Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D. (pursuing)
Professional Experience:
Teaching: 8 years
Research: 6 months
International Journals:
- JADE Based Bidding System for E-Commerce, Prince Abraham, IJIRCCE, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017(impact factor 6.577).
- Advanced Agent Based E-Commerce System, Prince Abraham, IJSETR, Volume 6, Issue 18, May 2017(impact factor 5.7).
- Agent Based E-Barter System, Prince Abraham, IJARCSMS, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017(impact factor 6.0).
- An efficient Fuzzy Based approach for hepatitis Detection, Ancy Sudhakar, Rajalekshmi K D, Prince Abraham, IJIRCEE, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017(impact factor 6.577).
- Energy efficient sleeping technique in cellular networks, Prince Abraham IJARIIT, volume 4 issue 3 may-june 2018 (impact factor 4.295).
- “Image Based Disease Detection and Solution Prediction in Plant Leaves” in International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No: -2456-2165 Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020.
- “Natural disaster possibility prediction using image processing” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) Volume 7 Issue 5 May 2020
- “ALMA – A Story Based 2D Game Using Unity” IN International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021
- “A Decentralized Economy Using Blockchain” in International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021
National Conference:
- Participated and presented a paper titled “WOE: A view into the life of an autistic child” in “National conference on Advances in Smart Computing and Data Science 2019 NCASCS 19” organized by department of computer science, Mar Baselious Christian college of engineering and technology, Kuttikanam in association with ACM student chapter and REACT on 8 th may 2019.
- Presented a paper on Smart car parking with reservation system using QR Generator in the II Global Colloquium on Recent Advancements in Effectual Researches in Engineering Science and Technology RAEREST 2018 during 29 ,21 April 2018 organized by St Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology palai.
Workshop/Seminars Attended:
- Participated NCSOFT (National conference on software Engineering) Conference and seminars conducted by Department of CS, CUSAT (13-14 august, 2013).
- Participated ICDSE 2013(International Conference on Data Science and Engineering) Conference and various seminars conducted by ICDSE.
- Participated in 6 Day FDP on “Scope of Research in Natural Language Processing” organized by department of IT at COE Vadakara” during 5-9 January 2015(TEQIP II).
- Participated in 6 Day FDP on “Recent Trends and Techniques in Digital Image Processing” organized by department of CS at COE Vadakara” during 30 November- 5 December 2015(TEQIP II).
- Participated in 6 Day FDP on “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” organized by department of CS at COE Vadakara” during 19-23 January 2015(TEQIP II).
- Participated In “Professional Development Programme On Big Data Analytics Using Hadoop And R Tool” (21-24 Nov, 2016) By ESCI Hyderabad.
- Participated In Management Development Programme (12-16 July, 2016) By IIM Calicut.
- Participated in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and Image Processing” held at COE Vadakara during 5-6 October 2016(TEQIP II).
- Participated National conference on “Mathematical Modelling and soft computing” 2014 Conference conducted at College of Engineering Vadakara.
- Participated National Conference On “Recent Innovations In Data Science” Conducted By CS Department, College Of Engineering Vadakara And Department Of Cs, Kannur University During 5-6 October 2016.
- Participated in the Pre-Conference Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Its Application on 20 February 2016 conducted by IT department, COE Vadakara and CS Department, Calicut University.
- Participated in 6 Day FDP on “Free and Open Source Technologies” held at COE Vadakara” during 4-9 April 2016(TEQIP II).
- Participated in 5 Day FDP on “ADVANCED NETWORKING” organized by department of IT at COE Vadakara” during 19-23 December 2016(TEQIP II).
- Participated in ISTE STTP on Guidance and Counselling organized by ISTE Staff chapter, SJCET Palai from 4 to 8 December 2017.
- Participated in 28th Annual State Convention of ISTE held at Government College of Engineering Thrissur on 9 th December 2017.
- Participated in 47thISTE National Annual Convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering from 27 to 29 January 2018.
- A-view Coordinator of Face-to-face interaction on 24 February and 17 march 2018 for the 4 week course on College to Corporate program –Technical Skills conducted by IIT Bombay.
- FDP on “Design Thinking” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with SJCET Startup Bootcamp and ACM-SJCET chapter from 9th to 12th July, 2018.
- AICTE-ISTE sponsored refresher programme on “DEEP LEARNING” Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department of College of Engineering Muttathara, Trivandrum (under CAPE, KERALA) DURING DECEMBER 10-15,2019.
- Three Day FDP on “CONCEPT COACHING” conducted at SJCET PALAI 11-13 February 2019.
- AICTE –ISTE REFRESHER PROGRAM ON “INDUCTION TRAINING FOR YOUNG TEACHERS” organized by MECHANICAL Engineering Department, Government Engineering College Trissur during 18/2/2019 to 24/2/2019.
- FDP on Software Engineering(NPTEL) IIT Madras 12-week course done during JULY-OCTOBER 2018.
- FDP on Software Testing(NPTEL) IIT Madras 12-week course done during JULY-OCTOBER 2018.
- FDP on Symbolic Logic(NPTEL) IIT Madras 8-week course done during AUG-SEPT 2018.
- FDP on Database Management Systems(NPTEL)IIT Madras 8-week course done during AUG-SEPT 2018.
- FDP on Discreet Mathematics(NPTEL)IIT Madras 12-week course done during JANUARY-APRIL 2019.
- Completed a course on Intro to python for Data Science from www.Datacamp.com.
- Completed a course on Introduction on SQL for Data Science from www.Datacamp.com.
- MOOC on Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python by Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (EDX-MIT)
- MOOC on Database Management Systems by IIT Madras August-September 2018(NPTEL 8 week course )
- MOOC on Symbolic Logic by IIT Madras August- September 2018(NPTEL 8 week course)
- MOOC on Software Engineering by IIT Madras July- October 2018(NPTEL 12 week course)
- MOOC on Software Testing by IIT Madras July- October 2018(NPTEL 12 week course)
- MOOC on Discreet Mathematics by IIT Madras JANUARY-APRIL 2019(NPTEL 12 week course).
- Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) an online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan and offered through Coursera
Events Organized:
- II National Conference on “Recent Trends in Computational Intelligenceand Image Processing” held at COE Vadakara during 22-23 February 2017(TEQIP II).
- 6 day FDP on “Administering Network Components And Infrastructure Servers” held at COE Vadakara during 23-28 November 2015(TEQIP II).
- 6 Day FDP on “Data Mining And its Applications” held at COE Vadakara” during 4-9 April 2016(TEQIP II).
- Course Coordinator for the 4 week course on College to Corporate program –Technical Skills conducted by IIT Bombay held from February 20 to march 18, 2018 at SJCET Palai.
- ACM(ID NO: 8153716)
Research Interest:
- Deep Learning
- Gate 2012 Qualified With 98.51 Percentile(Score : 566)
Contact Details:
Mobile: 9847129518
Email: prince.a@saintgits.org
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/ prince-abraham-maliyil