Designation: Assistant Professor Sr
Education: M. Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 10 years
UG : B. Tech. in Civil Engineering (RIT, Govt. Engineering College, Kottayam)
PG : M.Tech. in Structural Engineering (Anna University)
- Milu Mary Jacob, “Experimental Study on Strengthening of RC Short Columns with BFRP Sheets”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 7 No 3.12 (2018): Special Issue 12.
- Amruta mohan, Milu Mary Jacob, “ Experimental Study on Trough Shaped Ferrocement Roofing Elements with SBR Polymer” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Vol. 3, Issue No.4, September 2016
- Arathi Krishna, Milu Mary Jacob, “ Study of Stress Strain Behavior of BFRP confined concrete columns” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Vol. 3, Issue No.4, September 2016
- Milu Mary Jacob, Anjali.,Jyothis ,Jino ,Meeval ,”Pervious concrete pavement with natural fibres”, SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management, ISSN 2394- 8647 Vol.8 No.1, January – June 2015
- Anjali B., Milu Mary Jacob, “Damping Techniques in earthquake resistant structures”, SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management, ISSN 2394- 8647, Vol.6 No.2 July – December 2013
- Dhanya ,Milu Mary Jacob, “Analysis of Multi-Layer Compound Cylinders”, 2nd National Conference – RACE-13, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, September 2013
- Sreelekshmi S., Milu Mary Jacob,”Structural Integrity Assessment on M250 grade Miraging Steel Pressure”, 2nd National Conference–RACE-13, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, September 2013
- Milu Mary Jacob, Rijo Mathews Abraham,A.K.Asraff,R,Muthukumar,”Buckling analysis of shell structures using implicit and explicit FEA codes”, International conference on Recent Developments in Civil Engineering, MIT, Manipal, August 2007
- Milu Mary Jacob“Structural performance of Fibre reinforced self compacting concrete beams(SCC) with openings”, IRJET, 42856
- FDP on Essentials of Research organized by College of Engineering,Thiruvananthapuram, 7th – 13th July 2018.
- FDP on Professional Capacity Based Building Using ETABS sponsored by AICTE & organized by RIT, Kottayam, 4th – 16th Dec 2017.
- Research Methodology Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills sponsored by KSCSTE & organized by SAINTGITS,18th -19th Jan 2018.
- 1 week STTP on “Factor Analysis and Equation modeling for research”, 25th July 2016 to 30th July 2016, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam
- 1 week STTP on “Introduction to Sructural Engineering”, 4th January to 9th January 2016, IIT Kharagpur,Remote center St.Joseph’s College of Engineering,Palai
- 1 week FDP on Engineering Graphics, 16th to 20th June 2014, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
- Co-ordinator of FDP on Steel Concrete Composites, 8th and 9th May 2014, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
- 1 week Short term course on “Modern trends in energy environment and Green Technology”, 21st to 25th April 2014, Cochin University of science and Technology, Kochi
- 2 week ISTE workshop on “Engineering Mechanics”, 26th Nov to 6th Dec 2013, IIT Bombay ,Remote centre SAINTGITS
- 1 week short term course on “Eathquake Resistant Design and Structural Rehabilitation”, 1st to 5th July 2013, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam.
- Co-ordinator of National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering conducted by SAINTGITS College of Engineering 2013.
- 2 week ISTE workshop on ”Introduction to Research Methodologies”, 27th June to 4th July 2012, IIT Bombay, Remote centre SAINTGITS
- Workshop on “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, 20th &21st April 2012, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
- 1 week Short term course on “Structural restoration of Historical Monuments”, 2nd -7th January 2012, IIT Madras, Chennai
- FDP on ANSYS, Nov 2011, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
- Short term course on “Methodology and software for research”, 17th & 18th December,2010, Dept. of CS & MCA, Saintgits College of Engineering.
- 1 week Short term course on “Pedagogic Strategies for creating Effective Learning Environment”, 24th Nov.- 5th Dec 2008, RIT, Kottayam
- Pre International Conference Workshop on “Advanced Finite Element Method and Computational Techniques”, 29th August 2007, MIT, Manipal
- Workshop on “Finite Element Analysis”, 14th June 2007, St. Joseph’s College of Engg and Technology, Palai
- Induction Training Programme on “Effective teaching in technical education”, 21st May – 26th May 2007, CET , Thiruvananthapuram
- Short term course on AUTOCAD, 3rd Feb 2004 – 6th April 2004, RIT,Kottayam
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 51468)
- Member of Institution of Engineers (M-152681-7)
- Life Member of Indian Concrete Institute (LM 9521)
R & D Projects
- Structural response of composite slabs as floor slabs and shear walls-An experimental study funded by CERD on Oct,2017 (Rs.2,00,000).
- Southern Railway, Kayamkulam
- PWD Road Section, Kottayam
- Chandy Homes,Kottayam
- Ramco Cements , Kottayam
Research Interest
- Repair and Rehabilitation
- Earthquake Engineering
- Finite Element Analysis
- Structural Analysis
- Silver Medalist for excellent performance in M.E. degree examination, June 2006.
Contact Details
Phone : +91 9495235119
Email : milu.mary@saintgits.org