Education: M. Tech., Ph.D.
Professional Experience
- Teaching: 2.5 years
- Research: 4 years
- UG : Biotechnology
- PG : Food and Nutritional Biotechnology
- Ph. D : Food Process Engineering
- Poojitha, P., Priyanka S, Nirmal Abraham Koshy, Gurumoorthi P, and K. A. Athmaselvi. (2023). Enhancing Quality and Safety of Garlic Pulp through Ohmic Heating: A Comprehensive Study on Physicochemical, Microbiological, and Bioactive Content, International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 10(4), 2266-2283.
- Abishek S, Prabaharan V, Poojitha, P. and Gurumoorthi P. (2023). A review of Processing Novelties of Extraction of Essential Oil from Cardamom, Lampyrid, 13, 73-82.
- Sonae S, Lakshmissruti M M, Sanjeevi, M, Poojitha, P. (2023). Cultured Meat, Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 10(1S), 3571 – 3579. Impact factor: 1
- Aishwarya Ramesh Krishna, Sathiyapraba Gurumoorthy, Pavithra Elayappan, Prathiksha Sakthivadivel, Saran Kumaran and Poojitha, P. (2022). A Review on the Application of Nanotechnology in Food Industries, Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 10(3), 871-883. Impact factor: 1.7
- Poojitha, P, Aishwarya R, Vyshnavi K, Sai Samyukktha J U, Keren Bharath S M, Cibi Sakthi Harees S, Jayanthan D, Nirmal Abraham Koshy, Gowrishankar L, K.A. Athmaselvi. (2022). Effect of Chemical Preservatives on Storage of Thermally Processed Banana Pulp. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. 11(2), 78 – 91
- Poojitha, P, Sathanya P S, Divyadharshini S, Ishwarya K, Gowrishankar L, Abishek M, ChinmayHrithik S N S, Balakrishnaraja R, Sureshkumar J. (2022). Optimization of Process Parameters for Tray Dried Broccoli Powder for The Development of Protein Rich Pizza Base. Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 13(2), 1101 – 1112
- Gowrishankar L, Bhuwana V, Poornachandrika V,Aswini R T, Ragesh S A, Rithika S, Poojitha, P. (2022). Development of Primary Food Packaging Material Using Saracaasoca Pods. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 15(1) : 3343 – 3354, Impact factor: 1.3
- Gowrishankar L, Vaishnavi T, Bhuwana V, Poornachandrika V, Chinmay Hrithik S N S, Abishek M, Poojitha, P. (2022). Effect of Heat Treatment on Rennetability of Soy and Coconut Milk Combination. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 15(1): 3355 – 3362, Impact factor: 1.3
- Gowrishankar L, Ragesh S.A, Sudeeptha V Mohan, Raja Rajeshwari E, Divyadharshini S, Sathanya P S, Poojitha, P. (2022). Optimization of spray drying parameters of Amaranthus cruentus juice using Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 13(2): 1113-1124.
- Poojitha, P, Divyadharshini S, Ishwarya K, Sathanya P S, Bhuwana, Poornachandrika, Balakrishnaraja R, and Gowrishankar L. (2022). Studies on development of fortified pizza base. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 17(5): 438-445.
- Poojitha, P, Gurumoorthi, P and Athmaselvi, K.A. (2022). Optimization Studies on Ohmic-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Garlic. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 34(5): 1269-1273. Impact factor: 0.9.
- Sanika, B. Poojitha, P, Gurumoorthi, P and Athmaselvi, K.A. (2021). Drying kinetics and quality of tray dried peanut milk residue. Food Research, 5(2): 106-112. Impact factor: 1.2
- Poojitha, P, Gurumoorthi, P and Athmaselvi, K.A. (2021). Exploration for the novel applications of pulsed electric field technology in food processing industries. Journal of Xidian University, 15(1): 568-580. Impact factor: 0.9.
- Poojitha, P and Athmaselvi, K. A. (2020). Effect of ohmic blanching on drying kinetics, physicochemical and functional properties of garlic powder. Journal of Food Science and Technology. Impact factor: 5.3
- Poojitha, P., Gimbun, J., Yeop, A., Athmaselvi, K.A. (2020). Ultrasound-assisted extraction for enhanced retention of physicochemical properties of garlic powder obtained by spray-drying. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(05):127–134. Impact Factor- 2.3
- Poojitha, P. and Athmaselvi, K. A. (2020). Changes in physicochemical and bioactive profile of garlic pulp by high voltage electric field. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 8(1): 131-143. Impact Factor- 1.3
- Poojitha, P. and Athmaselvi, K.A. (2018). Influence of sucrose concentration on electric conductivity of banana pulp during ohmic heating. Food science and Technology International, 24(8): 664-672. Impact Factor – 4.1
- Athmaselvi, K.A., Kumar, C., and Poojitha, P. (2017). Influence of temperature, voltage gradient and electrode on ascorbic acid degradation kinetics during ohmic heating of tropical fruit pulp. Journal of Food Measurements and Characterization, 11. 144-155. Impact Factor- 3.8
Book Chapters Published
- Sanika Bhokarikar, P. Poojitha, Vijay Vaishampayan, Adithya Sridhar, P. Gurumoorthi, Ashish Kapoor. Parameters affecting the efficiency of extraction systems in the food industries, Chapter 13,Ed(s): Seid Mahdi Jafari, Sahar Akhavan-Mahdavi, In Unit Operation and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry, Extraction Processes in the Food Industry, Woodhead Publishing, 2024
- Athmaselvi, K.A., Kumar, C. and Poojitha, P. (2018). Innovations in Agricultural and biological Engineering, State of the art technologies in food science, chapter 11, Interventions of Ohmic heating technology in foods, CRC Press, Apple Academic Press.
