Er. Divya Mohan

Er. Divya Mohan

Designation:  Assistant Professor (Senior)

Professional Experience: Teaching – 16 years

Educational Qualification:

UG: B.Tech Computer Engineering

PG: M.Tech Computer and Information Technology

PhD: Pursuing



Institution of Engineers

Associate Member The Institution of Engineers,India-( AM 168498-4)

Research Interests:

Medical Image Processing

Artificial Neural Networks


Top 1% Topper  of NPTEL Online Certification on “Machine Learning, ML”  Feb-Apr 2019.

Gate Qualified (2011  – 91 percentile)


  1. “A Research Study on Brain Tumor Detection Techniques”, Proceedings, International Conference on Communication and Artificial Intelligence, Springer,  2022.
  2. “Performance Comparison of Brain Tumor Segmentation Algorithms”, Proceedings,Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology,Springer 2022
  3. Patient Specific Tumor Detection using Convolution Neural Network”,International Conference on artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,2022.
  4. Performance Comparison of Classifiers of MR Brain Tumor Images on Various Datasets”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems,2022.
  5. ”Texture and Deep Feature Extraction in Brain Tumor Segmentation using Hybrid ensemble Classifier”,Internationalm Conference on Computational Intelligence for Engineering and Management Applications(CIEMA),2022.
  6. “Compression of Color images using clustering techniques”- IJSER –International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, (2013), Volume 4, Issue
  7. “Advanced encoder for scanned multifaceted manuscripts using clustering techniques” International Journal of CSE and IT research, (2013), Volume 3, Issue 2 June.
  8. “Image compression using clustering techniques” –International  Journal of CSE and IT research,March(2013)  .
  9. “Performance Analysis of Various Advanced Methods of Malaria parasite Detection”-ICOEI-International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics,(2019) , organized by SCAD College of Engineering and Technology,Tirunelveli.

Title: The Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) System for the Detection of Alzheimer Disease Using MRI Real Images.
      File Number: 2021101725
      Country Filed: Australia
      Granted Date: 05/05/2021

Contact Details:

Mobile: +91 8281311371
