Designation: Professor
Education: M Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 13 years 4 months
UG : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PG : Power Systems
- Asha Anu Kurian, Ancy Sara Varghese (2013). An investigation on power quality enhancement of unity power factor buck boost type rectifier. IJCA Proceedings on Emerging Technology Trends on Advanced Engineering Research.29-33.
- Haseena K A, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). Comparative analysis of stability enhancement in SMIB using Robust PSS with different controllers. 2013 IEEE Multi International Confernce on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and compressed sensing, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering of Technology, Palai.
- Shoma Mani, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). Mitigation of Unbalanced Disturbances using Hybrid Controller. 2013 IEEE Multi International Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and compressed sensing, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering of Technology, Palai.
- Haseena K A, Ancy Sara Varghese, Radhika R.Electromechanical Oscillation Damping Using Robust PSS with H∞ Loop Shaping and Mixed Sensitivity Controllers. International Conference for global innovations in technology and sciences 2013 (ICGITS 2013), Saintgits college of engineering,
- Meera Annie Varghese, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). A new approach to dynamic voltage restorer implementation in distribution systems using a multilevel inverter system. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol2, Special Issue, 365-373 .
- Neenu Raphael, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). Mathematical transforms clubbed with artificial intelligence for power quality classification. National Conference on Energy Efficiency and Management in Electrical Systems, NSS College Of Engineering, Palakkad.
- Meera Annie Varghese, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). A new and improved approach for Dynamic Voltage Restorer Implementation in Distribution Systems. National Conference on Power System and Energy Management PSEM 13, Vijnan Institute of Science and Technology.
- Neenu Raphael, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). Mathematical transforms clubbed with artificial intelligence for power quality disturbance classification. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol2, Special Issue 1, 1-10.
- Neenu Raphael, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). Mathematical transforms clubbed with artificial intelligence for Power Quality Disturbance & fault classification. 1st IEEE International Conference on Information Technology & Electronic Commerce, Harbin, China.
- Meera Annie Varghese, Ancy Sara Varghese (2014). A new approach to dynamic voltage restorer implementation for distribution systems using a fifteen level inverter system. Proceedings of International Conference on Power Signals, Controls and Computation (EPSCICON 2014), Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur.
- Raji Reghunathan, Ancy Sara Varghese(2014). Adaptive MPPT And Resonant Controller For Wind Power Plant. 2nd IRF International Conference, Cochin.
- Saritha.H, Ancy Sara Varghese(2014). Four Point Mppt For Solar Powered Motor Drive Solar Powered PMDC Motor. 2nd Irf International Conference, Cochin.
- Raji Reghunathan, Ancy sara Varghese(2014). MPPT Technique using Sliding Mode Control for Wind Power Plant. National Conference on Emerging Electrical Trends at Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women,Kothamangalam.
- Saritha.H, Ancy Sara Varghese(2014). Adaptive Four Point MPPT For Solar Powered Motor Drive Solar Powered PMDC Motor(2014). National Conference on Emerging Electrical Trends at Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Kothamangalam.
- Rahul R Nair, Ancy Sara Varghese.(2015). Comparative study of depending factors of CCT in IEEE 14 bus system. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 10, 8238-8244.
- Asha.P, Ancy Sara Varghese.(2015). Mitigation of Neutral Current in a Three Phase System using Electric Springs. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Volume 4,Issue 9,7424-7431.
- Asha.P, Ancy Sara Varghese. (2015). PSO Based Neutral Current Compensation in a Three Phase Distribution System using Electric Springs. International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Volume 2 Issue 4, 82-88.
- Rahul R Nair, Sebin Joseph, Ancy Sara Varghese.(2015). Protection Scheme Based on Analysis of Critical Clearing Time of System. International Journal of Innovative Research in Sciene, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4,issue 11, 11437-11442.
- Suja Theresa James, Ancy Sara Varghese(2016). Optimum Load Sheding Algorithm Based on Voltage Stability Index. International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT), Volume 3, Issue 3,130-135.
- Rahumath beeby , Ancy Sara Varghese (2011). Load Frequency Control Of An Isolated Small Hydro Power Plant Using Matlab/ Simulink. National Level Technical Conference On POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT, Saintgits College Of Engineering
- Lakshmi Krishnan, Ancy Sara Varghese (2011). Analytical & Performance Evaluation of methods implemented to tune Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for Harmonic Elimination, National Level Technical Conference On POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT, Saintgits College Of Engineering
- Asha Anu Kurian, Ancy Sara Varghese (2012). Fuzzy Controller Based Buck Boost Rectifier Topology with Power Quality Enhancement, Archana College Of Engineering,Pandalam
- Asha Anu Kurian, Ancy Sara Varghese (2012). Soft switching DCM Rectifier and Comparative Approach of Various Control Strategies, NCRTE’12, MBC College Of Engineering Peerumedu.
- STTP on Recent trends in Power Systems at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 26/10/2010-28/10/2010
- FDP on Digital Logic Design using HDL at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 21/12/2010-22/12/2010
- Workshop on Technical Analysis Tools at St.Joseph’s College of Enginering, Palai from 06/08/2010-07/08/2010
- STTP on Reliability concerns of Tomorrow’s Power System at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 28/11/2011-02/12/2011
- Workshop on CYME (Power Engineering Software) at Saintgits College of Engineering, Ktm from 17-09-2011
- Short term course on Multimedia for Teaching at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 13/06/2011-17/06/2011
- STTP on Reactive Power Management & Power flow control in transmission Systems at College of Engineering, Trivandrum from 11/10/2010-18/10/2010
- ISTE workshop on Aakash at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam on 10th & 11th November 2012.
- course on Innovative Approaches in Power Electronics, Drives and Control at Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Kochi from 04/05/2009-06/05/200
- ISTE workshop on Creative Teaching at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam on 05-10-2013
- e-Seminar on e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 19/09/2014-20/09/2014
- Workshop on Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 24/11/2014-26/11/2014
- Two week ISTE workshop on Introduction to Design of Algorithms conducted by National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology, IIT Kharagpur at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 25/5/2015-30/5/2015
- FDP on Electromagnetic field theory at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 11th to 16th December 2006.
- FDP on Advances in Smart Grid Integrations at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 28th to 2nd May 2014.
- Workshop on Role of VLSI and Embedded Systems in Next Generation wireless Technologies at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 28/11/2016 to 3/12/2016
- FDP on “Research aspects of power electronics in modern power system-simulation and experimental analysis” at RIT, Kottayam from 08/08/2016 to 12/08/2016
- Two day training programme of Energy Management & Audit at Energy Management Centre, Trivandrum from 14.12.2016 to 15.12.2016
- Three day FDP on FPGA Based Induction Motor Control at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 30/01/2017 to 01/02/2017
- ANSYS training at Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam from 02/02/2017 to 03/02/2017
- IE- Member ID: M152676-0
- ISTE- Member ID: LM-109206