Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: M Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 10 years
Industry : 1 month
UG : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PG : Power Systems
Industrial Experience
1 month
- Asha Anu Kurian, Ancy Sara Varghese(2013). An investigation on power quality enhancement of unity power factor buck boost type rectifier. IJCA Proceedings on Emerging Technology Trends on Advanced Engineering Research.29-33
- Asha Anu Kurian, Ancy Sara Varghese ,Fuzzy Controller Based Buck Boost Rectifier Topology with Power Quality Enhancement ,National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing Technology, Archana College Of Engineering
- Asha Anu Kurian, Ancy Sara Varghese ,Soft switching DCM Rectifier and Comparative Approach of Various Control Strategies
- An Investigation on Power Quality Enhancement of Unity Power Factor Buck-Boost-Type Rectifier.
- Veena V, Asha Anu Kurian, Justin Joseph(2013). Evaluation of time/ frequency domain features for power quality disturbance characterization. International Conference On Computer Applications In Electrical Engineering – Recent Advances , CERA-13, IIT Roorkee.
- Veena V, Asha Anu Kurian(2013). Power quality disturbance characterization. Interational Journal Of Advanced Research In Electrical, Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering, Vol2, Special Issue , 88-94
- Aswani Rajan, Asha Anu Kurian(2013). Fuzzy controller based Grid Connected Wind PV Generating System.International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol2, Special Issue 1,338-345.
- Veena V, Asha Anu Kurian(2014). Classification of Power Quality Disturbances using Time/ Frequency Domain Features. Proceedings of International Conference on Power Signals, Controls and Computation (EPSCICON 2014), Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur.
- Syamdev C S, Asha Anu Kurian (2014). Steady State And Fault Analysis In Hvdc Transmission Network Based On Hybrid Cascaded Multi Level VSC. 2nd IRF International Conference, Cochin.
- Lakshmi Priya P, Asha Anu Kurian(2014). Sliding Mode Control Based Power Point Tracking Of PV Array. 2nd IRF International Conference, Cochin.
- Syamdev C S, Asha Anu Kurian(2014). Steady State And Fault Analysis In HVDC Transmission Network Based On Hybrid Cascaded Multi Level VSC. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, Vol-2, Issue 10, 82-85.
- Syamdev C S, Asha Anu Kurian(2014). DC Fault Tolerance Capability Analysis of Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel VSC HVDC Network. National Conference on Emerging Electrical Trends at Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women,Kothamangalam.
- Lakshmi Priya P, Asha Anu Kurian(2014). Sliding Mode Controlled Power Point Tracking of PV array. National Conference on Emerging Electrical Trends at Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Kothamangalam.
- Syamdev C S, Asha Anu Kurian(2014). 29 Level H-Bridge VSC for HVDC Application. International journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) vol.3, Special Issue 5, 311-319.
- Comparative study of Voltage Stability Enhancement of a Grid using FACTS Controllers, IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology. Vol. 2 Issue 5, May 2015,ISSN 2348 – 7968
- Comparative study of PSS and STATCOM-POD for Transient Stability in Microgrid ,Asian Journal on Engineering and Technology, Vol 3,no 4,ISSN 2341-2362, AUG2015
- Comparative study of PSS and FACTS-POD for power system performance enhancement, IEEE International Conference on Power ,Instrumentation ,Computing and Control, GEC Thrissur, 9-11th December 2015.
- Analysis of power oscillation damping capability of STATCOM-POD and optimal placement of PMUs in IEEE-14 bus system, IEEE International Conference on Power ,Instrumentation ,Computing and Control, GEC Thrissur, 9-11th December 2015.
- Analysis of Voltage Stability Enhancement of a Grid and Loss Reduction Using Series FACTS Controllers, IEEE International Conference on Power ,Instrumentation ,Computing and Control, GEC Thrissur, 9-11th December 2015
- Comparative Study of Voltage Stability Enhancement of a Grid and Loss Reduction Using STATCOM and SSSC, IEEE International Conference on Power ,Instrumentation ,Computing and Control, GEC Thrissur, 9-11th December 2015
- FDP on FPGA based induction motor control.Introductin to ANSYS LF Package and Maxwell(30-1-2017To 3-2-2017)Saintgits College of Engineering
- STTP on “Power Electronics in grid Connected Renewable Energy System”
- 9-1-2017 To 14-1-2017,RIT PAMPADY
- “Workshop on role of VLSI and embedded systems in next generation Wireless Technologies” 28-11-2016 To 3-12-2016,Saintgits College of Engineering
- Orientation programme for national energy auditing competition 2016
- 30-8-2016 SNIT Adoor
- STTP on “Power System Stability and Protection”,20th to 24th of April, 2015
- Soft Computing Techniques in Advanced Power System Analysis,24-11-2014 TO 26-11-2014 at Saintgits
- Advances In Smart Grid Integrations,28-4-2014 TO 2-5-2014 ,Saintgits
- ISTE Workshop On Signals And Systems-IIT Kharagpur,2nd -12th January2014
- Saintgits College of Engineering
- STTP-SMART Power Electronic Controllers Using Programmable Logic Devices
- 19-23rd November 2013,RIT PAMPADY
- One Day E-Workshop On “Creative Teaching”,October 5th 2013
- SAINTGITS College of Engineering
- Matlab & Simulink for Engineering Education,25/2/2013,Coching
- MiPower ,24-27th July 2012,UKF CET Kollam
- STTP-Recent Trends in Power Systems,26/10/2010-28/10/2010,Saintgits
Research Interest
- Power Quality
- Power System Protection
- Power Electronics
- Power System Stability
- Organised Jyothirgamaya 2013,a career guidance and debate competition-IEEE WIE SB CHAPTER on 4-7-2013 at Kendriya Vidyala and Baker Vidyapeet
- Organised Workshop on MATLAB And LT SPICE at Saintgits College of Engineering on 20-4-2015