Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: M Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 8 years
UG : B. Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Cochin)
PG : M. Tech in Power Electronics and Drives (PSNA College of Engineering, Dindigul)
- High power factor bridge less buck converter with peak current mode control Second IRF International Conference, Cochin. Isbn:978-93-84209-43-8 Power Sytem Transient stability Enhancement by coordinated Control of SMES, SFCL and UPFC. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Vol. 3 , Issue 4, 11844-11848.
- Enhancement of Power System Stability by optimal Adaptive Under Frequency Load Shedding Using Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Advanced Research in ectrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering vol2, issue 9,12-20
- Reactive Power and Harmonic Distortion Control in DC Traction System using SVC and Filter International Conference for global innovations in technology and sciences 2013 (ICGITS 2013) Saintgits college of engineering
- Bi directional DC /DC converter System for Solar and Wind Powered Hybrid Electric Vehicle National Conference on Power Conversion, System,drives and control technology PSNA CET, Dindigul, February 2011
- Power system stability improvement during large disturbances using intelligent method National conference on power system and energy management PSEM 13,PSEM 13 Vijnan institute of science and technology, October 2013
- Co-ordinated control of SMES, SFCL and UPFC for Improvement of Power System Stability National Conference on Emerging trends in Power electronics, power systems, energy management and control systems St.Joseph College of Engineering & Technology ,Pala February 2014
- Bridgeless Buck Converter With Average Current Mode Control National Conference On merging Electrical Trends Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology For Women,Kothamangalam, October 2014
- Applications of Power Electronics in Power System, 21.11.11-26.11.11,Govt. Engineering College,Idukki
- Electrical Machines and Electromagnetics, 27.2.12-29.2.12, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Recent advancements in Power electronics, 26.11.12-30.11.12, Govt. Engineering College Thrissur
- Analog Electronics, 4.6.13-14.6.13, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Creative Teaching, 05.10.2013, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Modern Control with MATLAB/SIMULINK, 10.12.13-13.12.13, Indian Institute of Space Science And Technology,TVM
- Advances in Smart GRID INTEGRATIONS, 28.04.14-02.05.14, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Potentional Research Areas in Drives and Power System, 08.07.14-12.07.14, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology,Kottayam
- Soft Computing Techniques in Advanced Power System Analysis, 24.11.14-26.11.14, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education, 05.01.15-31.01.15, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Power System stability and Protection, 20.04.15-22.04.15, Saintgits College of Engineering
- Design and simulation of power converters, 12.01.17-18.01.17, College of engineering , Kidangoor
- Patent rules Patent drafting and IPR development, 21.01.17, Saintgits College of Engineering
- ISTE –Life member