Designation : Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M.E
Professional Experience
Teaching : 8 years 7 months
Non Teaching: 10 Months
UG : B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
PG : M.E Computer Science and Engineering
International Journals
- Shopping Spree: A Location Based Shopping Application, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) Exploring Innovation | ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online) Volume 8, Issue 6, August 2019
- Mining of Frequent Itemset in Hadoop, Kavitha Mohan, Talit Sara George, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2017 ISSN No: 2321-9653
- Link-Correlation-Aware Opportunistic Routing with EEC for Effective Packet Recovery, Linu Susan Lal, Talit Sara George, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 05, Issue 07 ISSN (Online): 2278-0181, July 2016
- IET, 23 January 2014 Electronic ISBN:978-1-84919-797-7
- On Time Rendering with Failover of Tasks in Multicloud Clustering, Talit Sara George, V.P. Sreekantha Kumar, Networking and Communication Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology. Volume 4 Issue 8 2012.
International Conference
- Presented paper entitled “On demand provisioning of Tasks using clustering in Multicloud” in ICCCE2012 International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering at Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai.
- Presented paper on “Multicloud computing for on-demand resource provisioning using clustering”, in IET Chennai 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Systems (SEISCON 2012) at Vivekanadha College of Technology for Women ,Chennai.
National Conference
- Presented paper entitled “Dynamic Provisioning of Tasks using Clustering in Multicloud”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing Technology.
- Presented paper entitled “Multicloud Computing for on demand Resource Provisioning using Clustering”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computation and Information Technology.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Completed the course Create a Project Charter with Google Docs authorized by Coursera Project Network and offered through Coursera, Feb 2, 2023.
- Participated in Microsoft India & SAP India led Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence” organized in collaboration with ASAP Kerala under TechSaksham Program from “22nd February 2022 – 25th February 2022”.
- Completed 1 week AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on“Advances in Cyber Security” held during 19.012022 to 25.01.2022.
- Completed ICT Academy of Kerala’s instructor-led Virtual FDP on “Modern Web Application Development with MEAN stack” during January 2022
- Completed online certification course on Cryptography and Network security conducted by ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur on March, 2019
- Completed online, non-credit course on IoT Wireless and Cloud Emerging Technologies authorized by Yonsei University, South Korea and offered through Coursera on January, 2019
- Completed online, non-credit course on Big Data Emerging Technologies authorized by Yonsei University, South Korea and offered through Coursera on January, 2019
- Completed the course Problem solving through Programming in C (12 week course) conducted by IIT Kharagpur and offered through NPTEL Online Certification on April,2019
- Participated in a Quality improvement programme on Instructional System Design for Outcome based Education from 2nd to July 7th 2018.
- Participated in ISTE workshop on Computer Programming, May 20th to June 21st 2014 conducted by IIT Bombay
- Participated in ISTE workshop on Computer Networking, May 28th to July 5th, 2014 conducted by IIT Bombay
- Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and IT Security”, 10 & 11 th January 2012.
- National Workshop & Seminar on “Network Simulator NS2”, 4th & 5th March 2011.
Contact Details
Ph : 9446651797
Email : talit.sg@saintgits.org/talitphilip@gmail.com
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/talit-sara-george-692189210/