Designation: Associate Professor
Education: B. Tech., M. Tech., Ph. D.
Professional Experience
Teaching: 17 years
Non-Teaching: 0 years
UG: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PG: Industrial Drives and Control
Ph. D.: Electrical and Electronics (APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University)
International Journals
- F. M. Chacko, G. A. George, M. V. Jayan, and A. Prince, “Improved multifunctional controller for power quality enhancement in grid integrated solar photovoltaic systems,” World Journal of Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 585–598, 2020.
- G. A. George, F. M. Chacko, A. Prince, and M. V. Jayan, “Integrated fuzzy-based modular cell balancing using mono circuitry for electric vehicle applications,” Electrical Engineering, vol. 103, pp. 153–165, February 2021.
- F. M. Chacko, M. V. Jayan, and A. Prince, “Load harmonics extraction based decoupled control of grid connected solar photovoltaic system,” IOP Conf. Ser.: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 396, no. 1, 012049, pp. 1–8, 2018.
- Aswathy Anna Aprem and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Fuzzy Controlled DSTATCOM for Harmonic Compensation,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 106–113, 2015.
- Anju R. K. and Fossy Mary Chacko, “An Active Power Filter for Improving the Power Quality of a Distribution Grid,” International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 875–882, 2015.
- Aswathy Anna Aprem and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Harmonic Compensation Using Fuzzy Controlled DSTATCOM,” International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science,vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1112 –1129, 2015.
- Anju R. K. and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Analysing Different Modes of Operation of a Power Conditioner in Improving the Power Quality of a Distribution Grid,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 8189–8196, 2015.
- Neethu Sathyan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “DSTATCOM Implemented on a 3 Phase 4 Wire Distribution System for Harmonic Elimination and System Balance,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 339–349, 2014.
- Sreya Grace Mathew and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement in a Grid Connected Fuel Cell System,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 203–209, 2014.
- Sreya Grace Mathew and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement in a Grid Connected Renewable Energy System,” International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 27–29, 2014.
- Smitha S. D., J. S. Savier, and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Energy Management in Smart Buildings with Intelligent Control Systems,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1–6, 2013.
- Polly Thomas and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Electric Vehicle Integration to Distribution Grid Ensuring Quality Power Exchange,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 403–412, 2013.
International Conference
- Fossy Mary Chacko, Jayan M. V., and Prince A., “Voltage harmonics-based islanding detection for grid-tied photovoltaic systems,” 2021 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, organized by Velalar College of Engineering & Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu during 15–17 September, 2021.
- Fossy Mary Chacko, Jayan M. V., and Prince A., “Load harmonics extraction based decoupled control of grid connected solar photovoltaic system,” 2nd International Conference: Global Colloquium on Recent Advancements and Effectual Researches in Engineering, Science and Technology, RAEREST 2018 organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kottayam during 20–21 April, 2018.
- Ginu Ann George, M. V. Jayan, Fossy Mary Chacko, and A. Prince, “Novel Single Balancing Circuitry for Modular Cell for Electric Vehicle Applications,” in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems, MCCS 2019 organized by Indian Society for VLSI Education (ISVE) & IETE Ranchi Centre during 11–12 May, 2019.
- Neethu Sathyan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Performance Evaluation of ANN over SRF Controlled DSTATCOM Implemented for Power Quality Improvement in A Grid,” Proceedings of Second IRF International Conference on 10th August 2014, Cochin, India.
- Sreya Grace Mathew and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement in a Grid Connected Renewable Energy System,” Proceedings of Second IRF International Conference on 10th August 2014, Cochin, India.
- Polly Thomas and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Electric Vehicle Integration to Distribution Grid Ensuring Quality Power Exchange,” International Conference on Power, Signals, Controls and Computation (EPSCICON), 8–10 January, 2014, organized by the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala.
- Polly Thomas and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Electric Vehicle Integration to Distribution Grid Ensuring Quality Power Exchange,” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Systems (ICETES 2013), organized by EEE Dept., M. A. College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, December 2013.
- Salabha Anna George and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Comparison of Different Control Methods for Integrated System of MPPT Powered PV Module and STATCOM,” International Conference ICRESE’13 at Karunya University, Coimbatore from 5–6 December, 2013.
- Polly Thomas and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Electric Vehicle Integration to Distribution Grid Ensuring Quality Power Exchange,” at the 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances CERA’13 organised by IIT, Roorkee from October 3–5, 2013.
- Smitha S. D. and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Intelligent Control System for Efficient Energy Management in Commercial Buildings,” at the International Conference AICERA 2013 at Amal Jyothi College of Engg., Kanjirappally, Kottayam during 4–6 June, 2013.