- Life Member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, India (AFST(I))
Research Interest
- Food Process Engineering
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Food Microbiology
- Dairy Technology
- Crop Processing Technology
- Food Quality Tests
- Poojitha, P., Nikitha, Kaaviya, Amirtha – Quizen – TEMP/E-1/2294/2023-CHE (Filed)
- Poojitha, P., Sathiya Prabha, Renoliya Sneha– Eggly – TEMP/E-1/78128/2022-CHE (Filed)
Resource Person
- Invited lecture on Groundwater “Making the Invisible visible” for World Water Day, organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology with the funding from TNSCST popularization of Science on 16.10.2023
- Best poster award on “Microencapsulation by spray drying enhanced retention of bioactive compounds from garlic extract by ultrasound assisted extraction” at Research Colloquium held from 23.9.2019 to 25.9.2019 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Visiting Researcher
- Worked as a visiting researcher at Centre of Excellance for Advanced Research in Fluid Flow (CARIFF), University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia, from 26.9.2018 to 16.10.2018
Certification courses
- Completed HACCP Level 3 for Food Manufacturing (RQF) with Distinction (Highfield accredited). Certificate number: HAC3419218.
- Certified Trainer for Industrial Production Worker (FIC/Q9005)-V3.0 to National Skill Qualification Framework Level 2 (Skill India) – Trainer ID: TR350434
Entrepreneurship Funding
- Received seed fund from the Institution to carry out student entrepreneurship activity by setting up outlets for selling nutritious food products developed by students
- Participated in the hands-on training on Development and Testing of Packaging materials funded by DST-SERB on 28.10.2022.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Nonthermal Processing: Prospects and Challenges” from 01.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 at IIFPT.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Ensuring safety of Poultry Meat and Their products in Domestic Market” from 23.08.2021 to 27.08.2021 at College of Poultry Production and Management.
- Completed an industrial training at AKAY Natural Ingredients, Kochi from 6.1.2020 to 20.1.2020
- Participated in the 5th Asia-Pacific Probiotics workshop on 23.09.2018 at University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Research paper writing with hands-on using LATEX” held on 28.06.2018 and 29.06.2018 at SRMIST, Vadapalani.
- Participated in Skill Development Programme on “Contemporary value added fish products” held from 14.03.2018 to 16.03.2018 at Tamilnadu Dr. J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Thiruvallur.
- Coordinated a workshop on Bakery and Confectionery Technology held on 15.02.2018 and 16.02.2018 at SRMIST, Kattankulathur.
- Worked as a graduate trainee in plant tissue culture laboratory at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Centre- Trivandrum from 10.12.2012 to 09.04.2013.
Conference Presentations
- Presented the research entitled “Effect of ohmic blanching on drying kinetics, physiochemical, rheological and functional properties of garlic powder” at 10th Asia-Pacific Drying conference held from 13.12.2019 to 17.12.2019 conducted by National Institute of Technology-Rourkela at Vadodara, Gujarat.
- Presented the research entitled “Drying kinetics and quality of tray dried peanut milk residue” at 10th Asia-Pacific Drying conference held from 13.12.2019 to 17.12.2019 conducted by National Institute of Technology-Rourkela at Vadodara, Gujarat
- Presented the research entitled “Extraction of lignan from flax seed and development of flax incorporated mishti dahi” at the International conference on Probiotics and Food sustainability held on 24.09.2018 at University Technology Malaysia, Johor bahru, Malaysia.
Seminars/ conferences/ Workshops Organized
- Organized National Conference on Advancement in Food Technologies (NAF 2K22) from 09.12.2022-10.12.2022 at Bannari Amman n
- Organized International Conference on Food For the Future: Exploring sustainable and Innovative Food Practices (FEAST 2K23) from 20.04.2023-21.04.2023
- Organized International Conference on Advancement in Food Technology (AIFT 2K23) on 04.11.2023
- Organized 5 day workshop on HACCP Level 3, FoSTaC and ISO 22000:2018 to prefinal year and final year students at BIT, Sathyamangalam
- Fuel – Elsevier Journal
Contact Details
Mobile: +91 9884542377/7418956148
Email: poojitha.p@saintgits.org
ORCID: 0000-0001-7022-0314
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=BMIe5Q8AAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Poojitha_Pushparaj2
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-poojitha-pushparaj-phd-eng-a65005120