Designation: HOD
Education: Polytechnic Diploma, AMIE, M. Tech., Ph. D.
Professional Experience
Teaching: 17 yrs.
Diploma: Electronics (Technical Board of Education)
UG : Electronics & Communication Engineering from Institution of Engineers
PG : Digital Electronics from CUSAT, Main Campus, Thrikkakara, Cochin
Ph.D. : Electronics (VLSI) from M. G. University, Kottayam
Publication (latest come first in IEEE format)
International Journals
- Amanda Sara Philip and Sreekala K. S., “Impact of Single Event Transient Effects on Adiabatic Logic Circuits,” Int. Conf. in Artificial Intelligence and Energy systems, 2021, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol.58, pp.339-344, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.02.242.
- K. S. Sreekala and S. Krishnakumar, “State Retained Dual-Vth Feedback Sleeper-Stack for Leakage Reduction” IET Computers and digital techniques, vol.13, pp. 1-10, January 2019.(SCI-E, Impact Factor: 0.803 ), DOI: 10.1049/iet-cdt.2018.0009.
- Sheena Varkey, Gokul Sarath, Sneha P Elias, Sneha Saji and Sreekala K S, “Intelligent Helmet for Accident and Alcohol detection,” Int. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, June 2020.
- Betti Reji, Sreekala K.S., et.al.,” Smart self Defense security System for Women,” Journal of Switching Hub, Vol. 4(3), pp.13-17, 2019.
- Jisha Varghese, and Sreekala K. S,” Clock-Gating: A novel method for reducing dynamic power dissipation on FPGA,” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 8(5), pp. 917-922, May 2019.
- Sreekala K. S. and S. Krishnakumar, “Leakage Estimation of SRAM cell based on Node Voltage and Current Characterization”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.118(7), pp. 101-109, Jan.2018, ( Scopus)
- Jeny Elasa Joji, Sreekala K. S. and Ashly John, “FinFET based Ultra Low Power SRAM” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology”, Vol. 7(04), pp. 226-229, April-2018.
- Preena Prasad, Marie K James and Sreekala K. S., “ Survey on Artificial Neural Network in Solving Problems of Real Time Application Dealing with Image Processing ad Pattern Recognition,” Int. Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, Vol. 5, May 2018.
- Jeny Elsa Joji, K. S. Sreekala, and P. B. Dhanusha ,” Performance Analysis of CMOS and FinFET Based SRAM,” Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology, Vol. 8 (3), pp.23-27, Dec.2018.
- Sreekala K. S. and S. Krishnakumar, “RNM Calculation of 6T SRAM Cell in 32nm Process Node based on Current and Voltage Information, “Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.10(29), Aug.2017, (Web of Scence).
- Sreekala. K. S and S Krishnakumar, “Subthreshold leakage reduction by Feedback Sleeper Stack Technique,” in IEEE Explorer as a part of IEEE conference ICETT at BMCE Kollam- October 2016.
- Priyanka Lee Achankunju, K. S. Sreekala K. S. and Marie K. James, “Design and read stability analysis of 8T Schmitt trigger-based SRAM,” ICTACT journal of Microelectronics, vol. 2, issue. 4, pp. 323-328, January 2017.( Inspec Indexed)
- Priyanka Lee Achankunju and Sreekala. K.S., “Read Stability analysis of Low Voltage Schmitt Trigger SRAM,” IJRTER, vol. 2, issue. 5, pp. 166-175, May 2016.
- Geethumol T.S and Sreekala. K.S, “Read Stability analysis of 6T SRAM bit cell,” IJRTER, vol. 2, pp. 155-165, May 2016.
- K. S. Sreekala and S. Krishnakumar, “Pattern and Position Dependent Gate Leakage and Reduction Technique,” ICTACT Journal of Microelectronics, vol. 1, issue. 3, pp. 131-135, October-2015, (Inspec Indexed)
- Chinchu S Ragamalika, Criss Jose, Suby Maria Sojan, and Sreeakala. K. S, “Bit error Rate Tester for Wireless Communication Systems,” Int. Journal of Science Technology and Engineering, vol.2, pp. 913-916, April-2016.
- Sreekala. K.S, Syam Gopi and Shymol C. Mathan, “Environment and Target Simulator for Air Borne Radar,” Int. Journal of Computer Applications, pp. 31-38, 2011.