- Smitha S. D. and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Energy management in smart buildings with intelligent control systems,” at the International Conference on Global Innovations in Technology and Sciences ICGITS 2013 from 4–6 April, 2013.
- Shiny K. George and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Comparison of Different Control Strategies of STATCOM for Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected WES,” in the IEEE – International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing – 2013, organized by School of Electronics, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kottayam from 22–23 March, 2013.
- Smitha S. D. and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Intelligent Energy Management in Smart and Sustainable Buildings with Multiagent Control System,” in the IEEE – International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing – 2013, organized by School of Electronics, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kottayam from 22–23 March, 2013.
- Abhijith Pappachan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Microturbine Based Reactive Power Controller for DG Grid Connected systems,” in International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Advanced Engineering Research ICETT 2012 organized by Baselious Mathews II College of Engineering, Kollam during February 20–21, 2012.
- Lakshmi Krishnan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement Using Modulated Power Filter Compensator,” in International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Advanced Engineering Research ICETT 2012 organized by Baselious Mathews II College of Engineering, Kollam during February 20–21, 2012.
National Conference
- Sreya Grace Mathew and Fossy Mary Chacko, “THD Analysis of Grid Connected Fuel Cell System with Hysteresis Current Control Method,” National Conference on Emerging Electrical Trends organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Kothamangalam, October 2014.
- Neethu Sathyan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Performance Investigation of 3 Leg & 4 Leg VSC Based DSTATCOM Under Non- Ideal Supply Voltage Conditions,” 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering – NET 2014,organized by GEC, Kozhikode from 29–30 August, 2014.
- Salabha Anna George and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Integrated System of MPPT Powered PV Module and STATCOM,” National Conference on Energy Efficiency and Management of Electrical Systems held at NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad on 7th September 2013.
- Salabha Anna George and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Comparison of Different Control Methods for Integrated System of MPPT Powered PV Module and STATCOM,” National Conference on Advances in Electrical Control and Computational Engineering held at Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10th April 2013.
- Shiny K. George and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected Wind Energy System: Comparison of Different Control Strategies for STATCOM,” in First National Conference on ‘POWER SYSTEM EMERGENCIES’ sponsored by CSIR and organized by Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya,Tamil Nadu on 12th December, 2012.
- Smitha S. D. and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Energy Management in Smart and Sustainable Commercial Buildings with Intelligent Control Systems,” in First National Conference on ‘POWER SYSTEM EMERGENCIES’ sponsored by CSIR and organized by Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya,Tamil Nadu on 12th December, 2012.
- Lakshmi Krishnan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement using Modulated Power Filter Compensator in WECS,” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering at MBC College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade on 19th March, 2012.
- Lakshmi Krishnan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Tri Loop Error Driven Sliding Mode Controller in MPFC for Power Quality Improvement,” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Instrumentation & Automation- RTEIA 2012 organized by Erode Senguthar Engineering College on 14th March 2012.
- Abhijith Pappachan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Active and Reactive Power Controller for Distributed Generation Grid connected System,” in 5th National Conference on Power Quality Measures NACPOM-12 at S. A. Engineering College, Chennai on 18th February, 2012.
- Lakshmi Krishnan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement in Low Voltage Distribution System using Modulated Power Filter Compensator,” in 5th National Conference on Power Quality Measures NACPOM-12 at S. A. Engineering College, Chennai on 18th February, 2012.
- Abhijith Pappachan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Reactive Power Controller in a Fuel Cell Based Grid Connected DG Systems,” in National Conference on Advancements in Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized by Sri. Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudthur on 17th February, 2012.
- Lakshmi Krishnan and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Power Quality Improvement using MPFC in LVDS & WECS systems,” in National Conference on Advancements in Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized by Sri. Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudthur on 17th February, 2012.
- Arun Sebastian and Fossy Mary Chacko, “Design and Development of a High Voltage Floating Power Supply with an Ignitron Crowbar System,” in National Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Management organized by Saintgits College of Engineering on 7th May, 2011.
- Fossy Mary Chacko, “Unified Power Quality Conditioner: A Novel Strategy,” in National Conference on Energy Trends in Power Systems & Energy Management held at St. Joseph’s College of Engg., Palai on 15th January, 2011.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- National level FDP on ‘Emerging Trends in Power, Energy and Control’ organized by Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science, Ernakulam from 22-27 August, 2022.
- FDP on ‘Green Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development’ organized by SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam from 23-27 May, 2022.
- IP Awareness/Training program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission organized by Intellectual Property Office, India on 22nd March, 2022.
- Workshop on ‘Integration of Renewable Energy & EV to Microgrid: Prospects and Challenges’ organized by National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli in association with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 21-25 February, 2022.
