-268. ISSN: 00914037, 1563535 Impact Factor: 2.784(© 2014 Thomson Reuters, 2013 Journal Citation Reports®
- Blends of Nylon-66 with chemically modified ABS (m-ABS) using novel method of UV Irradiation, Polymer-Plastics Tech. and Engg.; ISSN: 1525-6111,Vol. 50(3), 312-319.Impact factor – 2012 Impact Factor: 1.481 (©2013 Thomson Reuters, 2012 Journal Citation Reports®)
- Effectiveness of Compatibilizers and Filler on the Performance of the Blends of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Polyolefins, Chemical Sciences Journal, Volume 2011: CSJ-34, ISSN:2278-3458.
- Investigations of the influence of compatibilizer and clay filler on the properties of thermoplastic polyurethane/polyolefins blends, 1.63 Impact Factor, ISSN: 0975-508X.Archives of Applied Science Research, 2012, 4 (2):1191-1202
- Investigations of the Influence of Compatibilizer and TiO2 Filler on the Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Polyolefins Blends, International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment Vol. 2 Issue 3 July 2012(56-62). ISSN 2248-9649.
- A Study on the Influence of Compatibilizer and Mica Filler on the Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Polyolefins Blends, ChemSci Trans., Impact factor 9.3, 2013, 2(1), 181-191. E ISSN: 21503494 (Online)
- Studies on self –healing composites impregnated with polymeric microcapsules systems in diverse matrices, J. Technological Advances and Scientific Res.2016;2(3):143-148, 2016. ISSN- 2454-1788, Impact factor1.2 Vol. 2. Issue 03. July-Sept. 2016.
- Effective use of processed agricultural biomass as an adsorbent for the removal Chromium and other heavy metals from industrial effluents, Journal of Applied Research and social Sciences, International Society for Green, sustainable Engineering & Management, Vol.3, Issue 16, August 2016. Impact factor 0.739, ISSN 2350-1472, p91-103.
- Preparation and Characterisation of Self-Healing Polymer Composites Containing Different Curing Catalysts” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2017, page 56.
- Studies on the effect of crosslinking of Chitosan /PVA blend based hydrogel with Gluteraldehyde to be used as thin membranes, Asian Journal for applied science and technology,AJAST, Vol 2 , 2018.
- Hydrogel prepared from biomaterials specifically from Carboxylmethyl cellulose and its blend with starch for metal removal from water, International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD), Volume 03 – Issue 07, July 2018 ,PP. 64-72.
- “Carboxy methyl cellulose grafted acrylic acid based hydrogel membrane as humidity sensor, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),Vol 7 ,Issue 12 , 2018.
- Bio degradability enhancement LDPE blown films with Carboxymethyl cellulose and effect of compatibilisers, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2019 ISSN NO : 2249-7455, Page No: 3968, 2019.
- Advanced structural foams based on PLA / PP and PLA /HDPE blends, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT) Volume 4 – 2019 – Issue 12 – December, 2019 .
- Preparation and Characterisation of Multipurpose Adhesives based on biopolymers Blends, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 09 , Sep 2020.
- Carboxymethyl cellulose-starch-gelatin based hydrogel membranes for heavy metal removal, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT) Volume 4 – 2019 – Issue 12 – April , 2021.
- Absorption studies on hydrophilic membranes based on Carboxy methyl cellulose/PEG Hydrogel filled with TiO2” Abstracts of International Conferences & Meetings (AICM), DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5149803, 31 July 2021, Volume-1, Issue-4, 2021
- Hydrophobic modifications on PLA membranes with the addition of Zinc Oxide, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2022 IJRAR March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138).
- Rahiba, S.Anbudyanidhi, Neetha John, K.A Rajesh, Studies on Modifications of PLA Films with Nanographene Clay and Silane Treated Hydrous Clay, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) , Volume 10, Issue VII, July 2022.
- Souparnika, S.Anbudyanidhi , Neetha John, K.A Rajesh Modifications of Chitosan Films with Anhydrous Clay and Silane Treated Anhydrous Clay, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), Volume 7 – 2022 – Issue 9 – September.
- Sneha P.S, Neetha John , S. Anbudayanidhi , K. A. Rajesh , Synthesis of Chitosan and Carrageenan based Hydrogels for pH Sensing Urea Adsorption and Dye Adsorption, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) , Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022.
- Sravan, S.Anbudyanidhi, Neetha John, K.A Rajesh , agar / Chitosan blends for the preparation of novel hydrogels for pH sensing, urea adsorption and dye adsorption, Indian Journal of Applied research , Volume – 12 | Issue – 11 | November – 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 – 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar.