International Conference
- Amanda Sara Philip and Sreekala K. S., “The Ramification of Single Event Transient effect on Efficient Charge Recovery Logic circuit,” IEEE sponsored Int. Conf.
on Innovative Trends In Information Technology -2022, IIITK, Kottayam.
- Amanda Sara Philip and Sreekala K. S., “Impact of Single Event Transient Effects on Adiabatic Logic Circuits,” Int. Conf. in Artificial Intelligence and Energy systems, 2021, Materials Today publication), Kottayam.
- Sreekala K. S. and S. Krishnakumar, “Negative Bias Temperature Instability Benefits on Power Reduction Techniques,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET), Kottayam, Kerala, India, Dec. 2018(IEEE Xplore Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/ICCSDET.2018.8821223, 2019).
- Sreekala K. S. and S. Krishnakumar “Leakage Estimation of SRAM cell based on Node Voltage and Current Characterization,” Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu Jan. 2018.
- Jeny Elasa Joji and Sreekala K. S., “Compensation Technique for Low Power SRAM – A Comparative Study”, Nat. conf. on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, April 2017.
- Sreekala. K. S and S Krishnakumar, “Subthreshold leakage reduction by Feedback Sleeper Stack Technique,” Pro. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technological Trends, Kollam, Kerala, India, Oct.2016, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/ICETT.2016.7873668, 2017.
- Priyanka Lee Achankunju and K. S. Sreekala, “Design and Read Stability Analysis of 8T Schmitt trigger-based SRAM “Proc. in IEEE Conf. on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, Aug. 2016.
- Priyanka Lee Achankunju, K. S. Sreekala and Marie K. James, “Design and Read Stability analysis of 8T Schmitt Trigger based SRAM,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, India, August-2016.
- Nihas Basheer and K. S. Sreekala, “Power efficient multiplier using PFAL Full adder,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, India, August-2016.
- Geethu Mol T. S and K. S. Sreekala, “Power and Area efficient 10T SRAM with improved Read stability,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, India, August-2016.
- K. S. Sreekala and S. Krishnakumar, “Pattern and Position Dependent Gate Leakage and Reduction Technique,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, India, August-2016.
- Sheeba Vinod and Sreeakla. K. S, “A comparison analysis of low power high speed logic in 0.18um technology,” Proc. of Int. Conference on Research Trends in Engineering & Management , Mount Zion College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, July-2014.
- Sreekala. K. S and S Krishnakumar, “Modelling of on current in a Scaled MOSFET Considering the Effect of Saturation Velocity and Temperature, “Proc. of Int. Conf. on Global Innovation in Technology and Sciences, Kottayam, Kerala, India, April- 2013.
- Sreekala. K.S, Syam Gopi and Shymol C. Mathan, “Environment and Target Simulator for Air Borne Radar,” Proc.of Int. Conf. on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation, Kottayam, Kerala, India, April- 2011.
- Elba Ann and Sreekala K. S, “Adiabatic switching in the sub threshold region for low power,” Proc. of IEEE Conf.on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, April- 2015.
- Sheeba Vinod and Sreekala K. S., “Low Power High Speed Logic in Adder Circuit,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Solid State Circuits and Systems, Kottayam, Kerala, April- 2014.
- Sreekala. K. S and S Krishnakumar, “Impact of Temperature and velocity Dependence on Drain current In MOSFET with Channel Scaling, “Proc. of NCCIE, Cochin, Kerala, India, May- 2012.
18. Syam Gopi and Sreekala. K.S, “Ad-Hoc Assisted Cellular Multicas, ” Proc. of Nat. Conf. on VLSI and Communication, Kottayam, Kerala, India, March. 2008.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- FDP on “Physical Design and Verification using Cadence” at Saintgits College of Engg, ( Department of Electronics Engineering) by Entuple Technologies, Bangalore from 14th to 16th March 2022.
- Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment – Intellectual Property Right Information Centre-Kerala (IPRIC-K) and Patent Office, Chennai, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Govt. of India jointly organized awareness programme on “Intellectual Property Rights”, at Saintgits College of Engg. on 22nd March 2022.
- Webinar on “My Experience with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – Missile Man of India”, at Saintgits College of Engineering, on 26th January 2022.