- Webinar on ‘Nurturing Autonomy’ organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Saintgits College of Engineering on 29th September, 2021.
- Webinar on ‘Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology: An Overview’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering, IE(I) Students’ Chapter, Electrical and Electronics Division, on 18th September, 2021.
- STTP on ‘Recent Research Trends in Industrial Drives and Power Systems’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 23-27 March, 2021.
- Webinar on ‘Futuristic Trends in Wind Energy Conversion System’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering, IE(I) Students’ Chapter, Electrical and Electronics Division, on 27th August, 2020.
- Webinar on ‘Introduction to Typhoon HIL’ organized by IEEE Jt. IAS/PELS SB Chapter, NUS on 1st July, 2020.
- Webinar on ‘Writing Quality Technical Papers’ organized by IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala on 25th April, 2020.
- STTP on ‘Design and Development of Power Converter for Renewable Energy Applications’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 3-7 December, 2018.
- Workshop on ‘Research Methodology-Writing Effective Research Articles’ organized by Mangalam College of Engineering, Kottayam on 28th February, 2018.
- FDP on ‘Research Perspectives on Solar and Wind Energy Systems’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 15-27 January, 2018.
- STTP on ‘Electrical System Design’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 13-15 March, 2017.
- ‘Research Colloquium on Power Quality and Renewable Energy’ organized by RIT, Kottayam on 17th February, 2017.
- STTP on ‘LaTex and SAGE’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 16-21 January, 2017.
- STTP on ‘Linear and Nonlinear Control Techniques for Engineering Applications’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 26 September to 1 October, 2016.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Power System Stability and Protection’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 20-24 April, 2015.
- Workshop on ‘Soft Computing Techniques in Advanced Power System Analysis’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 24-26 November, 2014.
- Two-day National e-Seminar on ‘Steps 2 Research’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 19-20 September, 2014.
- Workshop on ‘Outcome based Accreditation Process’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 7th June, 25-28 June, 2014.
- FDP on ‘Advances in Smart GRID-INTEGRATIONS’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 28th April to 2nd May, 2014.
- ISTE Workshop on ‘Signals and Systems’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 2-12 January, 2014.
- STTP on ‘Smart Power Electronic Controllers using Programmable Logic Devices’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 19-23 November, 2013.
- ISTE e-Workshop on ‘Creative Teaching’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering on 5th October, 2013.
- ‘AutoCAD 2013’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering in July 2013.
- ‘Embedded System Design using Microcontrollers – PIC, AVR and ARM’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 14-19 January, 2013.
- STTP on ‘Virtual Instrumentation using LabView’ organized by RIT, Kottayam from 19-24 November, 2012.
- Workshop on ‘Electrical Machines and Electromagnetics’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 27-29 February, 2012.
- STTP on ‘Reliability Concerns of Tomorrow’s Power System’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 28th November to 2nd December, 2011.
- One-day Workshop on ‘CYME’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering on 17th September, 2011.
- STTP on ‘Recent Trends in Power Systems’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 26-28 October, 2010.
- ISTE Life Member
- IE(I) Member
Research Interests
- Power Electronics Application to Power Systems, Power Quality, Renewable Energy
R & D Projects
UG Level
- Mobile Rescue Robot for Human Body Detection (2015).
- Remote Controlled Combat Cum Spy Robot (2010).
- Motor Control Scheme in Sandmilling Plant using Distributed Control System (2009).
PG Level
- Harmonic Compensation using Fuzzy Controlled DSTATCOM (2015).
- Power Conditioner for Improving the Power Quality of a Distribution Grid (2015).
- Power Quality Improvement in Grid Connected Renewable Energy System (2014).
- Performance Investigation of SRF and Neural Network Controlled D-STATCOM Implemented on a Distribution System (2014).
- Integrated System of STATCOM and MPPT Powered PV Module (2014).
- Design of Electric Vehicle Fast DC Charging Station and Grid Integration Ensuring Quality Power Exchange (2014).
- Energy Management in Smart and Sustainable Buildings using Intelligent Control Systems (2013).
- Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected Wind Energy System using STATCOM (2013).
- Reactive Power Controller for Distributed Generation Grid Connected System (2012).
- Power Quality Improvement using Modulated Power Filter Compensator (2012).
- Design and Development of a High Voltage Floating Power Supply with an Ignitron Crowbar System (2011).
- First Rank for M. Tech. Industrial Drives and Control- M.G. University (2008).
- Staff Editor of SAINTGITS College Magazine 2012-2013 which won Consolation Prize for M. G. University Best College Magazine Competition (2014).
Contact Details
Ph: 9446010284
Email: fossy.mary@saintgits.org