- Sereena.A.Rahman , K. A Rajesh, S. Anbudayanidhi , Neetha John , “Biopolymers based adhesives for various adherents using casein /PVA”, International Journal of Novel Research and Development(IJNRD), July 2023., 2023 IJNRD | Volume 8, Issue 7 July 2023 | ISSN: 2456-4184.
- K. A Rajesh, Nithya N M , Neetha John, Studies On Chitosan/Casein Adhesives For Various Adherents ‘ has been Published in Volume – 14 , Issue – 8 in International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology, Aug 2023, ISSN 2250 – 1959.
National Journals:
- A comparative evaluation of Micro emulsion & conventional emulsion on styrene maleic anhydride copolymers” .Popular Plastics Packaging, P-80 Feb, 2004.ISSN: 0971-0078.
- Comparative evaluation of maleic anhydride and acrylic acid grafted polypropylene as compatibiliser in Nylon /PP blends”, Popular Plastics Packaging, P-90 Sept, 2004.ISSN: 0971-0078.
- A Novel Adhesive system based on plastics to rubber blends for bonding plastics to metal and metal to metal” Popular Plastics Packaging, p-75, Aug, 2005. ISSN: 0971-0078.
- Crystallinity studies of Nylon-6 as tire cord and its applications” Prajna Journal, Dec, 2006. ISSN0975 2595.
- Novel Fly ash filled polypropylene master batches and its application on polyoelfins”, Popular Plastics Packaging, Jan,2007, ISSN: 0971-0078.
- Novel rubber solution based reactive toughening methods for thermosetting matrices”, Prajna Journal, Oct 2008, ISSN 0975 259.
- Recycling of Food grade plastics for novel applications”, Prajna Journal 2009. ISSN 0975 2595.
- A study on Nylon-66/PC blends prepared by Physical blending” Prajna Journal, 2010 p -56, Sept 2010. ISSN 0975 2595.
- N-66/PC blends with modified N-66 as compatibilizers, Popular plastics Packaging, Feb, 2010. Vol. LV, March 2010, 27-32.ISSN: 0971-0078.
- A study on the optimized Nylon66/ABS blends & its modification based on selected compatibilizers”, Popular Plastics & Packaging; Vol. February, 2012.ISSN: 0971-0078.
- Proceedings of National Rubber. Conference, “Amine terminated liquid NR as plasticizer” (Rub Tech 04) by IRI, at Cochin, P-200, 1994.
- Proceedings of 9th Kerala Science Congress, “Rubber to metal bonding”,p-423,1997
- Proceedings of Macro-98, International conference on polymers, “Polymeric adhesives for leather”, at Chennai, vol.2, 1140, 1998.
- Proceedings of International Rubber Conference-98, National seminar on polymers, “Rubber cord adhesion”, at Cochin,vol.1, 99, 1998
- Proceedings of APT-98,“Bead wire adhesion”, National Seminar on polymers, at Cochin University p-14, 1998
- Proceedings of Rub Tech 2000, International conference by IRI at New Delhi, “Comparative evaluation of Aqueous adhesives”, p-81,2000
- Proceedings of APT-02,National Seminar on Advances in polymers, “Utilization of plastics waste”, at Cochin university, p-20,2002
- Presented in National Seminar Elastoplast 2005 at Anna University, Madras, “Toughening of thermosets”, Won third position in the competition, 2005
- Paper presented in Gujarat Science Congress, “Starch/LDPE blends with different types of modified starch”, at Baroda,March,2006
- Asia Rubber Tech Expo 2006, International Rubber conference at Cochin, “Modification of starch and blending with LDPE” organized by IRI Kerala
- National seminar on Advances in polymer science at S. P. University, Talc based hybrid fillers, Feb 2007
- National seminar on Advances in polymer on Short fiber based engineering polymers”. Feb 2007 at Baroda
- National seminar Advances in on polymer on Feb 2007 at Baroda “Biodegradation of PP & PVC”(Won third Prize)
- National seminar on Advances in polymer on “Effective toughening of PMMA”17th Feb 2008 at Baroda
- National seminar Advances in on polymer on “Clay modifications and incorporation in ABS & HDPE”17th Feb 2008 at Baroda
- National seminar Advances in on polymer on, ”Reactive modification of engineering plastics Nylon6,6” Jan 2009
- National seminar on Advances in polymer on “Polyurethanes and its modifications” at S.P. University, Jan 2009.
