Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 6 years
UG : Civil Engineering
PG : Geomechanics and Structures
Publication (latest come first)
International Journals
- The impact of geofoam on the bending moment characteristics of reinforced concrete box culverts for road under bridge (RUB) design, Advances in Construction Materials and Sustainable Environment, Springer, Singapore, 15th December 2021.
- The impact of geofoam on the bending moment characteristics of reinforced concrete box culverts for road under bridge (RUB) design, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Volume 52, Part 4
- National JournalsThermal insulation materials based on water hyacinth for application, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), July 2020
International Conference
- Bearing Capacity of Square Footing on Hybrid Geosynthetic Reinforced Granular Fill over Soft Soil, Second International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON’21)organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT Ernakulam, Kerala, India, 12-15 of May 2021
- Comparative Analysis of the Properties of Building Insulation Materials from Natural and Recycled Resources, Business Innovation and Engineering Conference 2020 (BIEC 2020) held at the School of Business, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia, 28th July 2020.
- Development of Sustainable Masonry Bricks Incorporating Agro – Aquatic Wastes: A Review and Comparative Study, International Conference on Green Energy for Environmental Sustainability (ICGEES – 2020)” Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering of the National Institute of Technology Calicut , [NITC], 8th June 2020.
- Development of sustainable thermal insulation materials from renewable raw material resources: a review, International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology-2020 (ICACSE-2020), GEC Karad and REC Azamgarh,India, May 2020.
- Application of water hyacinth as potential raw material for sustainable construction materials: a review, ICMSC, International conference on modeling and stimulation in Civil engineering, December 2019
National Conference
- A comparative study of different kinematics- based methods to predict the time of slope failure, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 04-01-2021
- Comparison of compacted methods and model study on pineapple leaf fiber reinforced clay, Proceedings of National conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering(DICE’19) conducted by Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam
- Model Study on Slope Failure Subjected to Rainfall, Proceedings of National conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering(DICE’19) conducted by Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam
- National Conference on Innovative Practices in Civil Engineering(IPCE’15), Mar Baselios Institute of Technology and Sciences, 2015
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Geomechnics for Structural Engineers, AICTE – ATAL FDP, Saintgits Collegeof Engineering, Kottayam, December 1-5, 2021
- Nurturing Autonomy, IQAC, Saintgits College of Engineering, September 29,2021.
- Illustrating the instrument approach and other critical facilities at an airport for enhanced safety of landing aircrafts, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with IE(I) student’s chapter, September 9, 2020
- Sustainable Pavement Design for Low Volume Roads, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, February 29,2020
- Resolving complex Environmental issues – A futuristic approach, Sponsored by Directorate of Environment and Climate Change (DoECC), Government of Kerala. Saintgits College of Engineering, February 15-16,2019,
- AICTE- ISTE Induction/ Refresher Programme on Induction Training for young Teachers, February 19 -24, 2019, GEC, Thrissur
- Renewable Energy Conversion and Management, April 23-27, 2018, KTU & Saintgits College of Engineering
- Induction Training Programme for Young Teachers, December 19-21, 2017, KTU & College of Engineering, Kidangoor
- ANSYS Workbench Training, Saintgits College of Engineering, July 19-21, 2017
- An Introduction on to Outcome based learning, Marbaselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade, Idukki, 2017
- Energy Congress 2K17 @Kuttikkanam, Marbaselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade, Idukki, 2017
- Good to Great, Marbaselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade, Idukki, 2016
- 2nd Two day Faculty Development Programme on “Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures”, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with I.C.I Saintgits chapter and I.S.T.E saintgits chapte, 2014
- 2nd National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering(RACE’13), SaintGits College of Engineering, 2013
- Training programme on Primavera Contractor, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, 2011
Events Organized
1. One day workshop on Brief Introduction to Plaxis 3D
- Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)
Research Interest
- Geotechnical Engineering
R & D Projects
- Influence of fill height on bending and shear behaviour of two cell RCC skew box culverts for Road Under Bridge (RUB) design- Funded by KSCSTE
- IGS-AISAT Award 2021 for best M.Tech Thesis in Geotechnical Engineering in Kerala
Contact Details
Email: rakendu.r@saintgits.org