Designation: Assistant Professor (Senior)
Education: Ph.D
Specialization: Thermal Science
Professional Experience: 10 Years
Area of Research: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulent flow, Heat transfer, Aerodynamics, Flapping wing, Machine Learning
Publication & Conference Details (Most recent):
1. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Dynamic wake behaviour and aerodynamic characteristics of a custom airfoil under combined pitching and heaving motion, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2024 (IF: 1.9).
2. Sai Jeevan Puchakayala, Aswathy Ravikumar, Vineeth V K, An ensemble deep learning model based high precision automated analog meter reading utilizing EfficientDet detection and U-Net segmentation, IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing, July 27-28, Gwalior, India.
3. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Influence of aspect ratio on wake structure evolution and wake profiles behind a heaving wing, AIAA Aviation Forum, Jun 12-16, 2023, San Diego, California, USA.
4. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Dependence of wake structure evolution on frequency of a pitching wing: A numerical investigation using LES, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 34 (2023), No. 08, pp. 2350108 (IF: 1.9).
5. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Large-eddy simulation of wake structure behind a pitching wing with different aspect ratios, AIAA Sci-TECH Forum, Jan 3-7, 2022, San Diego, California, USA.
6. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Influence of aspect ratio on the wake dynamics of a pitching wing, Physics of Fluids, Vol 34 (2022), No. 3, pp. 035106 (IF: 3.521)
7. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Comparison of wake characteristics behind a custom-designed airfoil performing different types of flapping oscillations, 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Dec 17-20, 2021, IIT Madras.
8. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, A comparative analysis of the characteristics of the vortex wake behind a flapping wing performing oscillations of different types, Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 56 (2021), pp. S101-125 (IF: 0.688)
9. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Propulsion performance and wake transitions of a customized heaving airfoil, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 32 (2021), No.09, pp. 2150117 (IF: 1.9)
10. V K Vineeth, Devendra Kumar Patel, Subhransu Roy, Srikanth Goli, Arnab Roy, Investigations into transient wakes behind a custom airfoil undergoing pitching motion, European Journal of Mechanics/ B Fluids, Vol. 85 (2021), pp. 193-213. (IF: 2.131)
Patents Granted / Published:
South African Patent Granted: Dr. Dipen Kumar Rajak, Dr. L. A. Kumaraswamidhas, Dr. Aruna Kumar Behura, Dr. AshwiniKumar, Dr. Sudhansu Ranjan Das, Dr. Santosh Kumar Sahu, Dr. Anshuman Das, Dr. Vineeth V. K., Dr. Priyaranjan Sharma, Dr. Priyadarshi Tapas Ranjan Swain, AI-IoT Based Cylinder Trolley System and Thereof, South African Patent No: 2023/07522.
Indian Patent Published: Dr. Dipen Kumar Rajak, Dr. L. A. Kumaraswamidhas, Dr. Aruna Kumar Behura, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Dr. Sudhansu Ranjan Das, Dr. Santosh Kumar Sahu, Dr. Anshuman Das, Dr. Vineeth V. K., Dr. Priyaranjan Sharma, Dr. Priyadarshi Tapas Ranjan Swain, AI-IoT Based Cylinder Trolley System and Thereof, App. Number: IN202331011690.
Contact Details:9846284836