- Presented in the International Conference at PLASTINDIA Exhibition,“Novel modification of engineering plastics Nylon6, 6and blending with ABS”, in New Delhi, in Feb 2009.
- LDPE blown films modified with Carboxymethyl cellulose with and without compatibilisers for degradability enhancement” submitted to the “International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM-2018)”, with the theme of “Innovations in Polymeric Product Development and Manufacturing” held @ CIPET, Chennai in Jan 23, 24.
- Studies on the effect of crosslinking of Chitosan /PVA blend based hydrogel with Gluteraldehyde to be used as thin membranes, National Conference, On Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering (RACE), April 23rd, 2018.
- Controlled Urea release in Agriculture using Superabsorbent CMC based Hydrogels”Sixth International Conference on Natural Polymers, Bio-Polymers, Bio-Materials, their Composites, Nanaocomposites, Blends, IPNs, Polyelectrolytes and Gels: Macro to Nano Scales (ICNP – 2018) 7,8,9 December 2018, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- Bio degradability enhancement LDPE blown films with Carboxymethyl cellulose and effect of compatibilisers, National Conference, On Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering (RACE), May , 2019.
- Dr.Neetha John ,LDPE blown films modified with Carboxymethyl cellulose with and without compatibilisers for degradability enhancement” submitted to the “International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM-2019)”, with the theme of “Innovations in Polymeric Product Development and Manufacturing” to be held at CIPET, Chennai.
- Dr.Neetha John, “Product design and development of coir fiber reinforced polymer composites for automotive and domestic applications”, Coir Kerala 2019 , International Conference at Alapuzha , 5th Dec 2019. Presented paper.
- Dr.Neetha John, Bio fibers derived from Aquatic Plants and Weeds which is a menace otherwise for Eco friendly value added products with Biopolymers, (ICNP – 2019), 7 December 2019, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- Dr.Neetha John , Development of Novel fully Biodegradable PLA based value added products from water hyacinth plant and saving the water bodies, APM-2020, International Conference , Feb 14, 2020.
- Dr.Neetha John, “Biodegradable PLA based products from eichhornia crassipes”, Current trends in polymer Technology CTPS 2020, at Polymer Science & Rubber Technology, CUSAT, on 28 Feb 2020.
- Dr. Neetha John, Absorption studies on hydrophilic membranes based on Carboxy methyl cellulose/PEG Hydrogel filled with TiO2″ First International Online Conference on Blends, Composites, Bio-Composites and Nanocomposites (ICNC–2020) on 9,10 and 11 October 2020 at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- Dr. Neetha John, “Preparation And Characterization Of Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Starch-Gelatin Hydrogel Membranes And Its Application In Waste Water Treatment”, International Online Congress on Membranes and Membrane Assisted Processes (ICMMAP 2021), Feb 2021.
- Dr. Neetha John, Carboxymethyl cellulose-starch-gelatin based hydrogel membranes for heavy metal removal,APM 2021 , 12th chapter of International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials, APM 2021, scheduled to be held during March 9 – 13, 2021 at Bhubaneswar, organized by Laboratory for Advanced Research in Polymeric Materials (LARPM), R&D wing of CIPET through virtual platform.
- Dr.Neetha John, Studies on the effect of ZnO modifications on PLA membranes, 13th International e-conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM 2022)”
- Sravan Krishna P, Neetha John, S. Anbudayanidhi, K.A. Rajesh, Advanced Hydrogels Based On Agar And Chitosan for pH Sensing, Urea Adsorption And Dye Adsorption, 3-day Online International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Material Science 7 -9 July 2022, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Muthoot Institute of technology and Science, Kochi jointly with the Department of Polymer Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland.
- Amal Peter, Neetha John,S.Anbudayanidhi, K.A. Rajesh, Chitosan Grafted Polyacrylonitrile working as a compatibilizer in PVA/PEG Blend for membrane applications, APM 2023, International Conference held on 17-19, March 2023 at CIPET Bangalore.
- Neetha John, Nithya N M , S. Anbudayanidhi, K.A. Rajesh “Studies On Chitosan /Casein Adhesives For Plastics To Plastics, Metal To Metal, Metal To Plastics Joints”ICNP , MGU International conference, 12-14 May 2023.
Training undergone:
- 3 weeks, Refresher Course, Sponsored by University Grant Commission, Delhi.
- 3 weeks, In plant Training at FACT. Udyogamandal, Kerala.
- One month Training at Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- 6 weeks Auto-Cad training, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin.
