Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 10 years
Non Teaching: 5 years
Research: 2 years
UG : Mechanical Engineering
PG : Automotive Engineering
International Journals
- “A Novel Method of Improving Ride Comfort of Two Wheeler by Optimization of Seat Parameters,” SAE Technical Paper 2019-28-0013, 2019, ttps://doi.org/10.4271/2019-28-0013.
National Journals
- WASTE MANAGEMENT: DRUM SIEVE SEGREGATOR-International Journal For Research & Development in Technology Volume: 2, Issue: 1, JULY-2014
- Design and Fabrication of Cabin Drying Technique -IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 11 | April 2017
International Conference
- “ Design of a Power Feeder for Elderly & Simulation of Motor Circuit Developed using AUTODESK TINKERCAD. 2018 International Conference On Circuits And Systems In Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET). https://doi.org/10.1109/iccsdet.2018.8821057
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Power Electronics Control Design with Simulink and Simscape.9/21
- Modeling Physical Systems with Simscape 9/21
- Modeling Driveline Systems with Simscape 5/21
- Simulink Model Management and Architecture 5/21
- Modeling Physical Systems with Simscape 5/21
- Simulink for System and Algorithm Modeling 5/21
- Machine Learning with MATLAB 01/21
- Embedded Coder for Production Code Generation 01/21
- Control System Design with MATLAB and Simulink 12/19
- Deep Learning with MATLAB 12/19
- Image Processing with MATLAB 12/19
- MATLAB Fundamentals 12/19
Events Organized
- SAE Tier1& 2 Events
- SAE Baja
- SAE Efficycle
- SAE Supra
- FAB LAB Trainings
- SAE-Society of Automotive Engineering
- IEI – Institute of Engineering-India
Research Interest
- Noise Vibration & Harshness
- Ergonomics
- Dynamics of Machines
- Material Science
- New Product Development
R & D Projects
- Funded Projects from KSCSTE-Foldable Wheel Chair-Rs 375000.
- Funded Projects from KSCSTE- Mechanical Ventilator -Rs 10000.
- Funded Projects from IEI -Energy harvesting from Speed breaker -Rs 25000
- Funded Projects from KSUM-Intelligent drip irrigation system.-Rs 10000
- New Product development-Evocube,Ernakulam.
- Machine Design-Vallikkattu Engineering Private Limited
- New Product development-Redento LLC,Chennai.
- Chairman -SAE India Southern Section-Cochin Division-2018-2020
Contact Details
Ph 7760859111
Email arun.k@saintgits.org