Designation: Assistant Professor(Sr.) (On leave)
Education: Ph. D. in Environmental Science and Engineering
UG: Chemical Engineering (GEC Calicut)
PG: Chemical Engineering (IIT Bombay)
Ph.D: Environmental Science and Engineering (KAUST Saudi Arabia)
Professional Experience
Industry: Assistant Manager, Design and Development, Sunrise Polymers India Ltd.
Publications :
Journal Papers:
- Sreekiran Pillai, Buddha Ratna Shreshtha, Adriano Sanchez, Stephen H. Donaldson, Tod Pascal, Himanshu Mishra, “Nuclear Quantum Effects in Hydrophobic Nanoconfinement”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 31 July 2019,10,18,5530-5535 (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01835)ase Extraction – A Review, Proceedings of the 4th Kerala Technological Congress – KETCON 2019, Volume 3, Page 103
- Sreekiran Pillai, Adriano Sanchez, Ratul Das, Buddha Ratna Shreshta, Edel Himanshu Mishra “A Molecular to Macro-scale Assessment of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation for Separating Organics from Water, Journal of Membrane Science, 1 August 2020 118140 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2020.118140)
- N. Subramanian, A. Qamar, A. Alsaadi, A. Gallo, M.G. Ridwan, J.-G. Lee, S. Pillai, S. Arunachalam, D. Anjum, F. Sharipov, N. Ghaffour, H. Mishra, “Evaluating the potential of superhydrophobic nanoporous alumina membranes for direct contact membrane distillation”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 533 1 Jan 2019 723-732
(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2018.08.054) - Sreekiran Pillai, Ratul Das, Himanshu Mishra, “A coating free approach for membrane distillation” (Under preparation)
4. Zain Ahmad, Ratul Das, Sreekiran Pillai, Adriano Santana, Sankara Arunachalam, Himanshu Mishra, “Organic – Fouling Resistant gas-entrapping Membranes from Common Wetting Materials” (Under preparation)
Conference Proceedings
- Sreekiran Pillai, B.R. Shrestha, H. Mishra, Adriano Santana , Tod A.Pascal “Molecular Insights Into The Loss of Hydrophobicity of Desalination Membranes by Amphiphilic Contaminants”, 93rd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA (June 2019).
- Sreekiran Pillai, B.R. Shrestha H. Mishra, Stephen H. Donaldson, Tod A. Pascal “Nuclear Quantum Effects Yield Stronger Hydrophobic Forces in H 2 O over D 2 O”, Gordon Research Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, New Hampshire, USA (July 2018)
- H. Mishra, Sreekiran Pillai, Stephen H. Donaldson,Vishwanath Dalvi “Isotope Effects on Hydrophobic Interactions”, 8th Biennial Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Coffs Harbour, Australia(January 2017)
- Sreekiran Pillai, H. Mishra, Stephen H. Donaldson,Vishwanath Dalvi “Effects of Solvent’s Hydrogen Bonded Percolation Networks on Hydrophobic Interactions”, 8th Biennial Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Coffs Harbour, Australia (January 2017)
- H. Mishra, Cristina Chiutu, Stephen H. Donaldson, Zhen Cao, Sreekiran Pillai, Kuang-Hui Li, Luigi Cavallo, Saurabh Das, Jacob Israelachvili, “Hydrogen-bonded Percolation Networks Modulate Hydrophobic Interactions”, 30th Conference of the European Colloid and Interfacial Society, Rome (September, 2016)
- H. Mishra, Miguel Dinis, Adair Gallo, Jr., Sreekiran Pillai, Andreia Farinha, William A. Goddard III, Shinichi Enami, Michael R. Hoffmann, A. J. Colussi, “Mechanistic Insights into Acid-catalyzed Reactions ‘On-water’”, International Conference on Science and Technology of Engineering Materials Pattaya, Thailand (July, 2016), This talk was recognized with the “Best Presentation Award”
Research Interest:
Hydrophobic Coatings and Interactions, Interfacial Engineering, Analytical Techniques and MATLAB Simulations in Chemical Engineering