- 2 days Faculty development program, on Dec 2015, at M.V. J. College of Engineering, Bangalore by IUCEE about Student center learning.
- 5 days Faculty development program on 14 June 2016 at M.V. J. College of Engineering, Bangalore on Emerging Technologies and new generation materials.
- FDP attended for 5 days LAB, 2016 view training by NI Labs at M.V. J. College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- FDP attended on 5S training at CIPET, 2019
- FDP attended Future Materials: Nanocomposites”, 15th June, 2020 to 21st June, 2020 ,e-FDP, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), College of Engineering, Pune.
- 6 days FDP attended “ICT tools for effective teaching , 23-28 May 2022 organised by Kamal Nehru Mahavidyalaya , Nagapur.
- RSC IITM Desktop seminar conducted by Royal Society of Chemistry Oct 12, 2022.
- FDP attended National Intellectual property awareness mission, Organized by NIPAM Sept 2022.
- FDP attended On Exploring Dynamics of National Education Policy, Thu Nov 24 – Wed Nov 30, 2022 (Research Foundation Of India)
- 6 days FDP attended organized by UGC-AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (A joint initiative of UGC and AICTE), 5 Dec to 9 Dec 2022.
- FDP attended on IUPAC International Webinar on “Breaking Barriers in Science, GWB 2023” organized by Department of Chemistry, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Jagat Arts, Commerce and Science College, Goregaon and Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Mumbai in collaboration with International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry(IUPAC), Global Women’s Breakfast-2023, 14th Feb 2023.
- 7 days, 10 Aug 2023, National level Online Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Education and Essential AI Tools for Teachers organised by our Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council.
As Resource person
- FDP programme conducted by Avinashilingam Institute for Home science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore., EDIBLE FOOD PACKAGING – THE FUTURE OF FOOD INDUSTRY” as part of Social Scientific Responsibility in DST-SERB project on 27th May, 2022.
- Dr.Neetha John, PLA/ PP and PLA /HDPE blends based structural foams preparation and characterization, International Conference APT 2020, Feb 28 2020 organized by Polymer science and Rubber Technology, CUSAT , as invited talk .
- Neetha John, “Studies On Pva /Casein Adhesives For Plastics To Plastics, Metal To Metal, Metal To Plastics Joints”Icnp , MGU International conference, 12-14 May 2023 , as invited talk .
- Fullerens functions properties and application, Invited talk at National Seminar on Current trends in polymer Technology CTPS 2019, at Polymer Science & Rubber Technology, CUSAT, on 22 March 2019 as invited talk.
- Session chair in International conference by GEC Trissur, 2010
- Session chair in national conference by Maharastra University, 2024
Events Organized
1.Biopolymer and Green composites BPGC -2017
2 Biopolymer and Green composites BPGC -2019
3.Biopolymer and Green composites BPGC -2022
4. Biopolymer and Green composites BPGC -2023
Member of Professional Bodies:
- Life member ISTE, Indian society of technical education.
- Member, Indian Rubber Institute (IRI), Kerala, Branch.
- Member, IPI, Indian Plastics Institute, Ahmedabad chapter.
- Member, Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), Baroda.
- Indian Society of Analytical scientists (ISAS), Baroda Chapter
- Life member, YMCA, Anand Branch, Gujarat
- Member of Society of Polymer Technologist (SPOT).
Research Interest
- Reviewed research paper for Journal Polymer Engineering & Science.
- Completed Two funded research by KSCST (2016&2017 )(Karnataka state council for Science & Technology).
- Project under KSCST selected for state level presentations in 2016.
- Completed Two funded research by IIChE, Bangalore Chapter.
- SERB Research Proposal approved in stage 1.
- Conducted Two UGC sponsored research projects.
- Performed research work and worked on project by NAIP on value added products from coir pith.
- Actively carried out Industrial consultancy and testing activities at the department.
- Collect and analyzed data by employing various tools.
- Mentor M.Sc., B.E students for their minor and major projects as well as Ph.D. students as Sardar Patel University recognized PhD Guide.
- Manage In- plant training arrangements and placement activities for M.Sc. students leading to 100% placement for all batches in reputed industries.
PhD Thesis Guided:
1) Dr.Vikram Singh, “STUDY ON PHYSICAL AND STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION OF N-66/ABS AND N-66/PC BLENDS TO ENHANCE PERFORMANCE”, under Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, awarded in 2011.
3) Keerthi K. Pai, registered for PhD in “Developments of Nano fluid”, in collaboration with Central Power Research Institute, CPRI, Bangalore, Karnataka under Visweshwarya Technological University, Belgam, (2017).
