Designation: Assistant Professor (FRA)
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech
Professional Experience: Teaching (1 year, 2 months)
- UG: B.Tech in Food Technology
- PG: M.Tech in Food Safety and Quality Management
GKS BUSINESS ASSOCIATE (P) Ltd Aroor, Kerala (Oct 2020- Nov 2020)
- Studied about the plant construction facilities of seafood processing and exporting company.
- Studied about food safety programs like HACCP and SSOP
- Observed Pre-processing, processing , storage, inspection and exporting activities
- Observed processing of various fish species like shrimp etc.
SLS EXPORTS (P) Ltd Kochi, Kerala (June 2018- July 2018)
- Studied about the seafood pre-processing finely
- Observed about the waste management systems effective in the plant
- Studied about the microbiological tests carrying out in the plant frequently.
- Studied about the problems occurs usually during the company auditing and ways to solve it
- Studied about the varieties of rice and its processing.
- Observed various machineries involved in the process
- Studied about the quality checks involved in the product Mac Dowell & Co. Ltd Cherthala, Kerala (June 2017- July 2017)
- Studied about the methods of beer processing
- Studied about different types of beer and difference in its processing
- Studied about the raw materials used for its manufacturing and its storage
MILMA CENTRAL PRODUCTS DAIRY Alappuzha, Kerala (June 2016- July 2016)
- Studied about storage of bulk amount of milk and its packaging
- Studied about the processing of various milk products like ghee, milk peda, butter milk etc.
- Studied about the testing of milk to check the quality
- Studied about the whole selling of milk and collection of mil from small sellers
Development of Bio Sensor for fish products (Sardine, Mackerel and Shrimp)
- M.Tech project, July 2020- May 2021
- The project aimed for the development of pH indicator based bio sensors. Bromo Cresol Purple (BCP) and Methyl Red (MR) are used for that. The sensor is on packaged and shelf life is study is also conducted n atmospheric temperature and in refrigeration condition. The species used are sardine, mackerel and shrimp.
Development of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) from Jackfruit peel and its application in food.
- B.Tech project, August 2018- May 2019
- The project’s objective was a waste product management in low cost by developing carboxy methyl cellulose from jackfruit peel. It can be used as thickeners in food substances like soups, gravies etc.
Development of Vegan Pudding based on banana peel and coconut milk
- Design project (B.Tech), August 2017- December 2017
- The project aimed to develop a new product development, which is vegan as coconut milk is used and also a waste product utilization as banana peel powder is incorporated for fiber.
- High field level 3 certification in HACCP for food manufacturing
- High field level 3 certification in food safety for supervision
Contact Details
Phone No: 8136813108
Email ID: milintha.mtp@saintgits.org