- Webinar on “Emerging Technologies for Next Generation Integrated Circuits”, at Saintgits College of Engineering, on 15th January 2022.
- NPTEL –AICTE FDP on “Research Methodology” from January to April 2022.
- Webinar on “Nurturing Autonomy” by IQAC at Saintgits college of Engineering on 29th September 2021.
- Webinar on “ Tunable Antenna for Space Applications” at College of Engg. Chengannur on 3rd September 2021.
- AICTE sponsored five day FDP on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” from 17th May to 21st May 2021.
- ADAL Academy online FDP on “Wearable Devices” at Saintgits College of Engineering from 11st to 15th January 2021.
- TEQIP-II FDP on Python Programming for “Computer Vision and Data Science” at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam from 28-12-2021 to 2-01-2021.
- Webinar on “Security issues in IC design flow”, on 18th November 2020 microelectronics research group, Department of ECE, Koneru Lakshmaiah Foundation, Andra Pradesh.
- Webinar on “ASIC – Front End design Methodologies using Mentor Graphics EDA tools,” on 15th April 2020 in association with CoreEL Technologies and Mentor.
- On line panel discussion on “Post Covid Opportunities in Electronics Engineering, ” IEEE SSCS of Saintgits College of Engineering.
- Workshop on “Research Workshop,” BIRDS (Bell Institute of Research and Development Studies), from 18th June 2020 to 22nd June 2020.
- Workshop on “Research Methodology, Publication and Ethics,” Ramaiah Public Policy Center in Collaboration with Elsevier, on June 11th & July 2nd , 2020
- Webinar on “Women’s health with special reference to PCOS,” Women’s Forum of Saintgits College of Engineering, on 28th September 2020
- International on line four days FDP on “Microsystems Design and Control Engineering,” ISTE Saintgits Chapter during 17th -20th September 2020
- Successively completed on line course on “FPGA computing systems: Background Knowledge and Introductory Materials,” online non-credit course authorized by politecnico di Milano through coursera on 4th August 2020
- IEEE-SSCS organized Online Panel discussion on “ Post- Covid Opportunities in Electronics Engineering,” at Saingits College of Engg. On 18th June 2020.
- Successively completed on line course on , “Understanding research methods,” an online non-credit course authorized by University of London and SOAS University of London and offered through Coursera on 4th December 2020
- Successively completed on line course on, “Research workshop,” an online non-credit course authorized by University Bell institute of research & development studies and offered through Cousera, 18th June 22nd June 2020.
- Mentor Webinar on “ASIC – Front End design Methodologies using Mentor Graphics EDA tools,” on 15th April in association with CoreEL Technologies and Mentor.
- AICTE sponsored four days Online Course on “Examination Reforms,” 29th April to 2 May 2020 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- One day Workshop on” Ethical Practices and Resources for Academic Writing” at 2020 Providence College of Engg. 29th February.
- KTU sponsored Five days FDP on” Future of Multiprocessor System: Networks – on-Chip” 16th to 20th December 2019 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- KSCSTE ( Women Scientists Division) sponsored Two day Workshop on Research Methodology , Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills” 18th and 19th January 2019 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- Two week ISTE STTP on CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio frequency VLSI Design at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur from 30th January to 4th February 2017.
- National workshop on Advanced Nanoscale device design using TCAD at College of Engg., Chenganoor from 28th December 2015 to 1st January 2016.
- Two day workshop on IC design flow using Mentor Graphics tool and Vivado design tool using zed board at Sreebuddha college of Engg, patoor, from 25 to 26th June 2015.
- IETE sponsored a national Level faculty development programme on Embedded Design using ARM & ARDUINO at Saintgits College of Engg., from 18th to 24th November 2015.
- National level workshop on Signal processing in VLSI system Design at Saintgits College of Engg., from 28th to 30thSeptember 2015.
- National level faculty development program on CAD tools in VLSI & Communication at Saintgits College of Engg., from 28th Nov-5th December 2014.
- Two day ISTE e-Seminar on Step2 Research at AmalJyothi Engg. College from 19-20th September 2014.
- National Level Faculty Development Programme On Orcad,Matlab and DSP Processor at Saintgits College of Engg., from 2nd to 9th December-2013.