R & D Projects
- University Grand Commission, Pune,A Novel Adhesive system based on plastics to rubber blends for bonding plastics to metal and metal to metal.Jan 2002-2003,completed.
- 2 University Grand Commission, Pune,Effectiveness of Compatibilizers and Filler on the Performance of the Blends of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Polyolefins. June 2009-2011,completed
- Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Govt. of Kerala,Effective utilization of water floating algae.,Jan -June 2012 completed
- Karnataka State Council for Science, Technology (KSCST), Govt. of Karnataka. 4. Study of novel self-healing composites based on ring opening mechanism under capsule system; synthesis characterization and various applications.,Jan –June 2016, completed
- Indian Institute of Chemical engineers, IICHE, Bangalore chapter Agricultural biomass for toxic waste removal from industrial waste waters, (Dr.Neetha John, Co-PI )Jan- June 2016,completed
- Karnataka State Council for Science, Technology (KSCST), Govt. of KarnatakaStudy of novel self-healing composites based on ring opening mechanism under capsule system; synthesis characterization and various applications,- second phase Dec –June 2017 completed.
- Indian Institute of Chemical engineers, IICHE, Bangalore chapter PET recycling and application in oil absorption,Dec –June 2017,completed.
- DRDO –NPOL , Kochi Development of repair technology for Epoxy carbon fibre composites Jan 2022-Dec 2020,Completed.
- National Agricultural Science Fund, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Development of Green Composites based Packaging Films and Single Use Articles from Modified Cassava Starch and Valorization of Cassava Stem as a Second Generation (2G) Feedstock for Star(64 lakh ),2022-23, Ongoing
Book Chapters
- Dr. Neetha John, Fullerene and nanodiamond based polymer nanocomposite membranes and their pervaporation performances Polymer Nanocomposites membranes for pervapourisation, Publisher Elsevier Published(2020), ISBN: 9780128167854, Imprint: Elsevier, Published Date: 30th April 2020
- Dr. Neetha John, Bioimplants derived from biocompatible and bio degradable biopolymeric materials Advanced studies in Experimental and clinical medicine: Modern trends and latest approaches , AAP press (Publisher), CRC Press (distributor), Taylor and Francis group Published (2021), , SBN-9781003057451, 23 March 2021
- Dr. Neetha John, Characteristics and Prospects of Controlled Release of Fertilizers using Natural Polymers and Hydrogels , Natural Polymers- A Green Approach , AAP press (Publisher), CRC Press (distributor), Taylor and Francis group Pub Date: February 2022 ISBN: 9781771889605
- Dr. Neetha John, An overview on polymeric hydrogels for drug delivery applications A holistic and integrated approach to life style diseases, AAP press (Publisher), CRC Press (distributor), Taylor and Francis group Pub Date: February 2022, ISBN: 9781003180609
- Dr. Neetha John, Electrospinning of modified Biofibers and their Applications Electrospun Nanofibers from Bioresources for High-Performance Applications, CRC press , Taylor Francis Group , Chapter 2 ISBN 9781032126463, Oct 3, 2022, CRC Press
- Dr. Neetha John, (With co authors),Bionanomaterials: significance, classification, and application Advances in Bionanocomposites, Publisher Elsevier Chapter 9 , Aug 2023, page 211, ISBN: 978-0-323-91764-3
- Dr. Neetha John, (With co authors), Protein based compounds Taylor and Francis , Jan 2024
- Dr. Neetha John, (With co authors, Polysaccharides as Adhesive: Sweet Solutions to Sticky Situations CRC press Taylor Francis Group Under Press
- 50 numbers M. Sc students project completed
- 10 numbers B Tech students projects completed
- Completed 27 years of experiences in the teaching and active research fields.
- Felicitated with the Mother Teresa Sadhbhavana Award by Bureau of Indian Council, New Delhi in 2014
- Biographical profile published in “Who’s Who in the World 2010”Edition.
- Nominated as Chairperson, Local Inspection Committee (LIC) by Gujarat Technological University, and Ahmedabad for Inspection for Affiliation in different colleges in Gujarat in 2013.
- Appointed as VC nominee of Gujarat Technological University, for conducting interviews in colleges in 2013.
- Working a subject matter expert (SME) in Merit Trac India Ltd.
- Working a reviewer for Journal of Technological Advances and Scientific Research. (JTASR).
Contact Details
Email: neetha.john@saintgits.org
Linkedin :Dr Neetha John