Designation: Assistant Professor – Special Grade
Area: Applied Electronics
Education: B.Tech, M.Tech.
Professional Experience
Teaching : 17 yrs
UG : Applied Electronics& Instrumentation
PG : VLSI& Embedded Systems
International Conferences
- Rizwana Akbar, Vinayakumar B, Dr.Mahendran N, Dr.Binson V A, Harinarayanan Nampoothiri M G,Jyothi Krishnan M, “Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of a Gravitational Water Vortex Power Plant for Enhanced Power Generation”, IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering(October 2023), Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, Kottayam, Kerala
- Rizwana Akbar, Binson V A, Nisha Thankachan “ Design and construction of a portable e nose system for human exhaled breathe VOC analysis”, International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Energy systems(AIES 2021), St:Joseph’s
College of Engineering, Pala - Rizwana Akbar, “FPCA Based Carry Save Adder ”, International Conference at Saintgits College of Engineering (ICGITS 2013), Pathamuttom, Kottayam, Kerala
- Rizwana Akbar, “High Speed Interconnects-3GIO Topology ”,International Conference at Saintgits College of Engineering (ICVCI 2011), Pathamuttom, Kottayam, Kerala
- Rizwana Akbar, “Application Of Neural Networks In Classifying Digital Modulation”,International Conference at Saintgits College of Engineering (ICVCOM 2009), Pathamuttom, Kottayam, Kerala.
National Conferences
- Carry Save Arithmetic Using Field Programmable Counter Array (3, 4 & 5 October 2012). National Conference At Sree Buddha College Of Engineering (VESTA 12),Pattoor, Alappuzha, Kerala
- High Speed Downlink Packet Access (14 & 15 March 2008). National Conference at Saintgits College of Engineering (NC-VCOM), Pathamuttom, Kottayam, Kerala
Workshops Attended:
- International conference on Transformation in Engineering Education(ICTIEE) held at Vidyavardhaka college of Engineering, Mysuru in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education(IUCEE) from 5 th January to 8 th January 2023.
- FDP on ‘Physical Design and verification using Cadence’ conducted by Saintgits college of engineering from 14th to 16th March 2022.
- FDP on IoT based autonomous Robot design sponsored by KTU& organized by Vimal Jyothi Engineering college Kannur from 28 th to 30 th April 2021
- ATAL academy FDP on IoT from 12 th to 16 th October 2020.
- ATAL academy FDP on Biomedical Instrumentation& IoT from 21 st to 25 th September 2020.
- FDP on emerging research trends in VLSI, MEMS& Signal Processing organized by Saintgits college of Engineering from 10 th August to 13 th August 2020.
- FDP on pervasive Industrial Competence organized by NSS college of Engineering Palakkad from 29 th July to 2 nd August 2020.
- Engineering Education Research Course 2019-20 , June 2020
- IUCEE International Engineering Educator Certification Programme July 2018 to January 2019.
- Training programme on Embedded Coder for Production Code Generation, January 11, 2019
- Training programme on Control system Design with MATLAB& Simulink, January 9& 10 2019.
- Training programme on Machine Learning with MATLAB, January 7& 8 , 2019
- Workshop on Android Development using MI2 App inventor, conducted by Saintgits college of Engineering on 30 th July 2018.
- ISTE FDP on “ Workshop on Analog Circuits” from 18 th to 24 th April 2018.
- IUCEE International Engineering Educator Pre certification Workshop, January 11 th to 13 th 2018
- Workshop on Introduction to ARDUINO programming conducted by Saintgits college of Engineering on 30 th November 2017.
- ISTE STTP on CMOS, Mixed signal and radio frequency VLSI Design conducted by IIT, Kharagpur from 30 th January to 14 th February 2017
- Workshop on Patent Drafting and IPR Development sponsored by KSCSTE on 21 st January 2017.
- Workshop on Industrial Automation by Prolific Systems& technologies from 9 th December to 13 th December 2013.
- ISTE workshop on Creative teaching by Amal Jyothi college of Engg, Kanjirappally on 5 th October 2013.
- Labview core 1& core 2 by NI systems from 7 th January to 11 th January 2013
- FDP on Digital Logic Design Using HDL conducted by saintgits college of Engineering from 21 st December to 22 nd December 2010
- STTP on Research trends in Embedded systems& signal processing sponsored by ISTE& organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 28 th October to 3 rd November 2009
- FDP on ARM Processors conducted by Saintgits college of Engineering from4th January to 5 th January 2008.
- Workshop on EDA tools by Amal Jyothi college of Engg, Kanjirappally on2nd& 3 rd August 2007.
- FDP on Electromagnetic Field Theory conducted by Saintgits college of Engineering from 11 th December to 16 th December 2006.
- Workshop on Embedded systems conducted by Saintgits college of Engineering from 2 nd September to 3 rd September 2005.
Conferences Attended:
- National conference on VLSI & communication NC – VCom 2007
- National conference on Emerging trends in engg. & Technology
- National conference on VLSI & Communication 2008
- International conference on VLSI & communication
- ICVCI 2011
- National coference on VLSI & Embedded systems technology advancements
- ICGITS 2013
Events Organized
- Coordinator of FDP on Communication and Robotics System Modeling with Matlab and Simulink organized by the Department of Electronics in association with CoreEl Technologies, Bangalore from 19.10.2023 to 23.10.2023.
- Faculty coordinator of Srishti 2019.
- National level workshop on “IoT- Internet of Things” an outreach workshop of
- Technex’17, IIT Varanasi on 27 th & 28 th October, 2016.
- Faculty coordinator of Sferics 2014.
Research Interest
- Biomedical
- IoT and Embedded Systems
Symposiums Attended:
- Research trends in Embedded systems and signal processing
FDP Attended:
- Digital Logic Design Using HDL
- ARM processors
- Electromagnetic field Theory
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education
- Member of Institution of Engineers
Workshops Organized:
- IoT conducted by IIT Varanasi
Symposiums Organized:
- Sferics 2014
Contact Details
Mobile: +91 9995307863
Email: rizwana.akbar@saintgits.org
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/rizwana-ae-828433126