Designation: Asst. Professor (Senior)
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech
Professional Experience
Teaching : 11.8 years
UG : Electronics and Communication
PG : Signal Processing
International Conference
- ICTT, College Of Engineering Trivandrum – 2010
National Conferences
- Segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means for Motion Detection, NCTT, College Of Engineering Trivandrum – 2011
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- “Simulation and Modeling of Data Communications & Networks 27th July, 2020 31st July, 2020 MGIT Hyderabad.”
- “FDP on Emerging Research Trends in VLSI, MEMS and Signal Processing 10th August, 2020 13th August, 2020 Dept. of ECE in association with IETE, Saintgits College of Engineering.”
- “Recent trends in Communication Technologies 10th August, 2020 14th August, 2020 Bannari Amman Institute of Technolgy, Tamil Nadu.”
- “International FDP on Microsystem Design and Control Engineering 17th September, 2020 20th September, 2020 Department of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with ISTE.”
- “AICTE ATAL FDP on Artificial Intelligence 7th December, 2020 11th December, 2020 Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.”
- “AICTE-ATAL Academy sponsored 5 days online FDP on “”IoT for Wearable Devices”” 11th January, 2021 15th January, 2021 AICTE-ATAL Academy sponsored, Department of Electronics Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala.”
- “5 days online FDP on “”Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education”” 17th May, 2021 21st May, 2021 organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.”
- Workshop on Automotive Power Electronics, SKILL LYNC on 13 June 2020.
- “Nuclear Technology: A Panacea for Global Warming Saintgits College of Engineering 17th July, 2020.”
- “What to do in Covid 19 time? & An Introduction to Statistics and Artificial Intelligence IIT Kanpur 17th July, 2020.”
- “Exploring Applications of Signal and Image processing Amal Jyothi College of Engineering 17th July, 2020.”
- “The Past, Present And Future Of Clean Energy Technologies: A Computational Perspective Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur 21st July, 2020.”
- “International Webinar 2020 University College of Engineering, Kariavattom 22nd July, 2020 to 25th July, 2020.”
- “Sustainable development in the era of COVID Saintgits College of Engineering 23rd July, 2020.”
- “Linear Algebra for Machine Learning Machine Intelligence Research Labs 23rd July, 2020.”
- “Exploring Indian Space Technology, Mission and Engineering roles Amal Jyothi College of Engineering 24th July, 2020.”
- “FDSOI Applications for Advanced Architectures Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology 24th July, 2020.”
- “An Overview of Machine Learning Based Intelligent Computing and Applications Machine Intelligence Research Labs 27th July, 2020.”
- “Future of Robotics in Surveillance Saintgits College of Engineering 28th July, 2020.”
- “Project Proposals Preparation and Funding Opportunities Saintgits College of Engineering 30th July, 2020.”
- “Human Values and Professional Ethics Saintgits College of Engineering 1st August, 2020.”
- “Liberation Through Education – A Gateway to Success Through Engineering Saintgits College of Engineering 3rd August, 2020.”
- “Introduction to Image Processing Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur 5th August, 2020.”
- “Examination Reforms Policy Saintgits College of Engineering 25th August, 2020.”
- “ROBOTICS: FROM FICTION TO SCIENCE Saintgits College of Engineering 19th September, 2020.”
- ISTE sponsored 3 Day FDP on IoT using single board computers (Raspberry PI).
- “Perspectives of Ham Radio” by Dr. K. Jayakumar, Mr. Alex Kuncheria and Mr. Thomas Chacko.
- Workshop on Arduino by Dr. Binu K Mathew.
- MathWorks 5 day faculty training on Machine Learning with MATLAB and Simulink and Embedded Coder.
- 5day FDP on Robotics and Control by RA Dept.,Adi Sankara Institute of Engineering Technology,Kalady,19/4/2021 to 23/4/2021.
Events Organized
- IoT Workshop conducted by IIT Varanasi.
- Faculty Development Programme on “WORKSHOP ON ANALOG CIRCUITS” by Department of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation sponsored by Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)-SAINTGITS chapter 18/4/ 2018 to 23/4/2018
- Talk on Robotics from Fiction to Science by Er. Harinarayanan Nampoothiri M G.
- Workshop on Arduino by Dr. Binu K Mathew.
- Institution of Engineers India IE(I)
Research Interest
- Digital Signal Processing
- Digital Image Processing
- Signals and Systems
- Digital Electronics
- Soft Computing
- Analog Integrated Circuits
- Signal Communication
- Topics in Computer Vision
- Solid State Devices
- Computer Networks
- Design and Engineering
- Communication Engineering
R & D Projects
- Design and Development of Data Logging and Supervisory Control System for Precision Agriculture and Allied Sectors.
- IoT based Real Time Air & Noise Pollution Alert system for Asthma and Angina Patients.
- Intelligent Real Time Student Tracking System.
- ‘IoT based automated toll collection using RFID or NFC.
- Number Plate Recognition System For Toll Collection.
- Safe And Secure Data Hiding Technology Using Encrypted Image.
- Wireless And Wearable System For Evaluating Driver Vigilance.
- Car Black Box Based On Embedded System.
Contact Details
Phone: 9447792014
Email: agitha.ms@saintgits.org
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/agitha-m-s-ae-715a1824b