Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: M Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 2.5 years
Non Teaching: 1year
UG : Civil Engineering
PG : Structural Engineering and Construction Management
Publication (latest come first)
International Conference
- Reshma B. Philip, Anu Mohan, B Akhila, Anjali Alexander, Jacob Mathew (2022), “Comparative study of conventional slab with slab constructed using AAC block and steel grid” Materials Today: Proceedings (ELSIVIER), Proceedings of ICCMS 2021
- Reshma B. Philip, V. S. Ajay, Amal K. Reji, S. Athulya, Asween Santhosh (2021), “Partial Replacement of Cement with Coconut Husk Ash: A Review” Advances in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Applications, Proceedings of iCADMA 2020, Part of the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME)
- Reshma B Philip, Gowri Nanda Das, Sanjay K Kuriakose, Dani Jacob and Aarathi Prabha S (2021), “Uncontaminating Concrete Mix Using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash: A Review on its Hardened Properties” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1017, Proceedings of iCADMA 2020
- Reshma B Philip and Er. Manoj CM (2018),”Effects of short column behaviour on the seismic performance of a reinforced concrete structure on sloping lot”. Proceedings of IIIrd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering and Architecture (ETCEA) conducted by Trinity College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram on 13th March 2018
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Mix Design Workshop organized by DH Academy
- A webinar series on Advanced Concrete Technology organized by ICI
- FDP on Current Scenario and Emerging Trends in Construction Management organized by TocH Institute of Science and Technology, Arakkunnam
- FDP on Proffessional Ethics organized by Providence College of Engineering, Chengannur
- FDP on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing organized by Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor
- Charted Engineer and Associate Member of Institution of Engineers (India)
- Life Member of Indian Concrete Institute
- Associate Member of Indian Association of Structural Engineers
Research Interest
- Concrete Technology
- Structural Analysis and Design
Contact Details
Ph: 8281626094
Email: annareshma50@gmail.com/reshma.bp@saintgits.org
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/reshmabphilip/