- ISTE workshop on “Creative Teaching” at AmalJyothi Engg. College from 19th to 20th September 2014.
- Workshop on Research Methodology: Application of Research Methods and Statistics, at IUCDS, MG University, from 28th January to 1st February-2013.
- National Colloguiumon: Emerging areas of Research in Engineering Science at RIT Pampady from 7th to 9th march 2013.
- Workshop on Research Trends ,Tools Modelling and writing Skills at Saintgits College of Engg., from 19th to 21st Aril 2012.
- National workshop on A-VIEW at AmalJyothi College Of Engg., on 14th December-2012.
- ISTE workshop on Solar Photovoltaic : Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, from AmalJyothi College Of Engg., from 12th to 22nd December 2011.
- Faculty Development Programme in Digital Logic Design Using HDL at Saintgits College of Engg., from 21st to 22nd December 2010.
- Training Programme on Professional Excellence at ST.Joseph’s College Of Engg on 10th June-2009.
- Short term training Programme on Research Trends in Embedded systems and Signal Processing at Saintgits College Of Engg from 28th October to 3rd November-2009 .
- Faculty Development Programme in ARM processors at Saintgits College of Engg., from 4th to 5th January -2008.
- Quality improvement programme on Instructional Design and delivery at SNGCE,Kadayirippu, from 21st to 26th May 2007.
As resource Person
- Resource person in IETE associated Two Days Online Workshop on ‘LaTeX’ at Saintgits College of Engineering. (both PG, UG and Research Scholars)
- Recourse person for Hands on workshop on Matlab- Programming and Simulation (2020
- Resource person in IETE associated One Day Online Workshop on “LaTex for Technical Writing” at Saintgits College of Engineering. (both PG, UG and Research Scholars in and external participants), 2022
- Resource person on FDP on Physical design and Verification by CADENCE 2022 March
Events Organized
- Coordinated awareness programme on “Intellectual Property Rights” jointly organized by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment – Intellectual Property Right Information Centre-Kerala (IPRIC-K) and Patent Office, Chennai, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Govt. of India on 22nd March2022 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- Coordinated webinar on “My experience with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – Missile Man of India “on 26th January 2022 Saintgits College of Engg.
- Coordinated webinar on “Emerging Technologies for Next Generation Computers” on 15th January 2022 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- Coordinated a talk on ‘Awaken the Healer’ on 20th February 2019 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- Coordinated talk on “One-day Women Self Defense Training Program” 6th October 2018, 31st, October 2019 respectively at Saintgits College of Engg.
- Coordinated webinar on “Women’s health with special reference to PCOS” on 28th September 2020at Saintgits College of Engg.
- Coordinated KSCSTE Funded workshop on Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language and Soft Skills (Women’s Scientist Division) from 18th to 19th January, 2018at Saintgits College of Engg.
- ISTE Sponsored One week Training Programme on ‘Research Trends in Embedded Systems and Signal Processing ’28th October to 3rd November -2009 at Saintgits College of Engg.
- The Indian Society for Technical Education: Life Member (LM-55264)
- The institution of Engineers: Associate Member (A 533143-5)
Research Interest
- Low Power VLSI
- Microelectronics
- Internet of Things
- Analog VLSI Design
- Digital VLSI Design
R & D Projects
- KSCSTE funding of Rs. 6000/- project entitled “Smart Driving System with Automatic Driver Alert & Braking Mechanism” (2017).
- KSCSTE funding of 10,000/- project entitled “Automotive Particulate Emission Monitoring System for Sustainable Environment (APEMS)”, (2021).
- GATE Score- 95.05%
- KSCSTE funding of Rs. 40,000/- workshop on “Research methodology, Writing Practices, Language and Soft Skills” (2018).
- Question Paper setter – Cochin University of science & Technology, Kochi.
- Successfully Completed 12 weeks NPTEL course on VLSI Physical design in 2017
- Successfully Completed 8 weeks NPTEL course on CMOS digital VLSI design in 2019
- Successfully Completed 12 weeks NPTEL course on Research Methodology in April 2022
- Reviewer in the National Conference on Information, Communication and Intelligent Systems June 2021 at MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam
Contact Details
Phone: 9446196314
Email: sreekala.k@saintgits.org
Website: www.saintgits.org